Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren and many politicians, as well as academia, advocate Socialism; the National Debt doubled…increased by $10 trillion to $20 trillion during President Obama’s 8 years; annual Gross Domestic Product growth under 2% for Obama’s entire reign; …ad infinitum.  Currently, President Biden is creating a far worse record with very high inflation and needless deficit spending.  Is Capitalism to blame for America’s woes under Presidents Obama and Biden or did President Trump prove that Capitalism is the solution to our Nation’s economic problems through the economic miracle he created while President?

Let’s take a closer look, first with very brief definitions of Capitalism and Socialism so we’re clear as to what we’re talking about.  From the book, ‘isms and ‘ologies by Arthur Goldwag, Capitalism is the “free exchange of goods in a competitive marketplace.”  Also, in that book, “Socialism” is defined as the opposite of “Capitalism.”  Further, “In socialist economies, the means of production are either controlled by or directly owned by the state…” European and Nordic countries are not socialist, but simply are capitalist countries with many welfare benefits, free healthcare, and very high taxes.

Capitalism is fueled by a motive to make profits and it does this by providing goods and services that consumers want and at a price that can beat competitors’ prices who also provide similar goods and services.  This forces capitalists to constantly improve quality and undercut competitors’ prices.   Socialism eliminates the profit motive and therefore satisfies some people’s altruistic side and also attempts to redistribute wealth from the “haves” to the “have-nots,” satisfying some people’s idea of fairness.  Because in Socialism there is no continuous need to improve efficiency and effectiveness, there usually is significant waste and inefficiencies.  Capitalists would argue that they earn their profits, attending college for many years and then working 70-80-hour workweeks… and it’s their taxed profits that enables government to have the money to help others.

Capitalism creates wealth,  which then is taxed and used to help the poor and needy.  Socialism makes equality of outcomes most important, consequently leading to everyone being equally poor with no large sums of funds available for government and charities to help those in need.  Socialism takes away the incentive for people to work hard and excel to provide for themselves and their families.  In 2019, the top 50% of taxpayers paid 96% of all Federal taxes.  The bottom 50% of taxpayers paid 3.6% of Federal income taxes.

Government is usually the culprit behind much fraud, unemployment and economic downturn and  is responsible for our current economic woes.  Loans to people unable to repay them was the precipitating event that caused the 2007-8 economic downturn.  Quasi-government Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac forced banks, with threats of lawsuits, to make those bad loans.  Therefore, to have the government fully control the economy is insanity.  Government does not understand business, does not understand how jobs are created, does not comprehend how many of its regulations, especially “Obamacare,” are destroying the economy.

The Dodd-Frank Bill, proposed by and named after two of the most significant initiators of the 2008 economic downturn (Congressman Barney Frank and Senator Chris Dodd), was truly absurd.  For all of its harm to small banks and to the economy, it didn’t even address the cause of the downturn, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

So, let’s answer our two basic questions, “Is Capitalism Ethical”, “Does Socialism Work?”  Capitalism is a huge engine for job creation and wealth to the extent that the Pacific Rim countries have embraced it, as well as China (and they are all becoming wealthy fast)…and there’s nothing unethical about making a reasonable profit for providing goods or services.   Socialism, on the other hand,  can be forced to work, but at the cost of civil liberties, prosperity, unemployment, and political interference in all aspects of our lives.

Finally, how about some people becoming billionaires?  Is it ethical for anyone becoming that wealthy?  Huge wealth is certainly a possibility and a reality under Capitalism.  However, very wealthy people pay most of the taxes and also eventually give away much of their wealth, after providing for their families and to charities, which use it much more wisely than the government ever will. Finally, if you still have a problem with Capitalism, then call it “free enterprise” which means the same thing but is more descriptive and uncontroversial.  And if you’re still unconvinced if socialism works or has ever worked, just check out what’s happening in Venezuela, and if you think Socialism is great, then continue to vote for Democrats and be prepared for the continued decline of the United States.




For the past 75 years the Democrat Party has promoted itself as helping the poor, African-Americans, women, and the “little guy.”  Today’s modern Democrat Party says that it is the self-avowed champion of illegal immigrants.  I contend that it has never been true, and is actually hurting illegal immigrants, the poor, women, and African-Americans and is no friend to these groups.  This is how it is doing this:

  1. Because illegal immigrants will work for lower wages, they push down the wages that employers pay to their other workers, many of whom are legal immigrants, unskilled workers and the poor.
  2. Democrat propaganda says that African-Americans are continually discriminated against so many believe that they are victims and buy into the victimhood mentality and adopt defeatist attitudes and therefore don’t even attempt to excel and achieve the “American dream” because they have been brainwashed to believe it’s useless.
  3. Many female migrants traveling north to cross the U.S.’ southern border have been sexually assaulted along their journey, so encouraging illegal immigration hurts many women.
  4. Mexican cartels use illegal immigrants crossing he U.S. border to lure Border Patrol agents to other parts of the border so that they can smuggle illegal drugs, and illegal “got-aways”  that are criminals in their countries, into the U.S. much easier, so open borders is very harmful to Americans. Democrat policy is to support open border which enables the cartels.
  5. Human trafficking is rampant through the southern border and is made possible by the cartels who charge large fees to the immigrants or have them work for them in the illegal drug trade or prostitution.  Democrat policy is support open borders which enables human trafficking.
  6. When its advocacy of a $15/hour minimum wage is made mandatory, like in Seattle, many “starter” and “beginning-wage” jobs are eliminated, thus removing the first step of career ladders that unskilled workers need to join the workforce.
  7. The Democrat policy to outlaw guns denies law-abiding women, poor, and minorities the capability to defend themselves from criminals with guns, which is especially important to them because crime is usually high in their neighborhoods.
  8. Democrat advocacy and funding of Planned Parenthood, whose clinics are mostly located in Black neighborhoods, support abortions in line with the Eugenics movement promulgated by its founder, Margaret Sanger.
  9. The Democrat Party encourages and advocates dependency on government as one of its major methods of recruiting and retaining its voter base.
  10. The Democrat Party believes that “the ends justify the means” and its Democrat Presidents consequently have done many illegal acts such as using the IRS, Justice Department and the FBI to combat its enemies (see Mark Levin’s 2021 book, American Marxism; Stephen Moore’s 2022 book, Govzilla).  This often results in their political enemies being impoverished (which was their intention), like general Michael Flynn.
  11. Democrat leadership in all cities where they govern have inner cities, mostly of minorities, that are crime-ridden, dilapidated, and impoverished.  This is a direct result of Democrat policies of Open Borders, Sanctuary Cities, easy-on-crime, banning guns, no-cash bail, high taxes, not supporting local police, rent control, etc., etc., etc..


The Democrat Party has targeted minorities, illegal immigrants, women, and the poor but their policies have actually significantly hurt them.  Once these targeted groups realize this, there should be a backlash. The mainstream media, a Democrat support group, however keeps this lie alive.


About 40 percent of the U.S. dislikes President Trump even though he has accomplished more than any other President that I’ve seen in the last 65 years that I followed politics.  Since I went to the same school as the President (Wharton, U. of Pennsylvania  (but the government side, not the finance side) and am a little older (81), I decided that my opinion might be helpful.

I love what President Trump did to make America stronger and more successful and therefore would like to see him elected so as to fix America’s huge problems that were created by the far-left Biden Administration and the Democrat Party like immigration, the military, and the economy. Trump can only tackle these problems as President. Other issues President Trump can resolve  in a second term involve Ukraine, Russia, China, Iran and North Korea..

If Trump has accomplished so much for America, then why do so many Americans dislike or even hate him and what can President Trump do to turn  this around and be re-elected?

Americans who give President Trump low marks use his style and watch and read mostly the mainstream media such as The New York Times and Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, etc.  These outlets are really the PR arms of the Democrat Party and rarely are accurate or unbiased and simply did not report on President Trump’s numerous accomplishments.  Moreover, Google with 92% of the search engine market and a very liberal bias, uses SEME (search engine manipulation effect) that can change voter sentiment by 37-63 %.  On the other hand, Americans who support the President look at his actions and forgive his sometimes lack-of-a-good bedside manner.  They realize that he was a real estate developer in a very tough neighborhood (New York) and evolved accordingly.  Moreover, they really appreciate the President being blunt, on their side and fighting for them against some bad actors like China, North Korea and Iran…and they get news from Fox, One, Newsmax, X, etc. so they usually hear both sides of issues.

I believe that President Trump will go down in history as being one of our greatest, if not the greatest President.  If you think that this is not so, or even worse, you really dislike President Trump, you are unaware of the hundreds of accomplishments he has made to improve the lives of Americans.  Moreover, as most countries throughout the world confront chaos from China, Russia, Iran and North Korea,, it will be president Trump that saves the U.S. from worldwide conflict. Watch what he does, as reported by an honest media outlet, and you should like him.


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Will the 2024 presidential election be stolen? Maybe! We have to thoroughly examine the 2020 election to help us answer this important question because the U.S. cannot withstand another four years of Democrat-Party rule. All of this to then put in place strong effective safeguards to protect the integrity of the election.

I believe there is no question that the 2020 Presidential election was stolen…that President Trump won re-election by a huge landslide.  However, he lost his re-election challenges in the State courts as well as in the Supreme Court, so how can this be?  It’s important to discover what really happened so that it can be prevented from happening again. Let’s check out some of the things that happened…

1. Time magazine article of February 15, 2021, “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election,” by Leslie Dickstein, Mariah Espada and Simmone Shah.

This lengthy Time Magazine article is essentially a victory-lap by the Left on their collusion and coordination in defeating Donald Trump’s re-election.  It’s objectivity is easily assessed by closely scrutinizing a quote allegedly by President Trump at his protest rally on January 6.  Time says that “he told them to go to the Capitol and ‘fight like  hell.'” The remainder of Trump’s comment that Time left off is:  “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”  Do you think Time accidentally simply left off the exculpatory phrase?

I included it first because many people have no idea that this type of collusion went on, though the Time article only a addressed the legal coordination, and none of the illegal fraud.

2. Dr. Peter Navarro’s three-part, 82-page report and analysis: 1)”The Immaculate Deception: Six Key Dimensions of Election Irregularities”; 2)”The Art of the Steal”; 3)”Yes, President Trump Won: The Case, Evidence, & Statistical Receipts”.  

Peter K. Navarro has a Ph D in economics from Harvard University and was a Professor emeritus for economics and public policy at the University of California-Irvine for more than 20 years before becoming Assistant to President Trump.  His 82-page three reports and analyses provide the details of the election fraud committed in the six battleground states that was far more than enough to steal the 2020 Presidential election from President Trump.  I was only able to obtain this report using the “DuckDuckGo” search engine.

3. The book, Rigged: How Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections,  by Mollie Hemingway.                           

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Mollie Z. Hemingway is a brilliant investigative journalist who explains the election fraud committed in the 2020 Presidential election, including censorship by Big Tech, the Press concealing unfavorable news about Joe Biden, the Democrat Party manipulating the Covid crisis to make voter fraud much easier, and how Mark Zuckerberg used over $400 million to help steal the election.

4. The movie, “2,000 Mules,” by Dinesh D’Souza.

This documentary exposes some of the massive fraud used to steal the election from the American public.  It’s different from the other fraud that’s already been exposed extensively but which, of course, you’ll never see on Mainstream Media (New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angelis Times, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, etc.).  It does this using: 1) geotracking, and 2) videotaping.

Geotracking was used to monitor the cell phone movements of paid criminal ballot-traffickers (“Mules”) that deliver them to the mail drop-boxes. The videotape was obtained from official State surveillance cameras, where you see Mules stuffing ballot boxes with fraudulent ballots.

5. Presentations aired on One America News (OAN) TV network by Mike Lindell.

Mike Lindell, aka: :”The Pillow Guy,” spent millions of his own money to have computer and cyber-security experts analyze the 2020 Presidential election for election and voter fraud.  The analysis and its findings were aired on One America News in multiple presentations (which I taped), called “Absolute Proof,” and “Absolute Interference,” and “Absolutely 9-0.” It actually shows numerous screen shots of tallies of votes being switched in many precincts, mostly by China, in the “Battleground” States from Trump to Biden. Taken all together, President Trump won by a huge landslide.  The official tally had Biden winning by 81,000,000 to 74,000,000, but the real tally was 80,000,000 Trump to 68,000,000 Biden.  President Trump cost China hundreds of billions through the tariffs that he had imposed, so for our foreign adversaries, the massive vote-flipping operation  was worth the risk and cost of the operation.

Political opponents to Trump call Lindell’s “Absolute” series a “Conspiracy Theory.”  I saw the video data of the flipping and the operation…it’s a “Conspiracy Proven Fact,” not “Theory.”

6. Suppression of news that would have affected the election.

It’s no longer a secret that the FBI persuaded Mark Zuckerberg (according to an interview with Zuckerberg) to prevent on Facebook any mention of Hunter Biden’s laptop and its evidence of his father’s involvement in taking bribes from Ukraine, Russia and China.  Mainstream Media also banned any mention of the laptop scandal though the source of the information was the New York Post, a reliable source of news.  Countless other stories were buried by the Press and “Big Tech” who covered-up the news rather than covering  it when it didn’t fit their pro-Biden, anti-Trump narrative.

I included this information because about 10% of people who voted for Joe Biden said that they would not have voted for him had they known about the information on Hunter’s laptop implicating his father, which is enough votes to have swung the election to Trump.

7. Democrat Party pushed changes to State election laws/rules. 

Although the U.S. Constitution stipulates that State Legislatures are in charge of running elections, State courts instead have mandated changes in State election procedures that facilitated widespread voter and election fraud, enabling the election to be stolen from President Trump.  Changes such as allowing mail-in votes to be counted after the election, even if they had no postmark on them, not requiring signature verification, canvassing ballots, etc., etc., ad infinitum.  Moreover, when election irregularities were challenged in State courts, the evidence proving the fraud wasn’t even heard.  The same thing happened in the Supreme Court, thanks to Chief Justice John Roberts.

8. “The Big Fraud” by Troy E. Nehls (see chapter 8, “The 2020 Win by All Means Election”)

Congressman Nehls was a new congressman and had just taken office on January 6 and therefore actually witnessed what happened in the Capitol building.  In his thorough book, he explains why there is no doubt that Donald Trump won that election.

9. “Internal Radical Service” by David Horowitz and John Perazzo: Abuse of Taxpayer Dollars to Advance Leftwing Causes Illegally and Unconstitutionally 

This book supplies all of the details and specifics of some of the massive fraud in the 2020 election buy numerous tax-exempt NGOs, including the $419.5 million that the Zuckerbergs donated to fraudently swing the election to Joe Biden.


The 2020 Presidential election was a farce, worthy of the worst of “Third-World” countries and dictatorships.  The United States is well on its way to being taken over by malevolent forces in the best tradition of George Orwell’s “1984,”  and Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged” (otherwise known as the Democrat Playbooks).  Conspiracy Theory?  A “Big Lie”?  Check out Mark Levin’s “American Marxism” and Pete Hegseth’s “Battle for the American Mind,” among many others.  Can it be stopped? The Democrat Party needs to rid itself of its Far-Left cancer, but only voters can do this by watching the actions of their political leaders, not simply listening to their B.S., and voting the “Crazies” out of office.

The Mainstream News Media is corrupt and an arm of the Democrat Party…it cannot be believed about anything…it should just report the facts and do genuine investigative reporting but I don’t think this will ever happen.  Also, Big Tech needs to be forced out of the political censorship business where it does not belong and does not know what it’s doing and consequently is destroying our Country.  Finally, the Republican Party needs to toughen up and do politics as if the fate of the Country and its people depended on it, because it does.  First order, Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell, must depart because he’s far too timid (as well as corrupt) to lead the battle in the Senate which needs a very strong leader to stand up to the “Woke” Crazies on the Left and the RINOs (Republicans in name only) on the Right.  May God help us.

So will the 2024 presidential election be stolen?  Not if Donald Trump can put sufficient safeguards in place tp prevent it.  As of this writing I’d say “perhaps.”






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A hot political issue is income inequality.  The heart of the debate is that it doesn’t seem fair for some people to make millions while others are living close to or in poverty.  The government already redistributes wealth through taxes and a variety of welfare programs including food stamps, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, etc., but advocates want to see a lot more.  Is this fair?  Is it feasible? Are there unintended consequences for even more income redistribution?  Let’s check it out by first reviewing the scope of the problem:  according to the latest data, the wealthiest 1% of taxpayers pay about 40% of all individual Federal income taxes and the wealthiest 10% pay about 70%.  However, the bottom 50% of taxpayers only pay about 3% of all Federal income taxes.

The United States’ economy is fueled by free enterprise, also known as Capitalism. Being able to make a better life for yourself and your family motivates people to devote the time, energy and work necessary to become financially successful.  This system, however, does result in some being very rich and some being poor.  Free enterprise, as practiced in the United States, contains economic safety nets to help ensure that no one is destitute.  Even so, some will still be bad off.  Here’s where charities play a large roll, as well as simple government policies, such as those that require that hospitals treat everyone, even when they can’t pay.

For average-income Americans, the Social Security Administration has reported that in 2020, the medium household income was $34,612.  This poor record was the fault of the Federal government in over-regulating businesses, until recently having an absurdly high (35%) corporate income tax rate that forced U.S. companies to relocate overseas where rates were much lower, as well as having had high individual tax rates (since many small businesses file as individuals).  All of these policies are still advocated  by the Democrat Party, who, in the same breath, say they’re for the “little guy” and for the poor.

Free enterprise is not perfect but has moved billions of people out of poverty in India, China and many other countries. Winston Churchill said that, “the inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent vice of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.”  Venezuela is the best recent example of how a wealthy capitalist country becomes impoverished when it converts to socialism.  Income inequality naturally occurs under free enterprise but can be somewhat mitigated through the tax system.  I believe that it should therefore be tolerated but great effort made by government and businesses to naturally raise lower incomes to higher incomes. 

Finally, I never got a job from someone poor.  However, when I became relatively well-off, I was able to give temporary, part-time employment to others needing jobs.  Most wealthy people want to help others in this way.  And billionaires eventually give their money away to charities, their families, etc.  However, if the government took away most of the wealthy’s money, it would surely waste it.



Wherever you stand on the abortion issue, partial-birth abortion is probably abhorrent to you, because after 6 months in the womb, there is no question that a fetus looks like and is a baby.  A baby not yet born does not have the protection of the law, however, this is only a technicality…it’s a baby!  If you don’t think so, look at a Sonogram of a baby in the womb and watch the little one move around with his/her heart beating, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy!

My knowledge concerning partial-birth abortion began with Robert Bork’s book, Slouching Towards Gomorrah.  One of the chapters in Bork’s book discusses partial-birth abortion and includes a gruesome description of the procedure.  This sounds like a straightforward issue so why the controversy and the politicization and why is it still legal in many States to abort a baby during the third trimester of pregnancy, especially since there are many couples waiting to adopt infants?  At the very least, partial-birth abortion is infanticide.

Over 61 million babies have been aborted in the U.S. since Roe vs. Wade was decided by the Supreme Court in 1973; over 1.5 billion babies were aborted worldwide since 1980…some of these were partial-birth abortions.  When Judge Bret Kavanaugh was confirmed by the Senate to sit on the Supreme Court, taking Justice Anthony Kennedy’s seat, the political left attempted to make the case that Justice Kavanaugh would try to overturn the Supreme Court’s abortion decision of 1973, Roe vs. Wade, although Kavanaugh referred to that decision as “settled law.”  However, once the Court became comfortably conservative, Roe vs. Wade was overturned via the “Dobbs” decision, which simply left the issue with each State.  Therefore, a ban on late-term or partial-birth abortions is still needed in many States.

The Democrat Party successfully attracts women to be part of its base using the abortion issue, which accounts for the gender gap between male and single female voters.  However, I believe that partial-birth abortion is detested by majorities of both genders and by majorities in both major political parties although it’s being used politically, but only if there are exceptions for rape, incest, and the life-of-the-mother.  The first four to six months of a pregnancy should be enough time for anyone to decide whether or not to abort a pregnancy, thereby rendering partial-birth abortions unnecessary. It’s time to end this horrific practice and forbid abortions after 16-20 weeks or so of pregnancy. Although it’s not everything that everyone wants, for now “half-a-loaf is better than nothing.”


January 6 Stop-the-Steal demonstration

Because I watched, listened to, and taped over 20 hours of testimony documenting overwhelming fraud in the 2020 election, I know that President Trump was re-elected President of the United States.  Those who disagree have not seen or heard the evidence but are simply basing their opinion on what they heard on the news about President Trump’s court challenges being defeated, not knowing that they were defeated based on procedural grounds and that the massive amount of evidence was not even heard before the Court.

In addition to having the 2020 Presidential election stolen, the next consequence of overlooking the massive election fraud was the probable stealing of the January 5 run-off elections for both senators from Georgia using the corrupted vote-counting machines and their malicious software.  However, Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnel, also helped lose both Senate seats by not agreeing to give Americans $2,000 stimulus checks a week before the election.

On January 6 there was a Trump (“Stop the Steal”) rally in Washington where President Trump spoke. Hundreds of thousands of Trump supporters attended it at the Ellipse across from the White House.  Meanwhile, about a mile away, hundreds of right- and left-wing provocateurs, previously planned (according to the FBI) and got positioned at the Capitol by 12:53 pm, which was before the President finished his speech at 1:10 pm.  Demonstrators entered the Capitol building, which interrupted the Congressional election-fraud debate and certification.  Debate resumed hours later  and certified the Electoral College votes.  Media coverage was, as usual, pitiful.  It exploited the violence by accusing President Trump of inciting it.  He did not, but asked his supporters to, “walk down to the Capitol to…cheer on our brave Senators and Congressmen to peacefully and patriotically make our voices heard.” However, as I mentioned, the violent right-and left-wing demonstrators were already there with the intention of  disrupting the Congressional debate on election fraud, which it did.

President Trump pleaded with all after the violence began at the Capitol to go home.  Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, asked that the 25th Amendment (to the Constitution) be invoked to throw President Trump out of office, otherwise the House would impeach him (which it did on January 13 with no witnesses called, no hearings conducted, no language by Trump cited, no legal representation allowed for the President).  In the following days, President Trump appeared on T.V. and said that he was focusing on the peaceful upcoming transition to a Biden Administration.  Later he tweeted that he would not be attending Joe Biden’s inauguration.  Incidentally, Supreme Court Chief Justice, John Roberts, was more responsible than any other government official for the violence at the Capitol by not at least giving a fair hearing to Texas’ lawsuit, joined by 22 other states and the President, because they (allegedly) did not have “standing.”  In other words, it manufactured “lack-of- standing” as the pretext for avoiding doing its job as the court of last resort and gave no recourse to the 74 million plus Americans who knew the election was stolen.

On January 20, 2021, Joe Biden was sworn in as the 46th President of the United States.  What did Trump supporters do with the massive evidence proving that the election was stolen?  I personally taped over 20 hours of it and predict that there is simply too much of it for the issue to go away…and it may even unfortunately eventually lead to serious violence.  Most Trump supporters won’t be placated until there is a thorough investigation.  To add insult to injury, big tech companies and other large corporations penalized anyone who said that the 2020 Presidential election was stolen, which it was.  God help us!



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Joe Biden has been president for over three years so it’s far past the time to assess how he’s doing.  America is doing very poorly in almost every metric and it appears to be almost entirely the Biden Administration’s fault. Biden’s approval polls reflect this, though you would never know it if you only watch Main Stream Media. How did the President destroy the economy, raise inflation, make illegal immigration out of control, mess up our departure from Iraq, weaken the military,  etc., in three years?

While Joe Biden campaigned as a moderate, he governed as a far-left radical.  In addition, President Biden appears to have  diminished mental capacity with other Biden far-left officials and friends actually formulating the policies Biden is implementing.  These are my speculations as to why the Biden Administration has failed at every single endeavor it has engaged in.  If there are any Biden policies or actions you believe have been successful, then your sources of news have been corrupted (CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, New York Times, Washington Post, Time, Newsweek, etc.).  Let’s examine some of President Biden’s policies.


I believe the following issues are the most important to the public: 1) The Economy, 2) Energy Independence, 3) Illegal Immigration/Border Security, 4) Crime, 5) Covid, 6) The Military, 7) Ukraine-Russia, 8) Afghanistan.

1.THE ECONOMY:  To adequately examine the economy, let’s look at a) inflation, b) employment, and  c) GDP (gross domestic product).  Trillions of dollars of unnecessary spending that was requested by the Biden Administration, and approved by the Democrat Congress caused this unprecedented inflation.

a) Inflation hits the poor hardest.  In April ’22, it was 8.3%, though it’s lower now  (in 2020, under Trump, 1.4% inflation).  The cause began with the $1.9 Trillion “2021 American Rescue Plan”.

b) Employment appears to currently be doing well with unemployment at under 4%.  This was expected because of the “V-shaped Recovery” that President Trump enabled with his “across-the-board” tax rate cuts for everyone.

c) Gross Domestic Product (or GDP) measures the total cost of all goods and services produced by the United States.  It actually decreased in the first two quarters of 2022 which traditionally meant  the U.S. was/is in a recession (in 2020, under Trump, GDP growth was 6.5%).

2. ENERGY INDEPENDENCE: On the day he was inaugurated as President, Joe Biden began his war on fossil fuels that he promised during his presidential campaign. He immediately shut down the Keystone and Dakota pipelines and the permitting of oil and gas exploration and drilling on Federal lands.  He discouraged financial institutions from loaning money to oil and gas companies and significantly raised fees for existing oil and gas leases on Federal lands.  He’s now stopped very large  oil and gas leases in Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico.

The consequences of all of the aforementioned is the price of gas significantly increasing in price as well as the 6,000 products made from oil significantly increasing in price.  Most consumer products are trucked to their destination so their prices have also necessarily vastly increased because of the cost of fuel that transports them.

3. ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION-BORDER SECURITY: 2020 Presidential candidate, Joe Biden, promised “open borders” if elected President, as did all of the other primary election Democrat candidates.  Since being elected, illegal immigration has vastly increased to over 200,000/month and was expected to triple if Title 42 is ever lifted (it didn’t) Most of the illegals are young single men, some of whom (the “got-aways”) carry backpacks containing Fentanyl and other illegal drugs in order to pay the cartels their $4,000-$8,000 fee to cross the U.S. southern border.  Moreover, there are a number of criminals intermingled with non-criminals…human trafficking is also rampant.

4. CRIME:  The Democrat-supported “Defund the Police” movement that coincided with the 574 riots that took place in the summer of 2020, destroyed countless small businesses, including many black-owned businesses.  Even V.P. Kamala Harris got involved by raising money to bail out rioters. The January 6 protest in the U.S. now appears to have been directed by a FBI-collaborator (Ray Epps) and arranged by the Democratic Party.  Democrat District Attorneys in Democrat-run cities are not prosecuting many classes of misdemeanors resulting in crime increasing exponentially in those cities.  Moreover, the-illegal the protests around Supreme Court justices over the then-draft Roe vs. Wade Alito opinion, were not investigated by the US Department of Justice nor condemned by the Biden Administration.  All of the aforementioned leads me to ask the obvious question, “why is the Democrat Party soft on crime,” and why isn’t the Department of Justice doing its job?

5. COVID: Response to Covid by the Federal and most State governments were a combination of incompetence, anti-science, and political malfeasance The victims of this chaos was the American public, many of whom lost their lives, their livelihoods, or their health and well-being.  Unnecessary lockdowns of the economy hurt many State and localities, and mandatory vaccinations resulted in many people being unnecessarily fired, including from some critical jobs and the military.  Moreover, CDC (centers for Disease Control) officials were not transparent in their decisions, nor did they recognize the obvious, like the superiority of the natural immunity acquired when one caught the virus.  Consequently, a one-year pandemic has lasted years!  Why did States and the Federal government do what they did?

6. THE MILITARY: China is in the process of surpassing the U.S. military.  Its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is very close in size to the United States and therefore China has the money to spend on its military for China to become a superpower like the U.S.  Fortunately it’s still  behind in nuclear weapons.  Russia does have a large nuclear arsenal to match the U.S.  It also has, unlike the U.S., many small tactical battlefield nuclear weapons, which Ukraine may eventually see. Recently, it has demonstrated its hypersonic missiles which are so fast and travel so close to the ground that they can’t be shot down.

While our adversaries are getting stronger, the U.S. military’s budget was increased only enough to keep up with inflation.  Also, U.S. military leadership is emphasizing teaching CRT (critical race theory) to all of our troops.  Our military has also fired soldiers that refused to be vaccinated. Why?

7. UKRAINE-RUSSIA:  Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022 with the expectation of defeating Ukraine in a few days.  That was years ago and Ukraine is still fighting and holding its own against Russia, using mostly American weapons.  To date the U.S. has given many billions to Ukraine, all of the money being given is borrowed and will add to U.S. inflation.  Meanwhile, the Ukraine-Russia war probably could have been avoided had President Biden started arming Ukraine when Russia started moving troops to its border with Ukraine, and if he refused Ukraine membership into NATO (instead of signing an agreement to support Ukraine).  Why?

8. AFGHANISTAN:  Unilaterally (with no consultation with other world leaders), President Biden changed the U.S. departure date from Afghanistan to August 31, 2021. as well as not adhering to the Trump policy of making the departure “conditions-based.”  He also made the departure site the Kabul airport and asked the Taliban to oversee the departure of all civilians.  Consequently, 13 American soldiers were killed, over 100 Americans and tens of thousands of Afghans that helped us were left stranded in Afghanistan, many of whom were eventually assassinated.  Moreover, $85 billion in U.S. military equipment was abandoned in Afghanistan.  Ultimately, this fiasco led to Russia and China to be emboldened and to become more aggressive with Ukraine and Taiwan.  Was this simply incompetence?

9. Israel-Hamas-Iran:  President Biden and his Administration is getting the U.S. closer and closer to war with Iran though this, of course, is not his intention. His and Obama’s  attempts to bribe/coerce Iran into behave peacefully has not worked.  President Trump’s policies toward Iran did work: enforcing strong sanctions, keeping oil prices very low by producing as much oil as the U.S. was capable of, etc.

Israel’s response to the October 7, 2023 attack is exactly what’s needed…don’t play with terrorists, destroy them or defang them. However, the U.S. might prevent Israel from finishing the job of destroying Hamas.

As long as Joe Biden is president, the U.S. is extreme danger of being attacked from within or from without.


President Biden is on course to become our very worst president, by far.  The nine areas I looked at above are simply a small part of his actions that are destroying the U.S.  It’s understandable given his reliance on the far-left in the Democrat Party for guidance.  He will probably remain President for another year, so it’s anyone’s guess how bad the U.S. will be by then.  I blame Mainstream Media for this debacle because none of this would have been possible had it done its job covering the news rather than covering up any news that made the Biden presidential campaign and then its Administration look bad.




For more information…

Many public schools did not offer full-time in-school, face-to-face education during the Pandemic; the on-line “Zoom” classes that were offered were not effective for most students.  However, Private, Religious  and Charter schools were, for the most part, fully open during the Pandemic.  Why the large difference between public schools and the others?  The short answer is that the Teachers Unions, for a number of reasons, wouldn’t allow their members to return to classroom teaching.  Local governments agreed to incentives that the Unions demanded, but it wasn’t good enough. Because most public schools usually had predominantly minority students, the bad effects of schools being locked down fell mostly on them.  So what should parents do to prevent their children from ever being affected again like this or if they do not want their children being taught harmful, racist theories?


IF YOU COULD AFFORD IT, putting your children in religious or charter schools is the answer.  Charter schools are so popular that they run lotteries to select their students, so parents  should sign up their children for the lotteries.  Some States have passed legislation that give parents education money to send their children to the schools they want to send them to (see Thomas Sowell’s book, “Charter Schools and Their Enemies”).  In addition, many public schools have morphed into indoctrination-institutions for brainwashing children, teaching racist theories such as “Critical Race Theory” and the “1619 Project” while at the same time not teaching the greatness of the founding of America, the Constitution and Declaration of Independence.  These are not simply insignificant teachings, they turned children into self-hating anti-Americans, so many public schools have become something to avoid.

IF YOU COULD NOT AFFORD IT, what should parents have done if their children were stuck in partially locked-down public schools or if they observed their children being taught half-baked theories?  I believe the answer is to: 1) attend and speak up at local school board meetings, 2)  get elected to local school boards to change curriculums, 3) provide children with materials that give the accurate side of history, such as those offered on-line like (in accordance with the philosophy that the best remedy is to offer more free speech, not to shut down speech you disagree with), contact “Parents Against Critical (Race) Theory” [], 4) pressure politicians to change funding of schools by having public education funds follow the children so that parents could choose what schools to send their children to and control their children’s education instead of the Teachers Unions, and 5) Home School children.


Many public schools, as well as private schools, can longer be trusted to simply teach our children, instead of indoctrinating or “brainwashing” them.  The safest course is to get them out of public schools.  If that’s not possible, then consider homeschooling.  With all of the guidance available…it’s dot difficult.  If that’s not possible, then closely watch everything your child’s school does and complain to your school board when necessary or better yet, run for a spot on your school board.


President Trump in he Oval Office

Whether you agree or disagree with what President Trump did, there is little disagreement that he did a lot as President.  If you disagree, you probably have either did not pay attention or only watched CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, or MSNBC, since those T.V. stations generally did not and do not report the positive actions the President took or downplayed/twisted his accomplishments.  To help remedy this situation, I’ve  compiled a list of a few of the  President’s accomplishments.

1. Created the largest reduction in Federal income tax rates that the U.S. has ever had for both people and businesses, leading to the largest economic boom the U.S. has ever seen.  This has resulted in the lowest unemployment rates ever for African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, and Asian-Americans, and an overall unemployment rate of 3.5%.  It also has meant about 10% increase in wages to the lowest-paid workers and a total increase to average American families of about $10,000 and larger revenues from Federal taxes because of the vastly-increased economic activity.

2. Revised as much of Obamacare that was legally possible and replaced it with much better and less expensive healthcare insurance.

3. Ordered and signed hundreds of Executive Orders largely directing various Federal agencies to eliminate job-killing regulations.

4. Withdrew the United States from the do-nothing “Paris Climate Accords,”  preventing billions of taxpayer dollars being transferred to other countries.

5. Appointed three “originalist”  judges to the Supreme Court and about 200 Federal judges.

6. Coerced NATO members to add $140 billion to their previous donations to NATO.

7. Decreased illegal immigrant border crossings by 73%, thus improving the lives of legal immigrants as well as the poor since illegal aliens will work for “starvation wages” and thereby drastically lower the wages employers offer to unskilled workers.

8. Dow Jones Industrial Average increased in value by over 40% from when he was elected on November 8, 2016 to when he left office on January 20, 2021 as  result of his economic policies.

9. Enabled the U.S. to become “energy-independent” by significantly increasing oil, gas, and coal production, thus freeing it from mid-east oil, as well as keeping Russia much poorer and therefore less able to militarily threaten other countries.

10. Created the Abraham Accords between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco to normalize relations to help bring peace to the Middle East.

11. Re-established the United States as the world leader by bombing a Syrian airfield when Syria used chemical weapons against its citizens.

12. Destroyed the ISIS caliphate by delegating authority to the Secretary of Defense and removing Obama’s  “Rules of Engagement.”

13. Significantly increased military spending in FY ’18, ’19, and ’20, thus vastly improving the military’s  combat-readiness.

14. Re-negotiated trade agreements (NAFTA) with Mexico and Canada to make it fairer to the United States.

15. Approved the completion of both the Keystone and Dakota Access oil pipelines, thereby preventing the more dangerous train and trucking of the oil.

16. Cancelled U.S. participation in the very flawed and harmful-to-the-U.S. Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

17. Withdrew the U.S. from the Iranian nuclear deal and imposed a “maximum pressure” campaign on it that has forced Iran to curtail its funding of its terrorist proxies.

18. Negotiated a trade deal with China to curtail Chinese tariffs, add American tariffs, and stop Chinese theft of American intellectual property.

19. Built about 500 miles of 30-ft. high wall on our southern border to curb illegal immigration, narcotics, and human trafficking.

20. Withdrew from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty with Russia so as to compete with China, who has heavily invested in these weapons.

I’ve only listed a small sampling of the Trump Administration’s achievements. Last I looked, there’s a few hundred things that improved the lives of Americans and the United States.  Since I have been following politics starting in 1960, beginning with the Kennedy-Nixon debates, I’ve never seen any President do more or work so hard in his first term than President Trump.  He became a genuine “Jobs President,”  which enabled it to quickly snap back after the economy was shut down to thwart off Covid.  His policy positions were superb for the United States and his “in-your-face” and negative campaigning style I believe were partly responsible in his being elected President. If he continues to improve in being more prudent in selecting the words he uses in his tweets and comments, I believe he will change many hearts and minds of Independents and Moderate Democrats and will be elected  once again in 2024…and perhaps become one of the greatest President in U.S. history.



Today’s world is tough, real tough, with China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea constantly attempting to do harm to the U.S. and its allies.  A tough President is needed to deal with these threats but many politicians are very weak and are not capable of handling them effectively.  On the other hand, President Trump has demonstrated that he stood up to any country that tried to take advantage of the U.S., including China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, as well as Europe and NATO.

To continue examining Donald Trump…he’s a “street fighter”.  “Turning-the-other-cheek” is not for successful politicians in our tough world.  On being elected President, Trump improved his messaging and appointed impressive people to help him develop his policies and lead his Cabinet.  He had a resounding electoral victory over Hillary Clinton in 2016, thanks to his strong backbone and outworking her by far. Upon becoming President, he implemented policies that he advocated during the election, including the strongest economy in 50 years and the lowest unemployment rates ever for African-Americans and Hispanic-Americans.   If he had been re-elected in 2020, he would have gone down in history as being one of our greatest presidents, and possibly would have even taught Republican Senators how to fight hard for what they believe in. In other words, to be tough when warranted.

I believe  that most Trump supporters like him for the same reason that I like him: he  has a stiff spine, is not timid, and fights for America first.  When he’s criticized by the Press or political opponents, he doubles-down and fights back even harder.  In addition,  Trump’s focus on illegal immigration, the military, healthcare, war on terror, the economy, the China and the North Korean threats, law and order, etc., touched a nerve with the electorate and he consequently took numerous actions to address all of these.

Failed weak recent Presidential candidates include Mitt Romney, who lost the 2012 Presidential election to President Obama.  He was more than capable, as evidenced by his outstanding performance in his first debate with President Obama.  When viciously attacked by the Obama campaign, he refused to fight back.  Governor Romney’s poor performance came on the heels of Senator John McCain’s poor performance in his 2008 Presidential campaign.  Moreover, it also followed President Bush’s unwillingness to fight back when constantly fraudulently accused by the Left that, “Bush lied, people died” about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.  Other failed recent weak Presidents include Joe Biden and Barack Obama.

I’m not advocating that the President of the United States engage in foolish struggles on matters that can’t be won, but I also believe in not backing off when Democrats and the Main Stream Media make false allegations or when other countries threaten us.  For example,  President Trump imposed tariffs on Chinese products, placed sanctions on Iran after getting out of the insane Iran deal, got the U.S. out of the ridiculous Paris Climate Accords and the job-killing TPP, and frequently legitimately called fake news (ABC,CBS,NBC, CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, Washington Post, etc.), “fake news”.

America needs Donald Trump to prevent a major war, or to end it if President Biden and his Administration already got us into in one or more by election day in November 2024; to stop the massive illegal immigration; to get the price of oil drastically reduced so as to financially hurt U.S. enemies, like Russia, Venezuela, and Iran, as well as to drastically reduce inflation.  The time for “Sugar Lips” presidents is over.  The U.S. needs a President who puts fear in the hearts of its enemies, especially Xi and Putin: Donald Trump!



President Biden revoked, via one of his first Executive Orders, the Federal permits authorizing the completion of the Keystone Pipeline.  A month after President Trump took office in January 2017, he signed a Executive Order authorizing its completion.  Why are our Presidents playing flip-flop?  To help you understand this issue, here’s the background of the pipeline:


In November of 2015 President Obama vetoed the TransCanada Corporation’s proposed $7 billion Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline (also known as the Keystone Gulf Coast Expansion Project),  it meant that 830,000 barrels of oil a day would not travel from Alberta, Canada to the Gulf’s oil refineries via a pipeline.  Though a politically popular decision with environmentalists,  it was very unpopular with construction unions, as well as most Americans.

To counter criticism, some from leaders in his own political party, President Obama made an appearance in Cushing Oklahoma on March 22, 2013  saying that he would fast-track any required permitting of the 485 miles of pipeline traveling from Cushing down to the Gulf.  That part of the proposed pipeline is on privately-owned land in the U.S. so President Obama couldn’t do much to stop its construction even if he wanted to.  Without the northern leg of the pipeline, however, the 830,000 barrels of much-needed oil/day wouldn’t be coming from Canada and this leg of the pipeline the President could and did stop because the pipeline would have to cross the Canadian-American border (and therefore required Federal approval).

TransCanada subsequently modified its proposed route through the environmentally-sensitive areas of Nebraska and resubmitted its application.  There was not much remaining that was controversial and the U.S. State Department  found it to have “no significant impacts on the quality of the human environment,” which is the wording and standard contained in the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA).

The Keystone pipeline is not simply about oil, but also about eleven thousand construction jobs and up to 100,000 indirect jobs, as well as significant positive effects on the economy, including U.S. energy independence.   It was therefore important to analyze President Obama’s decision to determine if it was mostly political or based on genuine detriments to the environment.

It’s no secret that the far left is anti-fossil fuel because of what it perceives as unacceptable pollution.  To this end, the Obama Administration came out with 5 sets of anti-coal regulations which were estimated to cost the United States  the loss of over one million jobs.  In addition, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) zeroed in on anti-fracking regulations to control the utilization of the huge natural gas reserves (over a 100-years worth) in the U.S.; however,  the far-left contended that its opposition to the Keystone Pipeline was mainly because of possible leaks from the line.  In addition, former Energy Secretary Chu had stated that it would be desirable to have U.S. gas prices at European levels ($8-10/gallon), so that alternative fuels would be more price-competitive.

Carbon emissions in the United States have been drastically reduced over the past 50 years.  Autos emit only a tiny fraction of what they used to.  Coal-fired power plants have been cleaned up.  In contrast, China brings on-line  two new coal-fired power plants a week and these plants, unlike U.S. plants, emit lots of pollution.  Air pollution knows no boundaries, so it’s a lot less polluting to the earth for the U.S. to burn its coal (and oil) rather than for China.

Solar and wind sources of energy only supply about 5% of the nation’s energy needs.  Hydroelectric supplies less than 10%, nuclear about 19% (France gets 80% of  its energy from nuclear).  So for the foreseeable future the U.S. still needs fossil fuels.  Therefore this dilemma is not really a dilemma at all.  If the U.S. cannot get the oil it needs from domestic sources and help improve the economy and create thousands of jobs at the same time, it will get it from foreign sources and give up to $500 billion a year of its wealth to countries that don’t like us and in some instances mean us harm, and to the detriment of the economy as well.

The United States is constantly improving  extraction and utilization methods for fossil fuels, while continuing to develop alternative sources of energy, including nuclear energy.  The potential for Keystone Pipeline leakage can be mitigated through built-in protective redundancies.  Even the original Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), prepared pursuant to NEPA, published in late August 2011 after three years of preparation, found “no significant impacts” from the pipeline.  If a pipeline oil leak did occur, it’s far easier to stop it and then clean it up, than if a leak occurred from an offshore pipeline.

There’s simply not enough alternative energy, including nuclear energy, currently available and it will be decades before there is, so for now we need fossil fuels and the United States has more natural gas, coal, and oil than any other country in the world, but it also has an array of laws and regulations preventing its access and use.  The pipeline could be raised off the ground, as is the Alaska pipeline, or it could detour around the major 200,000-square-mile Ogallala or High Plains Aquifer in Nebraska and other surrounding States.


If the United States does not complete the Keystone pipeline, Canada will likely build an oil pipeline from the Tar Sands to its west coast and the 830,00 barrels of oil a day will be sold to China and an additional 150,000 barrels of oil a day from the Bakken Formation in North Dakota will have to continue to use trucks and rail to haul its oil south to Gulf refineries rather than simply using a safer Keystone Pipeline to transport it.  Contributing to upward price pressure of oil will be the “slow-walking” or even forbidding of permitting of wells in the Gulf,  not allowing drilling in ANWAR and on most of the Outer Continental Shelf…and OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries), will once again play the major role in setting world oil prices by manipulating supply.

President Obama delayed his decision  on the pipeline until after the 2014 mid-term elections, basically because a large Democrat donor (Tom Steyer)  pledged to donate over $50,000,000 to the Democrats if he did so (Steyer actually spent close to $80,000,000).  After the 2010 mid-term elections, the new Republican-led House of Representatives voted to build the pipeline but the still-Democratic-led Senate voted against it.  The 2014 Congress began in January 2015, and both the Republican-led House and now Republican-led Senate approved it, but President Obama vetoed it.  President Trump signed an Executive Order on January 24, 2017 ordering the re-opening of the approval process for the pipeline.  On March 23, 2017, the State Department granted a permit for the construction of the pipeline to proceed.  President Biden in January 2021 signed an Executive Order revoking the Federal permits authorizing the completion of the pipeline, which had not yet been completed.

Consequently, thousands of Union construction workers lost their jobs as well as 100,000 plus other “indirect” workers that provided services to those construction workers.




David Horowitz (click on the blue play icon below and if the sound doesn’t begin, then click on the  loudspeaker icon alongside it to listen to my 26-minute interview with him) is a prolific author, speaker and political activist. His latest book is the bestseller, Final Battle: the next election could be the last.  Mr. Horowitz currently is the director of “The Freedom Center” which he created in 1988.  He went to Columbia University as well as the University of California at Berkeley and was the editor of the Left’s leading magazine, “Ramparts.”  I believe Mr. Horowitz’ greatest asset is his insight into Leftist politics.

In my interview, he explains why he changed from being a revered and high-level, Leftist Socialist from 1956 to 1975 to a Conservative in the late 70’s, especially considering that his parents were members of The American Communist Party.  Mr. Horowitz tells his spell-binding and compelling story with names, dates, and places.  He tells what motivates the Left and gives his views on Leftist positions.

In the interview, Mr. Horowitz explains:

  1. Why and what the Left hates.
  2. The anti-war activists’ change in their protests against the Vietnam war once the draft was ended in 1974, why many Left leaders of the 70’s (John Kerry) have ”blood on their hands,” and much more.
  3. How and why he knows that the Black Panthers killed his accountant, Betty.

If you want to learn more about Left politics, you should enjoy this  26-minuteinterview.  Click on the blue “play” icon below and if the sound doesn’t begin, then click on the loudspeaker icon that is or will appear alongside of it.

David Horowitz – Political Left Audio

Interview by Mike Russo


Will President Trump be re-elected on November 12, 2024?  I believe that, given his accomplishments when he was President, he should be.  Further, I believe that he will become our greatest President. Let’s take a look…

George Washington was our greatest President…without him there would be no United States of America.  Abraham Lincoln was our second greatest for ending slavery and preventing the South from seceding from the Union and therefore keeping the United States as one country.  Ronald Reagan was our third greatest because America was in a huge mess after Jimmy Carter’s presidency and Reagan turned it around by cutting taxes and Federal regulations which grew the economy, and by rebuilding our military to the extent that the Soviet Union collapsed.  The Gross Domestic Product (which is the measure of the size of the economy) almost doubled in the ten-year period from the time Reagan’s cuts in tax rates went into effect (1983).

I believe that Donald Trump will become our greatest President: he already knows the best policies to pursue for the U.S. to prosper…in addition to knowing how to handle sticky international problems and strengthening our military, but now he needs to improve his dealing with the Democrats and the media and be more careful in his choice of words to protect himself from the “Deep State” and the likes of Dick Durbin, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, etc.

A few of the President’s major accomplishments include his initiating  and signing the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which stimulated the U.S. economy, big time.  This came as  President Trump terminated thousands job-killing useless regulations, initiating a huge increase (10 trillion dollars) in the Stock Market, creation of 7 million new jobs, low unemployment rate (3.5 %), increases in the Civilian Labor-Force Participation Rate, and growth in the Gross Domestic Product.  Moreover, by giving the military more flexibility in fighting ISIS, areas formerly held by ISIS have been recaptured.  President Trump built an illegal-immigration-stopping wall on our southern border, and attempting to end to chain migration and  VISA-lottery immigration.  He also made huge increases in the military budgets for both FY 2018, ’19 and ’20, which significantly improved the military’s strength and readiness.  He also negotiated great trade deals with China, Mexico, Canada, Japan, South Korea, etc. and cracked down on China’s intellectual theft from America.  He created 9,000 economic opportunity zones in inner cities and other poor areas and passed prisoner reform legislation to help prisoners be treated more fairly.  Despite massive resistance, President Trump also temporarily stopped travel from China to the United States on January 31, 2020, in order to slow down the spread of the Coronavirus from China to America. Finally, he appointed three excellent Supreme Court justices and creatively using financial incentives, had Covid-19 vaccines developed in record time.

Now that President Trump has been out of power for almost four years and the U.S. has done very poorly thanks to Biden’s far-left policies, what does President Trump need to do if he is re-elected to become the greatest President in U.S. history?  I believe that how Trump made America great again despite everything the mainstream media and the Democrat Party did to stop him, like four ridiculous indictments, will determine, in part, how great President Trump becomes.  Put more simply, Trump’s political enemies will be somewhat responsible for the degree that he becomes great.  There is a simple Arab saying that makes it clearer, “the greater your enemy, the greater the victory over that enemy.”  President Trump has many powerful enemies.

After seeing what President Trump has accomplished in his first term, what else does he need to do to be re-elected and become our greatest?  This is what I believe he needs to do:

  1. Eventually win all four of the lawsuits against him and be re-elected in 2024.
  2. Eliminate ineffective government programs and agencies and reduce the size of the Federal workforce, especially the IRS.
  3. Eliminate annual budget deficits and make a plan to pay down the National Debt.
  4. Continue rebuilding the military to be stronger than it ever has been to counter China and stop its intellectual theft from America.
  5. Significantly reduce the opioid crisis,
  6. Expose and end election and voter fraud,
  7. Revitalize and make safe depressed inner cities,
  8. Clean up corruption in government and political parties,
  9. Continue appointing more conservative judges,
  10. Be more congenial, criticize in private, praise in public.
  11. Add more Middle Eastern countries to the Israel-Arab Abraham Accords, especially Saudi Arabia.
  12. End the massive illegal immigration that President Biden created.

In today’s partisan political climate, it’s difficult to get much accomplished without great effort, but President Trump has gotten many things done despite his many enemies. We’ll know on November 12 or perhaps much later if he’s re-elected and in a few years just how great a president President Trump was.  He has significant headwinds from Mainstream Media which has become completely corrupt, and election fraud which has become massive and pervasive.  Since Mainstream Media won’t change, I believe the outcome of the election will depend mostly on how much of the election fraud we can prevent.  If it can be kept under 3% (to overcome the usual  amount of Democrat cheating), Trump should win.


Many believe that politics is stupid because of all of the partisan bickering that goes on.  That may or may not be true, but it’s irrelevant…our President makes decisions that affect not only us, but our children, grandchildren, and many other countries around the world.

Based on the controversy of the previous and upcoming Presidential elections, I developed the following non-partisan criteria for selecting a President.  I came up with them after looking at everyone else’s and concluding that they were inadequate.  My qualifications for doing this are: I followed politics since 1960, my Masters degree from the University of Pennsylvania is in Government Administration, and working for the Federal, State and local governments for 44 years.  My 7  criteria for choosing a President are listed below and are prioritized and listed in the order of their importance (#1 is the most important and #7 the least important).

1. POSITIONS ON ISSUES:  this criterium is by far the most important reason why one should select one presidential candidate over another.

2. EXPERIENCE: there is no job exactly like the presidency but there are some jobs that provide relevant experience.  It’s not a coincidence that seventeen of our U.S. Presidents have been Governors of a State.  Being a Governor provides the best experience for the presidency, however any executive or managerial experience is relevant and useful.  High-level military experience is also good.  Legislative and legal experience is useful but not ideal.  Check out the accomplishments of the candidate.

3. EDUCATION: A masters degree in either Government or Business Administration is probably the most relevant education a President could have.  A law degree is helpful.  Business education is also helpful.

4. OPEN-MINDEDNESS:  In U.S. politics, the politician is either on the left or the right and this ideology can be constraining at times for finding the best solutions to a problem or dilemma, so willingness to “going-across-the-aisle” and being a good listener can be a great asset for a president.

5. INTEGRITY: one of the important qualities but not so common in many politicians.  This is important because the President may ask the Country to go to war or to make some other sacrifice, so we need to be able to trust him or her and not think that whatever is being done is for political purposes.

6. PUBLIC SPEAKING and CHARISMA: for his “bully pulpit” duties, a President would be well-served by being a master of the spoken word, and if he or she is charismatic as well, so much the better.

7. HEALTH (physical & mental): sufficient physical health to travel around the world and throughout the U.S., as well as adequate mental health to make good decisions.


You may agree or disagree with my 7 criteria or perhaps you simply may want to add a few more.  Whatever…but it is important to have criteria (or standards) to use, otherwise you’ might do what many people do: vote solely by political party, vote because of something irrelevant like age, gender, physical appearance, ethnicity, race, or emotions. While most elections don’t matter that  much, the 2016 Presidential election was one of the most important in U.S. history, and the 2020 Presidential election was also very important, but in a negative way because it reversed many of the great achievements of former President Trump.  Use my six criteria in checking out the 2024 Presidential candidates.

It used to be relatively easy to carefully consider my aforementioned six criteria in judging presidential candidates.  With today’s partisan media, it’s very difficult to get accurate information, but it can be done with great effort.  The fate of the U.S. depends on it.



President Biden on March 25, 2021, gave his first press conference, 64 days after he became President.  He called on ten reporters and spoke for just over an hour.  His delivery went reasonably well except for having to refer to his briefing book in order to answer foreign policy questions.  His preparation-staff prepared a book with photos of all the journalists in attendance with the ten circled he was to call on for questions.  Since I follow national issues very closely I can say with certainty that he told many lies in his answers to reporters’ questions.  Since his first press conference, he has earned a well-deserved reputation for lying…all of the time.  Political talk is cheap!

When he was President, Trump spoke bluntly, not eloquently, but spoke the truth and did a lot of good things for America and Americans.  However, his blunt talk often got him into trouble.  Trump was not a politician and did not know how to speak “political talk”.

President Obama was an eloquent speaker, actually made race relations worse, and didn’t get much done to improve the lives of most Americans.  Or did he?  If you liked how the economy and his job-creation efforts performed (lowest civilian labor-force participation rate since 1978), and liked the declining strength of the military, and think our foreign policy helped the United States, then you might believe that President Obama performed well. Or perhaps those things are not that important to you but  his Presidential demeanor was important.  Political talk is cheap!

Because  Presidents are our spokesperson to the world, most do want them to be presidential. President Obama was usually presidential but didn’t get much accomplished; President Trump’s language, on the other hand, was not presidential at times but he was successful in creating jobs, making the U.S. energy independent, and creating an outstanding  economy. What’s more important to you, talk or deeds?

I hear many times each day that “Biden said this,” or “Biden said that,” and previously, “that Trump tweeted this or said that.”  However, what a President says is not nearly as important as his actions because deeds are the best indicator on how the U.S. (and the President) is doing.  For example, when former President Obama said that he thought about the economy every day, but then didn’t meet with his “Jobs Council” for many months at a time, it’s was  natural to question the President’s sincerity.  When Obama suggested he “felt our pain,” but took Air Force One to New York city where traffic was stopped for hours so he and Michelle could have a “night out” in “The Big Apple,” his actions said a lot more about his true feelings than his words.

President Biden’s $1.9 trillion “covid-19 stimulus” was passed during the first two months of his Presidency.  Wouldn’t unemployment have been even worse without it, which is how it was sold to the American public?  Much of the stimulus was a waste of money…only 9% of it went for Covid-related relief within the United States, though Covid was touted as its primary justification.  Reality is that much of the stimulus went for projects that mostly benefitted Democrat politicians and their friends and supporters. All of the talk about its wonderful benefits was “bull”. Reality is that it raised inflation to even higher heights…the happy talk was “Bull”.


President Biden talked a great game but it took all of the mainstream media, most of Hollywood, most universities and colleges, the Unions, and far-left, multi-billionaire George Soros’ money, to keep him from not having bad job approval numbers.

President Trump was brash and blunt in his rhetoric, but he was a doer, insofar as he got a lot of good things done for the United States, especially revising regulations and laws that led to huge job creation.  President Obama was a great talker.  President Biden talks like a moderate while implementing far-left extremist  policies which have significantly hurt the United States, however, the mainstream media will not report it so you won’t even know anything about it.  Talk is cheap. Political talk is worse than worthless, it’s misleading to the extent that everything you think you know about issues may not be true!  Look at deeds…passing a piece of legislation is not a deed.  The results caused by that legislation are deeds.





Many believe that the policies championed and supported by the political Left are crazy because they make all Americans worse off.  I also find Leftist policies difficult to understand in terms of making people’s lives better, so I thought it useful to attempt to discover why the Left adopts them, especially since the Biden Administration is adhering to them and they are (predictably) adversely affecting most Americans.

1.IMMIGRATION: As promised during his Presidential campaign, Joe Biden has pursued open borders, especially along the U.S.’ southern border.  Most Americans, though very compassionate, do not approve because drugs and many criminals are sneaking across with the help of Mexican cartels.  Biden and the Democrat Party have facilitated this with the pretext of compassion, but the real reason I believe is because they know that at least 3/4 of them will eventually vote Democrat and that the children of illegal immigrants will automatically be U.S. citizens who, of course, can vote (and will probably vote Democrat).

2. ECONOMY: Inflation became as high as 9.1% in June of 2022.  Many necessary products (like baby formula) are still not readily available in parts of the U.S.  The economy was technically in a recession.  These phenomena are all the fault of the President and Democrat Party policies, mostly from multi-Trillion-dollar legislative bills that were voted into law or, in the case of baby formula shortages, from incompetence (like shutting down the largest producer [Abbott] on flimsy suspicion without devising a plan to replace it).  Biden’s pretext(s) are numerous, like the Ukraine War, stopping Russian oil purchases, climate change, compassion, President Trump, etc. The real reasons are: 1) the political Far-Left wants it, and 2) incompetence.

3.CLIMATE CHANGE: The Left is anti-fossil fuels (gas, oil, coal).  It has shut down pipelines and oil and gas leases, raised prices for permits, and discouraged  institutions to loan money for oil and gas exploration and drilling. All of these policies have resulted in decreased oil and gas production which in turn resulted in much higher prices for oil, gas and the 6,000 products made from them.  A significant percentage of the current very high inflation is largely due to Biden and the Democrat Party, using the pretext for their policies as  concern about climate change; the most significant threats to the U.S. are actually China, Russia, Iran and North Korea and the concern about climate change is absurd, given these real threats, because America will likely be bombed into the Stone Age with three EMP (electro-magnetic pulse) nuclear bombs exploded far above the atmosphere in the U.S. long before climate change has any effects, which appear to be minor.  The real reason for the Left’s climate change policy is that it serves as a  pretext for trying to destroy capitalism in the U.S. (by banning fossil fuels which are currently necessary to a healthy American economy).

4.GUN CONTROL: The Left’s solution for preventing mass shootings is to ban guns from mentally-healthy  law-abiding citizens, despite the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guaranteeing this right.  The fact that there’s are currently about 400 million handguns owned by Americans make’s this rationale ridiculous. Also, criminals do not follow the law and have no problem getting guns no matter what the law says. The real reason I believe is that if and when the Left is ready, it will take control of the U.S. and citizens would not have the weapons to fight back.  Sounds crazy?  This “craziness” is the reason the Founding Fathers had for including the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights (to help keep government from becoming a dictatorship…[see the Federalist Papers]).

5. ELECTION FRAUD:  There has been some cheating at elections ever since elections have been held.  The fraudsters have continually improved their tactics to the point now that, with China’s help, they can win any election they want to win.  Recently, the massive onslaught of mail-in ballots, using the pretext of fear of Covid, has enabled Joe Biden to become President of the United States.  The movie, “2,000 Mules” and the book, “Rigged” provides sufficient evidence, though there’s a lot more available, which I have seen and written about in another post on my blog.

6.ELECTRIC VEHICLES: Vehemently supported by the Left, their pretext for pushing expensive electric vehicles is to get off of fossil fuels because they increase carbon emissions in the atmosphere. However, the electricity to charge the batteries in electric vehicles is also generated by the burning of coal and natural gas.  Also, electric vehicles are more vulnerable to EMPs (Electro-Magnetic Pulses) compared to gas and diesel-powered vehicles.  Finally, electric vehicles require about 19 or so “rare-earth” minerals, which are mostly produced in China.  Of course, this means that the U.S. would be dependent on China, our strongest adversary, to get the rare-earth minerals it needs to build cars.  The subsidies to new companies and their kick-backs to the Left for electric vehicles and their batteries I believe is the real reason for pushing those vehicles, not climate change.

7.RACE: The Left has used race almost since its inception in 1828.  It was pro-slavery, then pro-Ku Klux Klan, then pro-Jim Crow laws, then pro-Eugenics (Margaret Sanger and her “Planned Parenthood”); consequently African-Americans voted Republican from Emancipation in 1863 to about 1960 at which time they voted mostly Democrat with as much as 96% in Presidential elections.  The Democrat Party’s very poor performance in helping African-Americans is turning many to vote Republican.  The Democrat Party’s constant emphasis and focus on race has seriously hurt race relations.  The pretext is “concern for people of color.”  The real reason is they have had enormous election success using race and want to continue to use it.  I believe that it is behind most of the racial division in the U.S.

8.CRIME:  The Left is much more concerned about the rights of criminals rather than the rights of victims,  possibly for the prison vote since more States are allowing prisoners to vote.  The pretext is that over 50% of prisoners are black, though their percent of the population is only 13%, and this “unfairness” can be  corrected by not prosecuting crimes.  While President Biden and the Democrat Party initially supported the “Defund the Police” movement, his vice-president, Kamala Harris (while still just a Senator) actually paid to bail-out rioters in some of the 574 riots held by Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA during the summer of 2020.  Mega-donor and Far-Left billionaire, George Soros, funded the campaigns of many big-city district attorneys that stopped prosecuting most crimes in their cities, which of course led to the huge increases in crime in those cities. Many states have given prisoners the right to vote, which I believe to be the real reason for the Democrat Party’s being soft on crime.

9.THE MILITARY: President Biden has given small increases to the Defense Department budget which were too small to even keep up with inflation. Most Democrat presidents are either neutral or anti-military, which results in a weaker military.  With the military, the Far-Left doesn’t usually hide its disdain except that it doesn’t want a strong America, because it believes we are racist and don’t deserve it.  However, the U.S. needs a strong military to counter China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran.  Democrat-appointed military leaders currently focus on teaching CRT (Critical Race Theory), and other non-military issues that are politically-motivated and consequently weaken our forces.

I only listed nine areas above but there are others, such as education in the public schools which the Left is destroying.  The Left used to hide their motives and beliefs, but increasingly they are coming out with their simplistic (and ridiculous) solutions to complex problems.  A good way to see what they are really up to is to watch what they do, not say, because they know the right words to say.  Moreover, Main Stream Media, as well as CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, Washington Post, etc. are all “in-the-tank” with the Left, so they can’t be trusted to just report the news.  Great books that provide evidence on what the Left and most of the Media are up to is Mark Levin’s “American Marxism,” his “Unfreedom of the Press”, and Pete Hegseth’s “Battle for the American Mind.”


for further reading…

All of his adult life Donald Trump followed important issues and donated to both Democrats and Republicans (see Trump’s book, “The America we Deserve”).  He was not ideological or partisan.  He was a super-patriot and eventually thought he could use his business acumen to turn America around, which he believed had become very weak, militarily, economically, and culturally.  After thoroughly checking with  political experts, he decided to run for the Republican presidential nominee.  Not being a polished politician, his blunt talk won over many Americans who were tired of slick-talking, do-nothing politicians.  His goal as President really was to “Make America Great Again”!  Donald Trump is “old school”.

With Republican majorities in both the House and Senate for his first two years as president, he was able to pass significant tax cuts which led to the economy doing extremely well for all of its sectors.  Many of Trump’s accomplishments resulted from his abolishing numerous counterproductive Obama regulations that had put a “wet blanket” over the economy (former GE CEO Jack Welsh’s description).  In addition, President Trump used his  negotiating skills to deal with the huge trade imbalances the U.S. had with China, Japan, Mexico, etc.  Moreover, because of his blunt talk, unpredictability, and decisiveness, adversary countries took his threats seriously and were much more accommodating to him than to previous U.S. presidents.

Everything in this article up to this point has been positive, so why did so many people have an intense hatred of President Trump?  My belief is that it’s mostly because President Trump hits back very hard when attacked.  His opponents, the Democrat Party, the Mainstream Media, Hollywood, and Academia are not used to any Republican fighting back when attacked.  Republican leadership is infamous for being timid.  Another major reason why so many hated President Trump is due to the incessant criticism Main Stream Media spouted off every hour of every day, almost all of it phony.  Finally, although President Trump really had made America great again through his numerous accomplishments, he had a few annoying personal mannerisms that turned off many people, including me (though I still admire him for how he helped the U.S.).

For additional information…

I would characterize these annoying personal mannerisms as shortcomings in emotional intelligence (see Daniel Goleman’s book, “Emotional Intelligence”).  Here’s some examples of what I mean: 1) “punching down” like calling Jeff Sessions “stupid” and Stormy Daniels “horseface”; 2) having his “child” hooked (see Thomas Harris’ book, “I’m OK, You’re OK”)  by Joe Biden during their first debate and consequently reacting emotionally instead of intelligently to other debate questions, like “Do you denounce white supremist groups…?” The best answer would have been a simple, “Yes, of course I denounce them,” instead of his confusing reply); 3) focusing his campaigning on Biden’s shortcomings, instead of what he would do if he were re-elected (including reducing annual budget deficits and total national debt); and 4) the disrespectful manner in which he criticized Joe Biden personally.  These shortcomings (as well as unprecedented massive election fraud by the Democrat Party) helped cause President Trump to lose re-election despite all of his outstanding accomplishments for America.

President Trump had turned around so many failing national endeavors and every single day made even more progress for America.  If he had been re-elected and continued at his “Trump Speed,” I believe he would have become our greatest president.  If he runs and wins in the 2024 Presidential election, I believe he will become our greatest President.


Inflation, as measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI), was 8.2% in October 2022 and decreased to 4.0% by May 2023.  The working and middle classes are being seriously hurt and the government doesn’t appear to care.  It blames everyone but itself, though it is responsible for most of it.  How, exactly, did the government accomplish this?  And if the government is totally responsible, shouldn’t the government be able to fix it?

Government deficit spending is the main culprit. It began its huge increases in earnest with “The American Rescue Plan of 2021” which cost $1.9 trillion, then $1.2 trillion for the “Infrastructure Plan,” $1.8 trillion add-on to the FY  ’23 budget, and finally a $6.8 trillion proposed FY ’24 budget (fortunately reduced by 2 trillion thanks to the U.S. House of Representatives).  Not the oil companies, not Covid, not Russia, but President Biden’s Administration, as well as almost all Democrats in the House and Senate, along with a few RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) who supported and voted for spending trillions that the U.S. does not have, so it borrowed it, bringing the National Debt to over $30 Trillion.    The Federal Reserve, which controls the U.S. money supply, is also to blame because it should have begun raising Federal interest rates long ago to slow down rising inflation.

Another culprit is the huge increase in the price of oil which has enriched and enabled Russia and impoverished many Americans.  Here again, the more-than-doubling the price of a barrel of oil is totally due to the Biden Administration because of its war on fossil fuels (oil, natural gas, coal).  Perhaps in 25 years from now a mostly fossil-free U.S. might be feasible, but currently the world does not have dependable and affordable technology to achieve this goal.

So what can be done now to significantly reduce inflation?  A few things, but it will take awhile to see results.  In the meantime, people need to economize in every area of their lives to get them through this period of high inflation.  To begin, the government must not pass any more huge spending bills since most of the money would be borrowed, which, of course, would only increase inflation.  Also, the Federal Reserve needs to be cautious in raising interest rates any further because it could cause a recession, but it might be necessary and is the price for reckless spending and the war on fossil fuels.  Next, voters must vote out of office Democrat Representatives and Senators to serve as a foil to President Biden’s out-of-control spending.

All of these things should stabilize inflation.  To actually reduce it to under 2%,  voters must vote in Donald Trump in 2024 with his pledge to the Nation and its people that he will bring inflation down to under 2%.  President Trump is the only politician that I believe can do it because he has already done it in his first term and demonstrated that he is tough enough to stand up to the crazies on the Left.


In 2021 about two million illegal immigrants entered the United States with the assistance of Mexican cartels and the American government.  In 2022, 2.76 million  illegal immigrants got into into the U.S. This is about 230,500 illegals/month  which are added to the approximately 30 million illegals currently living in the United States.  They come from over 165 countries around the world.  Why is it happening?  How is this possible?  Is it fair to Americans?  What can be done about it?  That’s what this post will attempt to answer.

Mexican cartels make billions from illegals, drugs, and human trafficking.  Their motive is obvious…money, with a minimum of $4,000/illegal. However, the motive of the Biden Administration and the Democrat Party enabling illegals to get into the U.S. may not be so obvious.  As a pretext, concern is expressed for our less prosperous neighbors  south of our Southern border.  However, the real reasons are: 1) increasing the rolls of Democrat voters, since two-thirds of immigrants vote Democrat whenever they or their eventual children are able to vote; 2) increasing population (which includes illegals) in selected districts so as to give those districts greater Congressional representation; and 3) providing large employers a cheap source of labor as well as driving down the overall cost of labor.

Title 42 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, which enables the United States to turn back illegals at our borders based on Covid-19 threats, expired May 11, 2023. It is estimated that the number of illegals entering the U.S. now that Title 42 is gone will be explode.  At this rate, many cities and town will eventually be bankrupted due to all of the services they will need to provide to the tens of millions of illegals that will be in the United States.

So what’s to be done?  President Trump successfully secured the border so we know it can be done.  Were it done now, illegal immigration through our Southern Border would be very low.  The solution appears to be to repeat what President Trump did, including finishing the wall along our southern border.  This will not happen if Joe Biden is re-elected.  The only Democrat Presidential hopeful that would do this is Robert Kennedy Jr.  Any of the Republican Presidential hopefuls would do this.

Some books that forthrightly address the illegal immigration crisis are: 1) The Immigration Solution, 2) Border Insecurity, 3) Adios America, and 4) Whatever it Takes.


Was there much voter fraud in the Trump-Biden presidential election?  Most Republicans say “yes,” Most Democrats say “no.”  Who’s right?  Of course, this is not simply a theoretical or intellectual question and it was not only important for the 2020 Presidential election, it’s important for taking any necessary corrective actions so that future elections have less fraud.


The FBI spied on the 2016 Trump campaign and the Trump presidency.  Then the DNC and Hillary paid for the phony Stihl-Russia Trump dozier that served as the foundation for the Mueller investigation.  Moreover, they impeached President Trump based on a phone call (which thankfully was recorded) between President Trump and the President of Ukraine.  Mainstream Media slanted and even fabricated stories about President Trump and did not report on any of Trump’s numerous achievements for the U.S., including his being nominated by four countries for the Nobel Peace Prize because of his getting three Middle-Eastern countries to make Peace agreements with Israel. Finally, the three giant Internet networks censored conservative speech, like the New York Post’s article about Joe Biden and his son and brother’s corruption.  All of the above led half of the electorate in America to believe that President Trump was so bad that anything they did to defeat him was ethically justified (“the end justifies the means”).  Check out “The Durham Report” if you doubt any of the aforementioned.


I know that President Trump won re-election because the metrics, other than the phony vote results, don’t make sense.  Here’s a few of the many reasons how I know that Trump was re-elected.  1) in a Michigan county a glitch was found in its Electronic Voting System software that changed 6,000 Trump votes to 6,000 Biden votes…and in 47 other counties in Michigan this same software was used in the same way…as in 28 other States; 2) to date, twelve of the “new” House of Representatives seats that were lost by Republicans in the 2018 Congressional elections have been won back by them in the 2020 election (and only two by Democrats).  This is telling because this phenomenon happens in presidential elections when the Presidential candidate wins big and carries the “down-ballot” races on his/her “coat-tails;” 3) Biden overperformed with votes in only those counties in the final battleground states that made a difference to whether the state went for Biden or Trump [using analyses via Benford’s Law]; 4) Attorney Sidney Powell on 11/8/20 “Sunday Morning Futures” said that they found 450,000 ballots with only “Joe Biden” marked; 5) large bags of ballots received and counted in the middle of the night without poll watchers present and all ballots for Joe Biden; 6) the number of votes far outnumber the number of registered voters in many counties; 7) 3.5% mail-in votes rejected in the 2016 election, 0.5% rejected in the 2020 election; 8) in Nevada, signature verification machines for mail-in ballots set at 40%; and 9) see my article on this blog if you think that stealing a presidential election is far-fetched…it’s called “Unethical, Corrupt, or Criminal Democrat Party.”


Millions of votes were stolen in the 2020 presidential election.  How do I or anyone know this for sure?  The evidence of voter fraud is overwhelming.  I listed the major categories of fraud below for which there is a thousand affidavits:

  1. Thousands of dead people voting.
  2. Mail-in ballots being counted even though they were received after the deadline.
  3. Post Office employees illegally back-dating mail-in ballots so they could be counted.
  4. Electronic Voting System vote-counting software used in 28 states, switching votes from Trump to Biden.
  5. Hundreds of thousands of votes being unlawfully counted without a Republican poll watcher present.
  6. Disparate treatment of the votes, like those from the 7 Democrat counties versus the 60 Republican counties in Pennsylvania.
  7. Biden votes put through counting machines multiple times.
  8. Mollie Hemingway’s book, “Rigged” details how Mark Zuckerberg spent $419 million on buying election offices in  many States.
  9. Mike Lindel presented about 10 hours on OAN TV depicting how China assisted the Democrat Party in stealing the Presidential election.
  10. Dinesh D’Souza’s DVD movie, “2,000 Mules” showing video of official, ballot boxes being stuffed with illegal ballots.
  11. Economic Advisor, Peter Navarro’s 3-part report on the election: 1) “The Immaculate Deception,” 2) “The Art of the Steal,” 3) “Yes, President Trump Won: The Case, Evidence, & Statistical Receipt.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                     POLITICAL INVOLVEMENT IN VOTER FRAUD.

Due to the history of stealing elections by the Democrat Party, starting farther back than Boss Tweed in Tammany Hall in 1850’s New York and continuing up to the present, it’s easy for those of us who follow politics closely and love our system of government, to believe that Joe Biden became President with massive voter fraud by his Party.

However, it is a fact that the Democrat Party facilitated 80 million plus ballots being mailed to voters without them being requested by voters.  This was the heart of the fraud because mail-ins are easy to fabricate and difficult to verify.  Many politicians said that they didn’t want to place an undue burden on their citizens by actually requiring that they appear in person and show a photo ID, such as a drivers license (which is even required of people of questionable age to buy a pack of cigarettes).  Does any adult really believe that lax voting standards have any purpose other than facilitating fraudulent voting?  It is important in a democracy for people to have faith in the process by which their leaders are elected, so care must be taken that it’s done honestly and that politicians are kept far away from the process.  Voter fraud is not new, but dates back to the beginning of our Republic (see Troy E. Nehls’ 2002 book, The Big Fraud; Andrew Gumbel’s 2005 book, Steal This Vote; Eric Eggers 2018 book, Fraud; the 2004 book by Hugh Hewitt, If It’s Not Close They Can’t Cheat; and the 2008 book by John Fund, Stealing Elections…How Voter Fraud Threatens Our Democracy).


For the 2020 Presidential election, President Trump, every Republican leader/official, and every Trump voter, needs to do whatever they could to expose voter fraud and bring all of the perpetrators to justice.  “Moving on,” like some people might advise, simply perpetuates voter fraud and Republicans will never win another presidential election, and America needs to have at least two strong and viable political parties. The evidence brought to light was overwhelming but the courts didn’t even look at it.

All election officials must follow their State’s election laws or be penalized.  Since presidential elections are of national importance, the Supreme Court should get involved and require that a photo ID, either in the form of a driver’s license or a State-issued photo ID should be mandatory in every state in order to vote.  Later, perhaps also a slight revision and an addition could be made to the on-line E-Verify system created by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services in concert with the Social Security Administration that is currently used by employers to ascertain whether someone is in the U.S. legally.  A “Voter Photo Authentication”  may be in order given the amount of massive voter fraud in the U.S. (millions/year).  Something also must be done to prevent criminal politicians from continuing to corrupt our elections.  Blanket mail ballots should be prohibited, requested absentee ballots are okay as long as there are Internal Controls in place to prevent abuse.  Serious consideration should be given to the very simple but honest voting system that the U.S. military used in the Iraqi elections it administered.  In that election, voters dipped their finger into indelible ink upon voting so that they could not vote again…using only paper ballots and all taking place in one day and counted that day.  It’s government’s fault that our elections got to be this bad and it’s government’s responsibility to clean it up.

For further information check out,, and Thomas Moore Society’s Amistad Project.

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Because I watched, listened to, and taped over 20 hours of testimony documenting overwhelming fraud in the 2020 election, I know that President Trump was re-elected President of the United States.  Those who disagree have not seen or heard the evidence but are simply basing their opinion on all of President Trump’s court challenges being defeated, not knowing that they were defeated based on procedural grounds and that the massive amount of evidence was not even heard.  In addition to having the 2020 Presidential election stolen, the next consequence of overlooking the massive election fraud was the stealing of the January 5 run-off elections for both senators from Georgia using the corrupted vote-counting machines and its malicious software.  However, Senate Majority leader, Mitch McConnel, also helped lose both Senate seats by not agreeing to give Americans $2,000 stimulus checks a week before the election, which President Trump advocated.

On January 6 there was a Trump rally in Washington where president Trump spoke.  Hundreds of thousands of Trump supporters attended it at the Ellipse across from the White House..  Meanwhile, about a mile away, hundreds of right- and left-wing fringe rioters, previously planned (according to the FBI) and got positioned at the Capitol by 12:45 pm, which was before the President finished his speech at 1:11 pm.  They then broke into the Capital building, which interrupted Congressional election-fraud debate and certification.  Debate resumed  hours later and Congress certified the Electoral College votes.  The media coverage of the “Stop the Steal” rally, Congress’ election-fraud debate, and the violence in the Capitol building was pitiful.  It exploited the violence by accusing President Trump of inciting it.  He did not, but asked rally attendees to “walk down to the Capitol to…cheer on our brave senators and congressmen to peacefully and patriotically make our voices heard.”  However, as I mentioned, the violent Left- and Right-Wing protesters were already there with the intention of breaking in and disrupting the Congressional debate on election fraud.

President Trump pleaded with all after the violence began at the Capitol to go home.  Nancy Pelosi asked that the 25th Amendment be invoked to throw President Trump out of office, otherwise the House would impeach him.  The days following, President Trump  appeared on T.V. and said that he was focusing on the peaceful upcoming transition.  Later, the President tweeted that he would not be attending Joe Biden’s inauguration…President Trump is not a hypocrite politician.  Incidentally, Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts was more responsible than any other government official  for the violence by not at least giving a fair hearing to Texas’s lawsuit joined by twenty-two other states and the President because they (allegedly) did not have “standing.” In other words, it manufactured “lack-of-standing” as the pretext for avoiding doing its job as the court of last resort and gave no recourse to 75 million Americans who knew the election was stolen.

On January 20, 2021, Joe Biden was sworn in as the 46th President of the United States and has been a disaster.  Now, what will Trump supporters do with the massive evidence of voter fraud?  I taped over 20 hours of it and I know tens of thousands of other Americans did as well.  I predict that this issue will not go away…and may eventually even lead to serious violence.  It needs to be fully investigated before most people will be placated. To add insult to injury and continuing to inflame emotions, big tech companies and other large corporations penalized anyone that said that the 2020 Presidential election was stolen, which it was.  God help us.





For more information…

In the old days, political candidates would tell voters what they stood for and voters would vote for those politicians whom they agreed with the most.  With the advent of polling and the use of focus groups, politicians now know in advance what voters want and most then tailor their speeches and “promises” to tell voters what they want to hear.

Politicians usually refer to this as “spin.”  Up to a point, it is spin.  But many politicians simply lie about their real intentions before they are voted into office…and go far beyond “spin.”  This is deceit and unethical but many people are easily deceived, partly because they want to believe whatever “their” politician and political party is advocating.

How does one find out which politicians are telling the truth and which ones are conning voters?  Start with being skeptical of all politicians.  Look at their record because what they’ve done in the past is the very best predictor of what they’ll do in the future.  Finally,  don’t be fooled by great and inspiring speeches.  We live in a sophisticated and complicated age where not much in politics is what it seems.  


These are some current examples of “unethical politics?” First define “unethical”.   We’ll just jump in with specific examples and you, the reader, decide whether some behavior is unethical or not.  You should be able to verify every example I cite on the Internet using the search engine DuckDuckGo.  Let’s go:

The Republican Party or GOP (Grand Old Party) is also known as “The Stupid Party.”  The Democratic Party is also known as “The Treason Party.”  Here’s why…when it comes to political strategy, for whatever reason, the Republican Party is naive, and possibly stupid.  When it comes to issues related to national defense, security, terrorism, and the economy, the Democrat Party has demonstrated that it is not only very weak, but its policies actually make things much worse.  But these are superficial labels and characterizations, so let’s go deeper and more substantive so, for the sake of time and brevity, I’ll simply cite just a few examples that I consider unethical:

-Former Vice-President Joe Biden, now President,  for numerous corrupt and illegal activities (a “Quid Pro Quo”) with Ukrainian government officials to assist his son, Hunter, to obtain millions of dollars (see Peter Schweizer’s book, Profiles in Corruption).

-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, for  political reasons, not providing for the rescue of U.S. Ambassador Chis Stevens and other Americans in Ben Ghazi on September 11, 2012. 

-Secretary Clinton for deleting 33,000 emails from her server after receiving a subpoena to provide all of her emails to a Congressional Committee.

-President Obama, for political reasons, not pushing for a “status of forces” agreement with Iraq and consequently not leaving a small contingent of American troops to protect the victory that we won there (and ISIS consequently taking over much of Iraq and Syria).

-The Democrat Party for encouraging and funding violent demonstrators at Trump rallies.

-The Democrat Party for fabricating the phony “war on women.” (read Katie Pavlich’s book, “Assault and Flattery”)

-The Democrat Party for blaming climate change on carbon emissions rather than addressing the real upcoming global cooling which is due mostly to solar flares and sunspots, specifically weak Solar Cycles 24 and 25 (read John Casey’s book, “Cold Sun,” David Archibald’s book, “Twilight of Abundance,” John Casey’s book, “Dark Winter,” and my article “Is Climate Change due mostly to the Sun and Solar Flare or is it mostly Man-Made.”).

-The Democrat Party for advocating banning guns, thus endangering the lives of millions, especially women  (see John Lott’s book, “More Guns, Less Crime,” and Dana Loesch’s book, “Hands off my Gun”).

-The Democrat Party for: 1) stealing millions of votes (see Troy E. Nehl’s 2022 book, The Big Fraud, Andrew Gumbel’s book, “Steal This Vote,” and John Fund’s book, “Who’s Counting, How Fraudsters and Bureaucrats Put Your Vote at Risk”), and for 2) its phony “voter suppression” charges as a pretext to be against Voter ID efforts and legislation that prevent voter fraud (see Ann Counter’s book, “Mugged”).

-The Democrat Party for constantly falsely claiming that the rich don’t pay their “fair share” of Federal taxes when the fact is that the top 10% of the wealthiest pay 70% of Federal income taxes.

-The Democrat Party for trying to suppress free speech (see Kirsten Powers book, “The Silencing”)

-T he Democrat Party for turning into a political-unethical organization intent on seizing and retaining power at any cost (see David Horowitz’ book, “The Shadow Party,”  Dick Morris’ book, “Power Grab,” and Mark Levin’s book, American Socialism).

-The Democrat Party for its racist history: being pro-slavery, pro Jim Crow laws, pro Klu Klux Klan for over 150 years (see Ann Coulter’s book, Mugged).

-The Democrat Party for opposing border security, and advocating extended-family chain migration, and the VISA diversity lottery, due solely on its desire for more undocumented workers who, when they become citizens, will vote almost exclusively for Democrats.

-The Democrat Party and the Hillary Clinton campaign for jointly paying $12 million to pay former British agent Christopher Stihl for having Russians create a fake dozzier on candidate Trump and then pass it on to the FBI, who used it to convince the FISA court (and keep it secret that it was funded by the DNC and the Clinton campaign) and issue a warrant to listen in on Trump campaign volunteer Carter Page and ultimately to instigate a special counsel to investigate President Trump for non-existent collusion with the Russians.

-ad infinitum.


It’s possible that any politician can become corrupted and lie through his/her teeth to the electorate.  America needs two major honest political parties.  Democrats need to do whatever needs to be done to return their Party to the honesty of one its former Democrat presidents, John F. Kennedy.  The health of the United States and all of its citizens depend on it.  It’s ultimately the responsibility of voters to keep their politicians honest by voting them out of office when they lie and deceive.  The corrupt media, however, has made it very difficult for most Americans to learn the truth about what their politicians are doing because it has taken sides, is no longer objective, and even goes so far as lying about the politicians and political Party it disagrees with.



Auto companies are making electric vehicles, using the environment and government incentives and regulations as their justification…but Americans aren’t buying them.   Journalists haven’t even questioned the numerous assumptions in our government’s decision and have displayed an unbelievable amount of incuriousness. Therefore, let’s ask a few basic questions that have not been asked by so-called “professional journalists”.

o Fossil fuels are burned somewhere to generate the electricity that fuels electric vehicles.  Are the pollutants created by the fuel burned by automobile gas engines greater than the amount created by burning the fuel necessary for producing the electricity needed to power electric vehicles?

o Are electric vehicles more susceptible to EMP (electric magnetic pulse) attacks than gas-fueled automobiles. Aren’t the high-voltage transmission lines that carry the electricity from the power plants to the gas stations extremely vulnerable to an EMP attack?

o The batteries used by electric vehicles require rare-earth minerals (Neodymium, Dysprosium, Cobalt, Nickel, etc.), most of which come from or are controlled by China whereas the U.S. could produce enough oil to fuel all of the cars on the road, and even have plenty to export.  Isn’t this a serious national security problem?

o The motivation of the younger generation for supporting electric vehicles is cleaner air; the motivation of government leaders appears to be massive under-the-table cash from “kickbacks”.  Think of the one-billion-dollar, government-funded, battery-factory boondoggle, “Solyndra,” as a great example (where the funds it received disappeared).

o Electric vehicles can eventually have a “kill switch” that can immediately disable them.  This has serious ramifications for tyrannical government officials because government can shut down anyone, anytime.

o Because electric vehicles are limited in the distances they can travel due to lack of recharging stations and how long it takes to recharge batteries, they limit freedom to go wherever you want, whenever you want.


The United States has huge gas, oil and coal reserves.  In fact, it developed them to the extent that it exported oil and gas when Donald Trump was President.  Today, it’s paying its enemies for oil, President Biden having shut down leasing Federal lands for oil and gas, as well as stopping construction of the Keystone XL and the Dakota pipelines, stopping drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, and significantly raising fees for drilling.  These policies are making the U.S. more dependent on Russian and mid-East oi, enriching those countries and giving them the funds they need to cause mischief around the world.  Moreover, with the advent of electric vehicles, China will have a great deal of control over most developed countries due to it possessing over 90% of the world’s Cobalt, Nickel, and other rare-earth minerals that are necessary to make the batteries that are used in electric vehicles. In the event of a war, America’s power plants  would probably be destroyed very quickly, leaving those Americans with electric vehicles stranded.  The Unites States should therefore think twice before going “all-in” with electric vehicles.


Crime has increased dramatically in the past two years in America’s large cities and is spilling over to the suburbs and towns.  In order to stop the increase and even reverse it, we must understand what is causing it.  Politicians say it’s the frustration caused by the Covid pandemic: others look at where the crime is occurring and the policies being pursued in those localities and conclude it stems from bad policies that were enacted in the past year that encouraged crime.  This post attempts to find the root causes of our crime-wave in order to offer viable solutions.

To begin, we need to see just how much crime there was in prior years to determine if it’s as bad as the press says it is.  Of the sixteen American cities where homicides have vastly escalated, 15 are run by Democrat mayors and city councils.  This is important because those policies affecting the criminal justice system in 15 are very similar and therefore may be the cause of the very large spike in homicides.  The policies we’re referring to are: 1) defunding the police, 2) not prosecuting robberies where the dollar amount of the stolen merchandise is under a specified amount, 3) city district attorneys not requiring cash bail for criminals who are then let free until their court date, 4) double standards for not prosecuting crimes against some groups (BLM, Antifa), 5) etc.

The aforementioned policies are absurd, however, for those that believe they are good, I submit the following:

  1. Defunding the police does not make police more careful about not violating civil rights.  Prosecuting bad policemen is part of the answer.  Training is another part.  Less police mean less enforcement.  Less enforcement means more crime.
  2. Not prosecuting robberies of under a certain cost inevitably leads to many more robberies because criminals know that will get away with it.
  3. District attorneys not requiring cash bail leads to many more criminals being free and on the street until their court dates.
  4. When some groups (BLM, Antifa) get away with rioting and destruction of businesses, but other groups are held to a much higher standard (January 6 protesters), faith in the fairness of  American Justice is lost (and tells people on the Left that they can get away with arson, looting, and mugging).

All of the above seem self-evident…it’s not rocket science to conclude what I concluded.  Therefore, why would such policies ever be adopted? There are some people that believe our justice system is unfair to minorities and the poor; however, courts offer free legal representation to anyone who can’t afford it.  While it may not be ideal, it does significantly help.  The criminal justice system policies being advocated and used by the Far-left have unintended consequences for law-abiding citizens that are intolerable.  Politicians and District Attorneys that advocate such policies need to be voted out of office and their destructive policies reversed.

UNDERSTANDING AFRICAN-AMERICAN POLITICS (audio interview w. author Kevin Jackson)

I decided to interview Mr. Jackson, author of the books, The Big Black Lie, How I Learned the Truth about the Democrat Party; Race Pimping; and Sexy Brilliance; (25-minute audio of interview…click on the blue play icon below) because he is rare indeed…an unabashed African-American conservative.  Moreover, one won’t hear his views from traditional black leaders or the mainstream media but his views are worth listening to.

Mr. Jackson has degrees in Electrical Engineering and Mathematics, was a management consultant for some of the world’s largest companies, ran his own sales organization, and has his own Blog and talk radio show.  He is a dynamic and elegant speaker who is in high demand for his clarity of thought and expression.

The interview with Mr. Jackson focuses on African-American politics and explores why Mr. Jackson holds the views that he does. He has been on MSNBC, O’Reilly, and Cavuto,  among many others, and has a clear and studied loud message for African-Americans, as well as anyone else interested in the welfare of that community.

In the interview, Mr. Jackson tells us about:

  1. How blacks were sold out by the Democrat party
  2. How to criticize former President Obama without being considered a racist
  3. How the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was far more supported by Republican Congressmen than Democrat Congressmen
  4. Why the Democrat Congress failed to revise welfare law even after Democrat Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan reported on how its “no man in the house rule” was destroying black families
  5. The origins of the financial meltdown, and much more.

To listen to my interview with Mr. Jackson’s, please click on the blue play icon below and then the hyperlink under them.

Kevin Jackson-African Americans Audio

Interview by Mike Russo.


NY City Tammany Hall leader “Boss” Tweed, 1860’s-70’s

Although I’m slightly more conservative than liberal, I try to be even-handed in my writing.  However, the Left has become so radical, and even criminal at times, I think an article that is not even-handed is in order and appropriate. The following is a brief summary of what I believe has and is happening to adversely affect U.S. politics:

1. President Biden used to be a moderate Democrat for most of his political career, but he has governed  as a far-left radical after becoming President of the United States.  His policies are difficult to understand and appear to all be geared to hurting Americans and the U.S.  Examples of this include his dismantling of the myriad of immigration and border policies that kept the number of illegal immigrants entering the U.S. very low; putting America in huge debt by wasting trillions of dollars in allegedly helping Americans get over the pandemic; dividing America along racial lines by supporting and funding Critical Race Theory; weakening our military by not providing it with enough funds to even keep up with inflation; by removing economic sanctions from our adversaries such as Iran, China, and Russia.

2. Mainstream Media has become so dishonest that absolutely nothing it says about former President Trump can be believed .  It is guilty of “bias by omission” since it reports next to nothing that makes former President Trump look good or President Biden look bad.

3. Democrat Party leaders refuse to debate issues, but instead make “ad hominem” (personal) attacks against Republicans.  The reason for this is that their policies are absurd to the extent that they cannot be successfully defended from arguments against them.

4. Former President Trump is attacking Governor DeSantis, often unfairly. Trump can be mean at times and consequently will probably  lose the Republican nomination if he continues, because many do not like it.  He really needs to be more careful with his speech and never mimic the Far-Left’s tactics.

5. Far-left Democrats should commend President Obama because he did their bidding by trying his very best to drastically weaken our military, economic system, and Healthcare in order to further his Socialist agenda and that of the Democrat Party (by furthering policies that would create a large permanent poverty class dependent on the government for basic subsidence).  His political party is allowing large numbers of illegal aliens into the U.S. since most will eventually vote Democrat, and Obama doubled the National debt (from $10 trillion to $20 trillion), coming close to bankrupting the country (and President Biden is finishing the job).

6. The Democrat Party, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden destroyed healthcare insurance for millions of Americans; only those receiving free medical insurance did well under Obamacare.

7. The far-left shouts down conservative speakers on college campuses, as well as destroys property in its demonstrations, thus demonstrating it does not believe in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution on freedom of speech and also cannot debate anyone that disagrees with them.

8.  Many Democrat leaders, such as Democrat Congresswoman, Maxine Waters, and House of Representatives  Democrat “Squad,” have advocated violence while the Main-Stream Media falsely accuse President Trump of instigating violence (I taped Trump’s January 6 speech…to “peacefully protest”).

9. Some Republican leaders are timid and cannot competently argue conservative policy positions though those positions are usually far better than liberal positions.  Were it not for Fox News and Newsmax cable TV stations, talk radio, President Trump, Governor DeSantis, Ted Cruz, Tim Scott, Rand Paul, Jim Jorden, etc., the Republican Party would be in terrible shape.  In other words, as ridiculous as most liberal positions are, the timidity of some Republican leaders, like Mitch McConnell, really hurts the adoption of conservative policy positions.

10. I believe that the far-left wing of the Democrat Party is shaping and mentally preparing its followers to hate Republicans and take over the Federal government.  We need to expose this criminality whenever we find evidence that it is happening, but cautiously, because the FBI has been weaponized and is looking for any excuse to lock us up.

11, 12, 13, etc.

In conclusion, if and when Democrat Party loyalists see what has happened to their Party and punish it by not supporting it (voting for it) until it changes, the Party should then clean itself up and consequently become more competitive and win many more elections.  If that never happens, God help the United States, because we will no longer be a Constitutional Republic but a third-world style dictatorship.  Let everything be peaceful as we go through this political turmoil.



WW II British Prime Minister Winston Churchill said “if you’re not a Liberal at 20, you have no heart; if you’re not a Conservative at 40, you have no brain.”  What exactly did Churchill mean and does it ring true?

At 20 years old, people are usually idealistic and often believe what their mentors (teachers, professors, parents, relatives) inculcate in them.  However, teachers and professors in most of today’s universities and colleges have no practical experiences with socialism.  Their students hear only one side of national and international issues, and further, are discouraged to even listen to both sides, because the other side is characterized as being racist or sexist or whatever.

At 40 years old, people are usually much more mature, often with a spouse and children, and they begin devoting more time following public issues.  Moreover, they have lived long enough to become better at recognizing  the lies and deceit engaged in by many politicians.  And because many at age 40 now have children, national and international issues take on much greater importance with the realization that many Liberal/Progressive policies not only don’t work, but actually do harm to the people that they supposedly are intended to help.

I’m 50% Conservative and 50% Liberal.  That does not mean 50% Republican and 50% Democrat.  What’s Liberal or Conservative about $33 trillion in National Debt?  What’s Liberal or Conservative about health care that is confusing, disorganized, and unaffordable like Obamacare?  What’s Liberal or Conservative about a weak military or a foreign policy that punishes our allies and rewards our enemies?

At 80, I’m in the last few years of my life, and I’d love to leave this world knowing that the U.S. will be OK, but I’m not there yet, however most young people scare me because they are gullible and easily swayed but they still can vote, though many often know less than nothing about the issues…less than nothing because much/most of what they think they know is misinformation.  I don’t mean to sound critical, because it’s natural for the young to spend most of their time pursuing mates, getting an education, starting a career and raising a family.  How the young vote, the young being the group whose future would be the most devastated by another big-government statist president, however, will determine the fate of the United States.

Finally, many youth’s love-affair with liberalism and socialism is best answered with a comment by British prime minister, Margaret Thatcher, who said:  “The problem with socialism is that, sooner or later, you run out of other people’s money.”  While the U.S. can’t run out of money because it can legally create through the Federal Reserve loaning funds to the Federal Government , its vastly reduced value from the resulting massive inflation from huge-deficit-spending programs have destroyed, and will continue to destroy, many livelihoods.

For further reading…



For further reading


One of the very first investigations of the January 6 protest was conducted by the FBI, which concluded there was no evidence that the January 6 protest into the Capitol was coordinated.  The most recent “investigation” was conducted by the House of Representatives members, led by Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, and was totally political.  Its only purpose was to smear former President Trump and Republicans to prevent Trump from running again for the presidency.

The January 6 protest was routinely called the “January 6 Insurrection” by the Democrat Party and its sympathizers, the Mainstream Media.  However, there were no guns at this event.  The one person killed by gunfire during the protest (Ashli Babbitt) was a protester who was an unarmed non-violent female Air Force veteran killed by Capitol policeman Michael Bird, who didn’t even see Babbit’s unarmed hands when he shot and killed her.

Wanting to appear bi-partisan, Speaker Pelosi appointed two RINOs (“Republicans in Name Only”), Liz Cheyney, Adam Kinzinger to the January 6 Congressional Committee.  President Trump authorized between 10-20.000 National Guard troops to protect the U.S. Capitol on January 6 but Nancy Pelosi and Muriel Bowser would not approve it (and their approval was necessary).  A suspected FBI informant, Ray Epps, led and directed protesters to enter the Capitol building but the FBI never even questioned him.  Moreover, left-wing activist, John Sullivan, also directed the protesters to enter the Capitol.  In an interview, Liz Cheyney inadvertently revealed the real reason for the House’s January 6 Commission, “to ensure that Donald Trump can never be re-elected President.”  Some of the witnesses called to testify before the Commission refused to appear because they knew the obvious: that it was solely political theater and not a serious investigation.  Mainstream Media played along with the charade and reported it as if it were something other than the sham it was.


Much has been learned since January 6, 2021.  The most important is that Nancy Pelosi is largely responsible because she would not agree to President Trump’s request to allow 10-20,000 National Guard ready to maintain the peace at the Protest and at the Capitol.   Thanks to Kevin McCarthy for authorizing the release of 40,000 hours of video taken by the cameras in and around the Capitol.  It showed most of the protest was very peaceful and respectful of the Capitol though there were some unruly protesters which were the only ones that the January 6 Committee showed to the public while they prohibited showing the mostly-peaceful protest by the majority of protesters.  Meanwhile, hundreds of protesters remain in Washington jails without bail or even being charged.  Jacob Chansley, the protester who wore the horned helmet,  received a 4-year jail sentence and his lawyer and the judge were never shown the video exonerating him of all wrongdoing. I saw the video depicting the aforementioned on Tucker Carlson’s TV show on March 6, 7 and 8.  It was very difficult to believe my eyes, and then to see and hear U.S. Attorney General, Merrick Garland, lie by stating that five police officers were killed on January 6 though no police officers were killed at the Capitol on January 6.


The January 6 protest got out-of-hand with some becoming unruly.  It was politically unwise for President Trump to hold his “stop-the-steal” rally on January 6, given the Democrat Party’s penchant for deceit and the FBI’s partisan political corruption in its leadership.  Democrat pollster, Pat Cadell, has called  the Democrat Party “the crooked party” for good reason.  The FBI investigation of the January 6 protest proved there was nothing there.  President Trump did not incite the crowd to riot…I heard and taped everything he said, however, the House’s January 6 Commission’s fake investigation milked this debacle as long as it could.  For a detailed and thorough account of the January 6 riot, see Troy E. Nehl’s 2022 book, The Big Fraud.

The most important “Take-Away” lesson from January 6 is that the Democrat Party has become completely corrupted and cannot be trusted about anything it says or does.



For further readingHow do you know if news is fake?  This question was especially important in following the Kyle Rittenhouse trial where the mainstream news media as well as CNN and MSNBC were atrocious in continuously misstating the facts.  I know this because I watched some of the trial and heard the facts.  What’s to be done? Over the years I originated the following:

First, you need to consider the source of the news and ask yourself, “how does the journalist know what s/he is telling us?”  Many sources are simply someone’s conjecture being stated as fact.  If journalists were completely honest, they would begin many of their opinion pieces with something like, “I believe,” or “I think,” rather than stating what they think as fact.

Second, you need to look at access.  Most of the time you hear journalists, with no special access to the President, report on what the President is thinking.  Once again, you need to ask yourself, ” how did they get their information?”  It usually is speculation stated as fact or some anonymous unreliable source.

Third, you need to look at the track record of the journalist for reporting factually.  After observing a potential source of information for accuracy, I decide whether to continue to use that source, because it’s very time-consuming to double and triple-check every fact (so I need to know who I can believe).  Fox News’ Brit Hume, Shannon Bream and Laura Ingraham are three of the many sources I trust. Mainstream media, such as ABC, CBS, and NBC simply could not be trusted for reporting accurate information about anything involving President Trump.  Cable channels CNN and MSNBC are even worse to the extent that they are simply left-wing propaganda channels.  OAN (One America News) was mostly straight reporting of the news and reported about four times more news that any other TV channel, but of course it has been taken off the air.

Fourth, I avoid journalists who also are not truthful.  Being partisan is O.K. as long as the reporting is accurate and truthful.  For example, MSNBC’s Rachel Madow is very partisan and is not truthful, while Fox News’s partisan Sean Hannity is truthful, so I can trust Hannity but not Madow for accurate information.

Fifth, there are many other sources, including bloggers and radio talk-show hosts, who are great sources of solid information.  Radio talk-show host, Rush Limbaugh, now deceased, immediately comes to mind as someone who was a reliable source of accurate information.  Washington Examiner’s investigative journalist and chief correspondent, Byron York, is a great source.

Sixth, the very best source is the original, real, actual source of information, the kind you see on CSPAN-1, 2, or 3, not most journalists or reporters.  Subject-matter experts, like Gordon Chang and Michael Pillsbury, are great sources for information on China.  The best source for what President Trump said was President Trump himself.

Seventh, Mark Levin’s book, Unfreedom of the Press, Bernard Goldberg’s books, Bias and Arrogance, and Bob Kohn’s book, Journalistic Fraud, are but a few of the books that document how biased the news media is.  Everyone should be extremely careful taking anything from the mainstream media as factual and accurate.  The very best source to check on what sources are accurate is the Media Research Center (MRC). Most “Factcheckers” are worthless, or even worse, misleading.


Critical thinking is essential to determining whether a piece of news is real or fake.  If you are extremely partisan or are emotionally engaged for either side, looking at the news objectively is very difficult, but is possible if you really want to know the truth.  You need to take shortcuts for determining fake vs. real news  because thoroughly going through an analysis each time you hear a news story takes too much time that most people do not have.  My shortcuts are essentially watching and listening to credible, accurate and truthful sources.  With Kyle Rittenhouse I watched some of his trial and concluded that it was clearly a matter of self-defense, though it was imprudent of Kyle to go to the Black Lives Matter riot.  On the other hand, if you simply watched the reporting of the trial instead of the trial itself, you probably think that Rittenhouse was guilty.

Finally, be cautious in quickly accepting as fact anything you hear, read, or even see .  If it sounds crazy, perhaps it is.  The media has an agenda and usually doesn’t even report those things that don’t fit into its agenda (censorship by omission).  It is disheartening to see but it’s today’s reality.  Eternal vigilance in scrutinizing the media is necessary to keep it honest at simply reporting the news rather than fabricating or twisting it; our decisions are based on the facts we believe to be true; therefore, it’s very important to determine which news is real and which is fake.




My quest for reliable polls began with the presidential polls used for the 2016 presidential election.  With only two exceptions, they were completely wrong.  If you knew those two exceptions in advance, you could have predicted the outcome of the election.  I did so and therefore was 75% certain that Donald J. Trump would become our next President.  It was really simple:  I looked at the polls that accurately predicted the previous (2012) presidential election.  There were only two, one of which polled daily, the Rasmussen Daily Presidential Tracking Poll.  Therefore, I only believed the Rasmussen poll.


I initially thought that the reason for the poor poll results was simply the biased media funding fake polls in order to create a bandwagon effect (“push polls”) for their politician.  However, I decided to examine polls and find out why they differed so much.  The following is what I learned:

a) The design of a poll can easily create any outcome the pollster wants.  For example, the pollster determines what percentage of Democrats, Republicans, and Independents to use in his or her polls.  These percentages largely determine the results of a poll.  Most of the recent polls used 24% of Republicans although the 2016 and 2018 election exit polls showed 33% of Republicans voted…which explains why the polls were so wrong.

b) Whether a poll is of: a) all adults, b) registered voters, or c) likely voters,  is the next most important factor in determining the results of a poll.  Only half of all adults vote, 80% of registered voters, and over 90% of likely voters vote.  The most accurate poll of Presidential elections has been the Rasmussen daily presidential tracking poll which polls “likely” voters.

c) The way in which poll questions are worded can significantly influence the results of the poll.  For example, a question can be worded: 1) do you approve of the President? OR 2) do you approve of the President’s job performance? OR 3) do you like the President? OR 4) etc., etc., etc.  Often poll questions are deliberately ambiguous and therefore the results can’t be trusted.

d) How many people you poll is very important in order to get a representative sample.  Nothing under a 1000-person-poll is very reliable.

e) How you select the people to be polled is very important.  For example, only selecting people from the inner city would result in an overwhelming number of people favoring a Democrat and would not be a representative sample.  Same is true for a poll conducted of New Yorkers only.

f) Who is sponsoring the poll is extremely important.  A poll funded by the New York Times, Washington Post, or CNN will not depict a Republican President favorably because those newspapers and that TV station have a partisan agenda and are therefore unreliable.


I’ve attempted to show how polls can be manipulated to shape public opinion rather that guage it.  I believe that most political polls are seriously and deliberately flawed and therefore I don’t believe them to be reliable.  Past performance is the best way to judge a poll.  For example, the Rasmussen Daily Presidential Tracking Poll I used to believe to be the best of all of the Presidential polls, based on its past performance in both the 2012 and 2016 presidential elections.  Recently, the Trafalgar polls have been very accurate. Looking at past performance, therefore, is the quickest and easiest way to determine how accurate or misleading a poll is.


Many politicians, as well as voters, say they loved President Trump’s policies but did not like him personally.  This is because former President, Donald Trump, did more good for Americans than almost all other Presidents; however, many did not like his blunt talk, demeanor, and temperament.  Is it even possible to have Trump’s policies without him?  Could DeSantis or Haley or Pompeo or Pence successfully implement Trump’s policies? That’s what this post is about.

I contend that you can’t separate Trump’s policies  from Trump…that he is essential to implementing his policies. From dealing with North Korean dictator Kim-Jung-Un and China’s dictator Xi, to getting oil companies making the United States oil independent, and significantly slowing down illegal immigration once again.  As political pundit, Dick Morris, puts it in his 2020 book, Return, “his temperament and accomplishments are cause and effect.  If you modulate his temperament, you won’t get the accomplishments.”

There are many people that vehemently do not want Donald Trump to become our next President for many reasons, only a few of which have to do with politics.  Instead, they fear his courage, his not being bribable, his wealth, his connections, his integrity, and his ability to take hit after hit and still get up and move forward to get things done for America (see my “Trump: a tough President for tough times” article in this book).  But do we really need Trump again?  I believe that we do, especially at this perilous time and for the reasons listed below.

The United States is at a crossroads.  The Socialist-Marxists are currently radically changing America, beginning with indoctrinating our children in the schools (see Pete Hegseth’s 2022 book, Battle for the American Mind), winning any National election they really want through massive fraud (see my “Trump won Big!” article in this book), impoverishing our Nation through frivolously spending money the U.S. does not have by recklessly borrowing from the Federal Reserve who simply creates money (as well as the inflation that goes with it), by allowing illegal immigrants to enter the U.S. so their children will be American citizens and probably vote Democrat, by discouraging the use of our huge fossil fuel reserves, thus giving China a large edge in overtaking the U.S. economy, by  making the U.S. more vulnerable to attack and intimidation by our adversaries (China, Russia, Iran, North Korea) by weakening our military, by wasting our SPR (Strategic Petroleum Reserve), by giving Ukraine much of our ammunition for our weapons and leaving us vulnerable to China, etc.

Former President Donald Trump has been battle-tested.  We have seen what he could do, and do it despite all of the Crazies on the Left, which nowadays, unfortunately, is almost all of the Democrat Party, which used to be far different; and Main Stream media, which has become indoctrination centers for the Democrat Party.  A Republican president needs much more than have great policies, s/he needs to be very courageous to even combat and win the Presidency given the massive election and voter fraud by the Democrat Party.  America needs Donald Trump again, the other contenders, with the possible exception of Governor DeSantis, are simply not strong enough or experienced enough yet for the “Final Battle”  (see David Horowitz’ book, Final Battle (The Next Election Could Be the Last).    





Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

The 2008 Supreme Court decision, District of Columbia v. Heller, ruled that the Second Amendment actually conferred an individual gun ownership right.

Are you pro-Second Amendment or anti-Second Amendment or somewhere in-between?  Are you for reasonable restrictions on gun ownership?  Where you stand on the gun issue really doesn’t matter much because most of the dialog surrounding this issue is simplistic and/or deceitful and/or political.

Why?  Because most of the measures which have been discussed and adopted have proven to be ineffective.  John Lott, author of the book, More Guns, Less Crime, is the very best authority on what works and what doesn’t, but have you heard his name even mentioned in the gun debates.  His research over more than a decade is explained in his book and should be the foundation of gun laws, not the political posturing that is going on around the country aimed at voters and guaranteed to do nothing except make matters worse.  Most people are not expected to know who knows what they’re talking about and who doesn’t, but the media is expected to know, but it either doesn’t or it doesn’t want to.

The Second Amendment to the Constitution allowing an armed citizenry was adopted by the Founding Fathers as a safeguard against government tyranny.  They wanted this because democracies eventually morphed into dictatorships, and with a standing army in the United States, this was a real possibility.  Fear of a dictatorial government is just one reason why emotions are so high surrounding the issue, especially with Venezuela  becoming a dictatorship, having banned guns to the general public in 2012.  Not many politicians will admit it because it sounds unbelievable, however, this is the heart of the issue: big-government Democrats want as much control of guns as possible, and limited-government Republicans want the minimum amount of control possible.  The major reason for many gun owners to have guns is the capability guns provide in protecting oneself and one’s family.  Other reasons are hunting and target shooting.

I bought my first handgun while living in downtown Washington, DC.  Washington banned even owning a handgun when I lived there.  However, I decided to break the local law and purchase a PPK (James Bond’s gun) after a close friend and neighbor had his head busted open by four hoodlums. Not too long after this I was attacked by three hoodlums just outside of my apartment.  Consequently, my wife and I moved to a safer neighborhood where I didn’t need a handgun.

We subsequently moved to a mountaintop in Colorado, located about one hour southwest of Denver.  While working in front of my property one day a motorcycle gang drove past me which got me to thinking that I could not protect my wife and I for the one hour it took for the sheriff to find and get to my home.  Consequently, I purchased a shotgun, a semi-automatic rifle, and a larger handgun.  Since we had no children and neither I nor my wife ever became hysterical, I kept all of my guns loaded and ready to use.  I considered them insurance and they made me feel much better about my ability to protect my wife.

You can see that my interest in guns has to do with protection.  The Second Amendment gives Americans that Right.  If you’d like to learn about the statistics that prove that more guns mean less crime, read John Lott’s, More Guns, Less Crime, and you’ll have the information you need to decide what needs to be done to help control gun violence. Other great books defending and justifying gun ownership are Dana Loesch’s, Hands Off My Gun, and Dennis Henigan’s, Guns Don’t Kill People, People Kill People. 


The evidence that President Trump won the 2020 election by a landslide is overwhelming, yet you often hear that there is no evidence or that State courts looked at it and found nothing.  In this post I describe some of the evidence that documents how the election was stolen:

  1. The State Courts’ and the Supreme Court positions against President Trump are irrelevant because they didn’t even hear the evidence by claiming (erroneously) that President Trump and the 22 State litigants didn’t have standing to bring their lawsuits.
  2.  In her book,  “Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized our Elections,” Mollie Hemingway, brilliant political analyst details how Mark Zuckerberg gave $419 million to two far-left radical organizations that then used the money to infiltrate and buy off election offices in the large cities in the “Battleground” states which then swayed the election to Joe Biden.
  3.  In addition to the traditional Democrat Party fraud, which began over 150 years ago with Boss Tweed in New York City politics, the type and magnitude of the massive election fraud in the 2020 Presidential election was unprecedented. China remotely reprogrammed electronic voting machines in Battleground Cities in Battleground States to flip millions of Trump votes to Biden votes.  The real election results were Trump 80+ million votes to Biden 68 million votes.
  4. The best compendium of most of the fraud was prepared by economist Peter Navarro, Ph.D., one of President Trump’s advisors. The report is 82 pages and has three volumes: volume one is called “The Immaculate Deception,” volume two is called “The Art of the Steal,” and volume three is called, “Yes, President Trump won: The Case, Evidence, & Statistical Receipts.” I had to use the “DuckDuckGo” search engine to obtain a copy.
  5. Time magazine published in its February 15, 2021 edition, a lengthy article, entitled “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election.” It documents the manipulation, State law and Rule changes, etc. that Left-wing groups perpetrated to assist Joe Biden to become President.
  6.  After the election, Rudi Giuliani went to the “Battleground States” and held hearings with members of those State legislatures and listened to poll workers testify to the fraud they witnessed on election night.  I recorded over 20 hours of testimony.  .
  7. After the election, Mike Lindell (“the Pillow Guy”) pulled together many experts in computer science and cyber-theft, demonstrated in a few 2-hour presentations how China, by reprogramming the electronic voting machines, flipped millions of Trump votes to Biden votes.  Presented were numerous screen shots of the actual IP addresses in China of the sender and in the U.S. precincts where they were received and the number of votes flipped.  I recorded it when it aired on the T.V. station, One America News (OAN).  Considering that President Trump cost China hundreds of million of dollars in tariffs, it is certainly plausible that China would throw the election for Joe Biden.
  8. All Republican political leaders know from bitter experience that they must win elections decisively; otherwise, the election fraud committed by the Democrat Party will ultimately prevail (see Hugh Hewitt’s book, If It’s Not Close, They Can’t Cheat).
  9. Elon Musk, multi-billionaire, upon purchasing Twitter, has published e-mails showing collusion between the FBI and Twitter suppressing any news about the information on Hunter Biden’s laptop computer implicating his father, Joe Biden, in huge corruption and conspiracy.  Enough Biden voters to change the election results say they would not have voted for Biden had they known about the Hunter Biden laptop story.
  10. CPA, Joseph N. Fried, wrote “Debunked,” which systematically analyzed the 2020 election and concludes that it’s possible that the election was stolen from Donald Trump.

There is no question that the 2020 U.S. Presidential election was stolen with significant help from China.  The “Big Lie” is really that it wasn’t stolen.  Mainstream Media, Big Tech, and the “Deep State”  have all assisted in this corruption.  Nothing less than the future of the Republic is at risk unless election fraud is stopped.  The Left cannot win with its insane policies; it can only win by using fraud and deceit.



Hillary’s America gives a detailed account of the history of the Democrat Party. The DVD version is entertaining as well as informative.

I remember discussing the 1960 Presidential election with my father after watching the very first T.V. Presidential Debates, trying to decide who would make the better President, Richard Nixon or John Kennedy.  Both candidates had similar positions on issues. Though inexperienced, Kennedy was youthful, energetic, good-looking, and came across  very well on television.  Nixon was more dour and did not look good on T.V.  However, my dad and I thought that Nixon’s experience trumped Kennedy’s and that this was the most important factor to consider.

Of course, Kennedy was elected President and, aside from his mishandling of the “Bay of Pigs” fiasco,  governed well.  Although his father, Joseph Kennedy, bought the election for his son by buying votes in Cook County, Illinois, as well as in Texas, President Kennedy, aside from his womanizing, was basically an honest and effective president, and consequently is still beloved to this day by many millions of people. President Kennedy was one of the first presidents to cut taxes to stimulate the economy, something that no Democrat President would do today (though Democrat President Bill Clinton drastically cut the Capital Gains tax in the mid-90’s resulting in huge increases in trading stocks and consequent vastly increased revenues to the federal government.

Upon President Kennedy’s assassination in 1963, Vice-President Lyndon Johnson was sworn in as President and served out the remainder of Kennedy’s first term.  His escalation of the Vietnamese war was unpopular but his Civil Rights legislation was (legislation that President Kennedy originated).  Johnson allegedly said that “this will have the N****** voting Democrat for 200 years.  African-Americans had been previously voting Republican for 100 years after Republican President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation (the Democrat Party was the party of slavery, the Klu Klux Klan,  and Jim Crow laws).

After Republican Gerald Ford became President when Richard Nixon resigned in 1974, Jimmy Carter became the next Democrat President in 1976.  Both inflation and interest rates skyrocketed under the Carter Administration, and when Carter persuaded the Shah of Iran to allow the Aiytolla Khomeni out of exile in Paris and back into Iran, Khomeni quickly fomented revolution and took over Iran.  Fifty-two hostages were taken from the U.S. embassy in Tehran, were held for 444 days, and only released 30 minutes after Republican Ronald Reagan was sworn in as President in 1981.  President Carter was thought to be a religious person, better suited to be the Nation’s preacher.

President Reagan reduced tax rates (which resulted in the Gross Domestic Product of the U.S. doubling in 10 years), strengthened the military (including the Strategic Defense Initiative, “Star Wars”), cut back Federal regulations, and created Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA).  All of these got the economy booming.

Republican President George H.W. Bush subsequently served as president from 1988 to 1992 and had U.S. troops push Saddam Hussein’s troops out of Kuwait and back to Iraq in the first Gulf War..

Democrat Bill Clinton became President in 1992, governed as a moderate, and was considered a successful President despite his tryst with White House intern, Monica Lewinsky, which eventually led to his impeachment. Under his Presidency there were 4

years of Federal budget surpluses, thanks mostly to Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, Budget Committee Chairman, John Kasich, and the Republican House and Senate. His support of the popular welfare reform led to greatly reduced welfare rolls and consequently to his re-election in 1996.

After Republican George W. Bush served as President from 2000 to 2008, Democrat Barrack Obama became President in 2008 on a slogan of “Hope and Change,” after serving as a U.S. Senator from Illinois for 2 years, and moved the Democrat Party to the far left.  He was re-elected in 2012 and served as President for four more years.  As President, Obama pushed through the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”) that mandated very poor healthcare unaffordable  for most people except those receiving subsidies.  In addition, Obama pushed the Dodd-Frank law that destroyed 40% of community banks, shut down many coal-fired generating plants and consequently lost about one million jobs, wasted billions from the Federal budget by investing in failed “green energy” “kick-back” plants like Solyndra, emphasized man-made climate change instead of sun-caused  climate change, increased the National debt from $9 trillion to $19 trillion, decreased the strength of the military to its weakest in decades, did not leave a small residual military force in Iraq which resulted in terrorists regaining a strong foothold in the region, negotiated a really bad deal with Iran which would have led to nuclear proliferation in the Middle East and possibly a  nuclear war, and did not take the threat from ISIS seriously, etc., etc., etc.

On January 20, 2017, Republican Donald Trump was sworn in as President and subsequently implemented policies which grew the economy by over 4%/year Gross Domestic Product (GDP), after only  about  one and a half years in office.  This after eight years of President Obama having an average of 1.9% GDP growth.  The stock market went from about 18,000 Dow Jones Industrial Average to over 28,000 in less than three years from the day Trump was elected President.  Moreover, President Trump and the Republicans in Congress significantly cut taxes on individuals, businesses and corporations which resulted in the economy growing at an unbelievable rate to the extent that I believed that budget deficits would disappear by the end of 2024 if Trump were re-elected in 2020. Finally, one of the most important accomplishments was his “Operation Warp Speed” that produced  vaccines for Covid-19 in nine months, rather than the 3-4 years that it would have otherwise taken.

Joe Biden, however, became President in January 2021 and immediately began reversing President Trump’s policies.  After only a few months in office the country began falling apart, with huge surges in illegal immigration and drugs, huge increases in government deficit spending and its consequent inflation, China and Russia challenging the U.S. all over the world, etc.  Today’s Democrat Party is for open borders, Sanctuary Cities, high taxes, late-term abortions, Socialism, government-run healthcare, and fraudulent elections; and against ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), law enforcement, gun ownership, low taxes, energy independence, and a strong military.

From Conservative Democrat President John Kennedy to Far-Left Democrat President Joe Biden, the Democrat Party is no longer the Political Party that your father might have voted for….it has become a far-left party for the very wealthy whose dark agenda is quickly destroying freedom in the United States.  This has been possible only because of the corrupt Mainstream Media and Big Tech enabling it.  See Elon Musk’s recently-released Twitter emails between Twitter and the FBI and “Big Tech” corporations  colluding  on suppressing political speech that it disagreed with.




Why would I respect and admire former President Trump?  Here’s a few of the reasons why.

  1. President Trump every day made America great again by signing Executive Orders and laws to increase America’s prosperity, defenses, security, etc.  His tax cuts law, for example, revived the economy to the point where the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), until the Coronavirus lockdown, was routinely over 3% every month, though under the Obama Administration  never was over 3% for any year over his 8-year Presidency.  GDP measures the size of the economy. The tax cuts for people, businesses, and corporations, plus the cuts in regulations resulted in the lowest unemployment rate in history for African-Americans and Hispanic-Americans, as well as an extremely low unemployment rate for all Americans.  President Trump spent over $700 billion in fiscal years 2018 and 2019 for the military which had become seriously weakened by President Obama’s starving it for financial resources during his 8-year presidency.  His Veterans law allows veterans to see any doctor and receive Federal reimbursement.  His “Right-to-Try” law enabled fatally-ill people to get experimental drugs as a last-ditch effort to save their lives.  He made the U.S. energy independent through Executive Orders abolishing Obama’s harmful over-regulations.  He built 500 miles of 30′-high wall along the southern border to protect Americans from drugs, terrorists and criminals.  Etc., etc., ad infinitum.
  2. He fought back hard when unjustly accused, which is far different than many, timid, gutless, Republican leaders.  Not only did he fight back, he continued to push his agenda, which was to help all Americans, despite the relentless attacks and misreporting by the Mainstream Media, academia, Hollywood and Democrat Party leadership.
  3. President Trump did what’s in the best interests of the U.S., far different than his predecessor, who put politics first.  For example, his insistence for a border wall was absolutely essential for national security and to stop drugs and terrorists/criminals from mixing in with other immigrants, thereby easily crossing the border to illegally enter the U.S.
  4. He regained America’s place in the world and was not timid in leading, unlike his predecessor.
  5. He has a wonderful wife and impressive children, which says a lot about him.
  6. He talks bluntly, unlike most politicians, therefore there is no need to speculate on what he really means.
  7. Although very wealthy, he did not put on airs and is not pretentious.
  8. He was loyal to his supporters and his political party.
  9. He called out the media for misreporting and even fabricating news, which was far different than many spineless Republican leaders.
  10. He planned, organized, directed, coordinated, and controlled the huge effort to protect the public from the Coronavirus, forced government agencies to develop Covid vaccines in record time, and then restarted the economy in an effort to bring it back to its recent former prosperity.                                                                 


President Trump was a different kind of President.  He accomplished in a day what most Presidents take a month or more to do, if ever.  He was fearless and did what needed to be done to help all Americans, regardless of the consequences.  Because he was not a politician, his blunt talk alienated many, however he improved the United States so dramatically and so quickly that I cannot help but respect and admire him.


MUGGED: racial demagoguery

I read Ann Coulter’s book, Mugged, and learned a lot of new information from this lawyer and best-selling author.  None of the information surprised me but it was insightful reading Ms. Coulter’s relentless array of facts.

Basically, Coulter contends that very few of the racial incidents in the last 50 years have been racist (civil rights battles were mostly won before the seventies); instead, they were racial hoaxes, perpetrated by demagogues for various reasons and motives.

One of the most important facts that Ann Coulter shows in her book, Mugged,  is that all segregationists were Democrats and that the Democrat Party fought against Civil Rights legislation for 100 years going way back to Abraham Lincoln’s time when Lincoln and his Republican Party ran on an anti-slavery platform.  This is not news to us who know American history but it is big news to millions of Americans that have been brainwashed and now believe the racist propaganda politicians spout off.

Another very important and horrific fact brought to light in Ms. Coulter’s book is the fact that a major consequence of every racial hoax is the slaughter of whites by young black hoodlums seeking revenge for what they hear and believe to be true about the (phony) racial incidents (Google: “Blackout Game,” “Polar Bear Hunting,” “Flash Mobs”).

Why do I believe the aforementioned to be true?  First, because I trust Ann Coulter in accurately portraying the facts.  Second, because I not only worked for many years assisting minorities in combating discrimination as a Federal collateral-duty EEO Counselor and then as a Federal collateral-duty Hispanic Employment Program Coordinator, but also have closely followed many racial incidents, including Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown.

“Mugged” gives the details of many racial incidents, such as the Tawana Brawley rape hoax with Al Sharpton’s involvement.  I believe that some racism still exists, but there are many politicians and race hustlers exploiting race simply to get your vote, and use the very toxic “Critical Race Theory” (which contends that all whites are oppressors and all blacks are victims) and the”1619 Project” (which contends that America was really founded to further slavery, contrary to what the Declaration of Independence says).


Ann Coulter’s book, Mugged, ends with Barack Obama.  The United States has made fantastic progress since it left British rule in 1776, which back then had slavery.  Eighty-seven years later President Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation which freed the slaves (in 1863).  One hundred and thirty-seven years after the slaves were freed, the U.S. elected its first African-American President (Barack Obama in 2008).  In the 1960’s, significant Civil Rights laws were passed to help combat discrimination.  Today, many politicians are unethically using race to create racial strife to further their political agendas.  It’s no coincidence that 90% of African-Americans vote Democrat, though Democrat Socialist policies are preventing them from achieving their dreams.



With the Democrat Party moving very far left to the extent that it can now be accurately called the socialist party, why are half of voters still Democrats?  That’s what we’ll examine here.

The Democrat Party’s history goes way back to Andrew Jackson.  President Jackson was a populist and championed the working class, though he did force the Seminole Indians in Florida to move to Oklahoma, far from their Tribal lands, with many dying along the way, thus the name, “Trail of Tears.”  After its Confederacy lost the Civil War,  the Democrat Party supported the Klu Klux Klan and then the “Jim Crow” laws that kept African-Americans subjugated.

Aside from its checkered past, the Party successfully fought to have itself branded as being a champion for the poor, minorities, and the working class.  If this were ever true in the past, it’s certainly no longer true today.  Today’s Democrat Party is not your father’s Democrat Party.  Therefore, I ask the question, “why do about half of Americans still vote Democrat?”  Here’s why…

-President John F. Kennedy was the most prominent Democrat in the past and many voters still think of the Democrat Party as being the Party of JFK (though it has moved far to the left from where JFK stood on issues).

-The mainstream media (New York Times, Washington Post, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, etc.) are propagandists for the Democrat Party.  Over 90% of their reporting on President Trump was negative and much of it was actually fabricated, reporting on the insignificant “palace intrigue” rather than on Trump’s substantive accomplishments with the economy, jobs, minority employment, etc.  Stories that made liberals look bad were usually not reported.

-Most of Hollywood is a major propagandist for the Democrat Party, using its fame with the public to sway voters.

-Most Universities and colleges are propagandists for the Democrat Party.  Professors deliberately mis-state  the Conservative side of issues and also attribute nefarious motives to Republicans and Conservatives.

-Silicon Valley uses its vast power to suppress conservative ideas on the Internet but airs liberal and far-left ideas.

-Most Republican politicians, with the exception of former President Trump, governor Ron DeSantis, and a few others, generally do not fight back against the constant onslaught of criticism and phony allegations from their Democrat opponents and the mainstream Media.  Therefore, voters hear mostly just one side criticizing the other and never even hear both sides of issues.

-There is a significant amount of voter fraud, as documented by various credible sources such as the Pew Research Center.  Almost all of the fraud is for Democrat political candidates and explains why Democrat National Committee policy is against any form of photo ID being required to vote, using the pretext that it’s voter suppression.  Voter ID makes voter fraud much more difficult.

-Many voters do not closely follow national issues.  They repeat what they hear on the Left’s propaganda mainstream media (MSM) machine, but they don’t know both sides of the issues.  Therefore, followers of MSM are usually Democrats, thus the war by the Left against Fox News, which is not part of the MSM.  Even simply hearing the conservative or Republican side would change the minds of many voters.

-Most Democrat issues are phony issues, created to persuade voters to vote Democrat.  These include the non-existent “War on Women”, the Left’s attempt to take protective guns away from law-abiding citizens through its “War on Guns”,  blaming climate change mostly on people rather than mostly on the sun and solar flares, calling everyone a racist who does not agree with their position on issues, the Left’s war on the police, the military, and ICE, etc., etc., etc.


I’ve been following politics since the 1960 TV debates between John Kennedy and Richard Nixon.  Back then, both political parties were relatively honest in advocating their views.  It’s much different today.  Other than being against every policy that the Republican Party supports, what policies do President Biden and the Democrat Party stand for?   From his Presidential Executive Orders and Actions, Biden is for abolishing ICE, not finishing constructing the border wall, giving all illegal aliens amnesty, a weak military, free college, Obamacare, and Sanctuary cities among other things.  The Democrat Party-controlled Congress has passed a $1.9 trillion covid-19 relief package that contains only 9% covid relief, proposed a $2.2 trillion infrastructure package with less than 25% of it to be spent on infrastructure, and is has proposed a voting “reform” bill that is so corrupt it would ensure that there could never be another Republican president.  It does this be removing all safeguards to election integrity. Good-bye to the Republic, hello to George Orwell’s “1984.”  God help us!



Everyone knows that the Democrat Party is the liberal (or Progressive) party and the Republican Party is the conservative party.  But is this true?  I don’t think so.  Here’s why:  the Democrat and Republican parties stake out positions on many issues, most of which are neither liberal nor conservative.  It is much more accurate to characterize their positions as being either Democrat or Republican positions rather than liberal or conservative.


For example,  is the $29 trillion U.S. National Debt liberal or conservative? Of course, it’s neither!  How about Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid?  Once again, a safety net for the elderly and the poor is neither liberal nor conservative.  I could continue on but I believe I made my point.  However, I can successfully argue that a strong military is favored by the Republican Party and a weak military is favored by the Democrat Party.  In addition, non-enforcement of our immigration laws is a tenet of the Democrat Party and strict enforcement is a tenet of the Republican Party.  Once again, these are not liberal or conservative positions but are simply political party preferences.  Another example, Sanctuary Cities are favored by the Democrat Party but are not favored by the Republican Party.  Another, man-made climate change is a Democrat idea, whereas Sun-caused (Solar-Flares, Sun Spots, Weak Solar Cycles 25, 26) climate change is a Republican idea.  Abortion is supported by Democrats, anti-abortion by Republicans.  None of these positions have anything to do with liberalism or conservatism so why muddy the waters?  Call them what there are: positions taken by either the Democrat Party or the Republican Party.


I think the language that is thrown around against both liberals and conservatives is sloppy, irresponsible and misleading and it needs to stop because it confuses voters.  Voters need to know what each political party stands for with much more precision and clarity so that they know exactly what policies they are supporting.  Calling voters names is what some people do when they can’t make intelligent, logical, and cogent arguments to support their positions.  I can’t find much to suggest that the Democrat Party is Liberal or Progressive, and that the Republican Party is Conservative so let’s call political party positions Democrat positions or Republican positions and drop the liberal and conservative labels. They are misleading.



Who can be against a livable wage and why would they possibly be against it?  That’s what this post is about.

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) previously reported that if the minimum wage were to be increased to $10.10 nationwide, or a 40% increase, about 500,000 to 1,000,000 million minimum-wage employees, from a pool of 16,500,000 minimum wage employees, would lose their jobs because employers could not pay it and remain in small business.  However, if the new proposed minimum wage jumped to $15/hour, the effects of such a raise is estimated as being the loss of about one and a half million jobs.

So why do it?  The main argument is that it’s not a “living wage,” that no one can live on and raise a family on that wage.  Sounds like a reasonable justification but, of course, we need to look at other sides of the argument before reaching sound conclusions.  I already cited one of the primary reasons why government should not mandate raising the minimum wage too high…the loss of about 1,500,000 minimum-wage jobs; however, another significant reason is that it would almost shut down the first step on career ladders for unskilled workers…to the extent that they couldn’t even get that first job, get their foot in the door…because their work would not be worth $15/hour.  Many small businesses, like restaurants, are very sensitive to the minimum wage and when government mandates that wage to be increased substantially, restaurant prices increase substantially, which hurts the business and makes it fail (so the end result may also be the elimination of jobs).  Finally, it’s far more accurate to call the “minimum wage” the “starting wage,” because that’s exactly what it is for most people.

It appears that labor union leadership and consequently the Democrat Party is the only beneficiary of government mandating dramatic minimum wage increases with everyone else being harmed; therefore, gradual increases in the minimum wage may be able to satisfy genuine concerns of the minimum wage argument.

The best way to raise everyone’s wages the most is to create a booming economy like they did in North Dakota, for example,  where $15/hour was the starting wage in fast food restaurants because of the huge competition for employees that North Dakota’s great economy had fostered.  Former President Trump did precisely that with the U.S. economy, which resulted of a 3.4% increase in workers’ wages.  The government did not have to mandate minimum wages…they occurred naturally.


I didn’t vote for Barack Obama and Joe Biden in 2008 or 2012.  In 2008 it was a very difficult choice for me because I had devoted many years to fighting racial discrimination and eagerly wanted to vote for the first black President.  However, on eight of the top ten National issues, I disagreed with Obama’s and Biden’ positions, so I couldn’t vote for them in good conscience.  Though I didn’t vote for the Obama-Biden ticket, I believed what they said about their being “post-partisan” and wanting a “transparent” Presidency.  While there were some rumblings on the right about Obama really being a far-left radical, I was unconvinced and believed his message of “hope and change.”  By the 2012 Presidential election, I had become convinced that President Obama and Vice-President Biden followed Democrat policies which had destroyed many businesses and jobs, and made health insurance unaffordable for anyone who paid for Obamacare themselves.

Eight years after being elected, Obama-Biden had a record of a number of failures, of wasting trillions of dollars, of race relations being much worse, and of creating a health care system that was far worse and much more expensive than most Americans could afford.  After eight years of Obama-Biden, we had a Civilian Labor Force Participation Rate the lowest since 1978, 62.8%, and a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) whose growth did not reach 3% annually for his entire presidency.  Calling President Obama and Vice-President Biden economically incompetent doesn’t come close to describing the situation accurately.

“But Obama-Biden did their best,” you might say.  Their best was simply not good enough.  They were in over their heads.  They are good fathers and husbands, but their policies as President and Vice-President have been a disaster and therefore whoever ran as the Democrat nominee in 2020 (Joe Biden) should not be elected because Democrat policies simply do not work.

Most democrat policies are very destructive.  There is no war on women (see my post, “War on Women”), no longer very much new man-made Global Warming (see my post, “Is Global Warming due mostly to Solar Flares or is it Man-Made?”), not much racism (see my post, “Obsessed with Race”), a phony gun issue (see my post “More Guns, Less Crime”), etc., ad infinitum.  I spend over six hours/day following national and political issues, and have my Masters degree in Government Administration from the University of Pennsylvania,  so it’s easy for me to know who knows what they’re doing and who does not (and President Obama didn’t know, economically, and had surrounded himself with economic advisors who all believed in Keynesian economics although it has never worked).  Though the U.S. was fooled twice by President Obama, Vice-President Biden and the corrupt and criminal Democrat Party, I don’t intend to be fooled again.

On a positive note, President Obama was the very first African-American president and is beloved by many of all colors ad creeds.  It took 145 years for African-Americans to go from slavery (up to 1863) to having one of its own being elected to President of the United States (in 2008).  In addition, President Obama appointed two female Supreme Court justices.


The beating of Tyre Nichols in January 2023 in Memphis Tennessee demonstrated severe police brutality.  We saw the video of Tyre Nichols being beaten so we know that it was true.  In Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, Chicago, Atlanta, etc., police were charged with racism and brutality.  Are the police brutality charges for the other cites true?  Many businesses were burned down around the Nation. In Portland, there was over 60 nights of attempts to burn down its Federal Courthouse.  Many policemen were seriously injured and three were even blinded. Some cities reacted insanely to Mr. Floyd’s murder by defunding their police departments.  Some thankfully outlawed chokeholds by police.

George Floyd’s murder initiated anew protests against police brutality which then morphed into riots.  Mr. Floyd’s murder was used by the Far Left  to weaken police departments.  Since police brutality has been alleged in the past, I thought it was the appropriate time to examine it, determine how pervasive it is, and see what could and should be done about it, if anything.  But first, a reminder of how important this issue is, I’ll cite a quote from David Clarke’s book, Cop Under Fire, “Police officers have the overwhelming support of their communities.  Changing us into something we’re not will get cops and civilians killed.”  In fact, crime has skyrocketed when cities weakened their police forces.

I believe that the first most important and relevant fact to consider is how pervasive is police brutality.  The second is, “what is the best remedy for police brutality” if it, in fact,  is commonplace.  Thus far, the “defunding the police” remedy, being done by many municipalities, was worse than crazy, it’s goofy.  More training for police would be the best remedy.  In George Floyd’s case, however, the policeman  who killed him had previously been charged with many instances of brutality; therefore, he should have been fired or at least disciplined long ago.  Training, however, should be given on: when fellow policemen should step in and stop criminal police behavior.  Training is expensive and requires more money for police departments, not less.  More training is always a good idea, though I did not find police brutality to be pervasive.  I think national standards are in order.

Despite their pronouncements to the contrary and months of riots, looting and burning down of businesses indicate that Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA are not interested in the welfare of the African-American community or  of the United States; therefore anything that they support or advocate should be taken with a universe of salt, including their claims of police brutality and advocacy for defunding the police.


A very useful guide though a little outdated

When Joe Biden became our next president on November 3, 2020, Obamacare continued to be America’s healthcare system.  In June of 2023 it remains in effect.  As of 2022, approximately 35 million Americans were coved by Obamacare-supported medical insurance coverage.  Therefore, Americans need to know something about it.

Without subsidies, Obamacare or the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is unaffordable for most people.  Because it is so bad, many looked to President Trump to repeal and replace it with something much better and much less expensive.  Because employers were not required to provide heath insurance for part-time workers, most new jobs employers created  in the U.S. under Obamacare were part-time.

I’ve been a supporter of universal healthcare since the year 2000 and, although I did not vote for President Obama in 2008 and 2012, I was hopeful that he would make good-healthcare-for-all a reality.  It did not cross my mind that Obama would promulgate legislation that would destroy healthcare for many more Americans than it might help.  It also did not occur to me that healthcare premiums for the unsubsidized would double, triple, or even quadruple because of Obamacare…and that deductibles would be as expensive as four to twelve thousand dollars/year and co-pays double for the unsubsidized what they had been pre-Obamacare…and that all of these consequences combined would have the cumulative effect of destroying healthcare for tens of millions Americans.

Let’s give the creators of Obamacare the benefit of the doubt and assume that their hearts were in the right place, and that the passage of the ACA was not simply an attempt of government takeover of 1/6 of the U.S. economy (with healthcare).  The Affordable Care Act demonstrated that it was not affordable and was pitiful health insurance…it was poorly and incompetently designed and executed.  It reminds me of  the homily that “an elephant is a mouse designed by committee,” but in the case of the ACA, it was designed by one political party in Congress.

But wasn’t Obamacare  designed to be like Romney-care, which was passed by Mitt Romney when he was a Republican governor of Massachusetts?  That’s what politicians said to justify Obamacare, but that’s not true.  Romney-care only affected about  8% of the Massachusetts population.  Obamacare affected everyone except those exempted by the President. Romney-care did not have penalties or mandates that Obamacare did until it was repealed by President Trump in his tax-rate-cuts law. The very few good aspects of Obamacare, pre-existing conditions and coverage by parents’ insurance until age 26, could  have been simply added in new health insurance Federal legislation.

Although Obamacare  is clearly very bad and expensive health insurance, except for those receiving significant subsidies or exemptions,  the U.S. may be stuck with it. The reason is totally political.  One sixth of the economy is healthcare.  The ACA or “Obamacare” is a politician’s dream come true but the average American’s nightmare.  With thousands of dollars required for deductibles before reimbursement by insurance companies kicks in, Obamacare for most ends up basically being only catastrophic health-care insurance, which is important and necessary, but not something one should pay a lot of money for.

An opportunity for Obamacare to be either repealed and replaced came with the 2016 Presidential election.  Only if Republicans controlled the Presidency, the Senate and the House of Representatives could Obamacare be replaced with healthcare that was affordable and truly cared about people.  Legislation failed in 2017 because of Senator John McCain, who promised to vote for a Bill in the Senate to overturn it and then, last minute without informing anyone in advance, did not vote to overturn it.


After most recessions, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth comes back with  a strong minimum 5% increase/year.   But not the recession of 2008-09…annual growth averaged under 2% for the eight years that Barrack Obama was President and the Civilian Labor Force Participation Rate diminished to 62.8%, the lowest it had been since 1978.  Moreover, although the official unemployment rate was under 5%, it would have been about 12% if it were measured the way it was back in the year 2000, and over 20% if it were measured the way it was during the Great Depression in the 30’s.

So what happened under President Obama?  Why not the usual strong growth?  Business had  a few trillion dollars that it held onto oversees, so why didn’t it spend its money to expand its operations and create millions of jobs in the U.S.?  There’s a lot of  reasons why business was cautious in expansion…and we need to understand what the problem was in order to continue to turn around today’s economy and foster substantial job growth (and the increased tax revenues that come with job growth).  Of course, the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”) is filled with disincentives to job growth, especially full-time jobs, so it was partially responsible. The large number of regulations and tax increases under President Obama also added additional burdens on job creators and that’s another major cause.

But who am I to be pontificating on jobs and the economy?  Well, I do have a masters degree in Government Administration from the University of Pennsylvania.  And my degree is from the Wharton School in the U. of P., which is known for its econometric models of the economy.  To be clear, however, my education was in government, not economics, though I did need to have economics and accounting courses as well as a statistics course in order to graduate from Wharton with my MGA long ago.  I also worked for the Federal government for over40 years in various capacities, and have also worked for the state of Pennsylvania and the city of Philadelphia.


Let’s put aside education and experience qualifications because, from my observations, ideology trumps education.  I’ve seen PhD’s advocate  really stupid positions, even in light of contradictory evidence.  So I tend to look at the real world, what actually happens when a particular economic policy is followed and practiced.

I’ll start with the policies used by President John F. Kennedy in the early 1960s.  When confronted with a recession, he cut tax rates which led to increased economic growth and recovery.  In addition, when President Ronald Reagan inherited the worst recession since the Great Depression from President Jimmy Carter in 1980 (unemployment over 10%, inflation 13.5%, mortgage interest rates up to 20%), President Reagan cut tax rates to the extent that GDP almost doubled in ten years and tax revenues to the Federal government greatly increased in the 10 years following the tax rate cuts.  President George W. Bush had a similar experience with tax rate cuts, revenues to the Federal government significantly increased.

The most recent economic successful recovery was orchestrated by President Trump with cuts in taxes and regulations, which resulted in an extremely low unemployment rate of 3.4% and the lowest unemployment rates in U.S. history for African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, and Asian-Americans.


Let’s look at what actually happened when the opposite approach was used:  it is estimated that President Franklin D. Roosevelt doubled the duration of the Great Depression in the 1930’s by using the John Keynes economic model of increasing government deficit spending, and the US still did not even get out of the Great Depression until World War II.   Moreover, when Japan’s economy went bust in the 90’s, it spent trillions over a 20-year period trying to stimulate its economy.  The huge deficit spending did nothing except give Japan a huge debt.


Which brings us up to to when President Barrack Obama spent almost a trillion dollars in his “stimulus” package in a effort to turn around the economy…and he also devalued the dollar by having The Federal Reserve Bank print trillions of dollars with no backing through it’s so-called Quantitative Easing 1, 2, and 3.  He also tried other short-term Federal spending programs such as his “cash for clunkers” and engaged in huge annual deficit spending, the extent of which had never been seen before.  His economic policies, based on the discredited theories of economist, John Maynard Keynes,  have actually have made the economy worse by piling up huge government debt (over $20 trillion in total national debt which is greater than the annual GDP of the US), with very little to show for it,  and whose interest payments will be unsustainable when interest rates increase.

Let’s look at other factors significantly adversely affecting the economy, such as oppressive government regulations.  One of the reasons for President Bill Clinton’s economic success in the 1990s was his significantly cutting back many Federal Regulations (as well as the reduction in government employment through attrition) as part of his “National Performance Review” initiative.  President Obama’s policy, on the other hand,  on preventing drilling for oil in the Gulf of Mexico, has resulted in 240,000 barrels/day less oil from the Gulf,  which would have led to large increases in gasoline prices were it not for oil companies engaging in horizontal drilling and fracking on private and State lands.  Another example of over-regulation is the Dodd-Frank bill, the stated purpose of which was to prevent future financial meltdowns…but it did not even deal with the cause of the meltdown, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, who threatened  and coerced banks into making housing loans to people who could not afford to repay them.  Dodd-Frank also had adverse impacts on small banks and dried up loan money for small businesses that would have otherwise been available to them to expand.

Then there’s Obamacare which has been estimated to actually cost the government up to 3 trillion dollars in the first 10 years, as well as lead to very expensive, rationed and inferior health care.   Then, of course, there’s EPA’s over-regulations, such as the one on carbon dioxide, which as we know, is an inert gas, the chief purpose of which is food for plant life, plants which turn carbon dioxide into oxygen.  Moreover, let’s not forget how hundreds of thousands of farm hands were suddenly unemployed when the US Department of the Interior shut off the water to California’s Central Valley in an effort to protect the Delta Smelt (a small fish) that was on the Endangered Species list.  All of these things had severely hurt jobs.  Finally, President Obama extending unemployment benefits to 99 weeks actually increased unemployment because studies show that, on average, unemployment benefit recipients don’t even begin looking for work until 4 weeks prior to the end of their benefits.


But stimulating the economy by cutting tax rates isn’t fair, is it?  Even President Obama said in an interview a year or so before he was elected President, when confronted with the fact that cutting the capital gains tax rate in the past had actually resulted in increased tax revenues to the Federal government, that he still would not cut the capital gains tax rate because “it isn’t fair.”

So is it fair to cut tax rates even though we know that the result would be to increase tax revenues?  The nation would then have more money to help the poor, not less, so why not do it?  I can understand the “equality” argument but  is it really a good thing if everyone were equally poor as they are in many countries?   “So what” if there are some super-wealthy people…we know that in the United States they will eventually give most of their money to charity anyway and do it much more wisely than the Federal government!   Winston Churchill said that  capitalism is a bad form of government except that it’s better than all other forms of government.


Cutting  tax rates and regulations have always worked in the past and stimulated the economy and thereby created many jobs.  Presidents Kennedy, Reagan,Bush and Trump all increased tax revenues by cutting tax rates for everyone.  Today, the bottom 50% of earners pay almost no Federal income taxes…the wealthiest 10 %, on the other hand,  pay over 70% of all Federal income taxes.  If you believe that’s not enough, how much is enough?  The U.S. corporate tax rate was 35% but Trump and the Republican Congress reduced it to its current 21%, and it consequently has led to many corporations moving their operations and jobs back from other countries and has caused the United States to regain many jobs.  It’s time for President Trump to work his Wharton School “magic” again and bring back the economy again.  I believe that President Trump can and will bring back the economy.



After being President for two and a half years, there appears to be a large difference of opinion on President Trump’s job performance.  As someone schooled in government (Fels Government Center, Wharton School, U of Penn) and with over 40 years of working with the Federal government and some work with a State government and a large city government, I thought I’d use my perspective as a 1/2 conservative, 1/2 classic liberal on the Trump presidency so far.

To be perfectly fair, it’s probably impossible for a multi-billionaire, married to a gorgeous, successful, wonderful woman, and having raised 5 successful and great children, to be humble.  Therefore, when he goes overboard with bragging about his accomplishments, I understand (but do not condone) President Trump’s style but am still calling it a “con.”

Another “con” is President Trump’s  being thin-skinned and having to rebut or comment on every criticism directed a him.  He gives his enemies credibility by even bothering to comment on their usually absurd criticisms.  He strongly believes in hitting back which he thinks will stifle more attacks if he doesn’t hit back.  President Trump’s sometimes inarticulateness and lack of precision and specificity is another one of his cons.  A good example is his claim of millions of fraudulent votes in the 2016 presidential election.  He should have immediately followed his comment up with citations to about half-dozen studies showing that he was right and then cite specific examples that people can better relate to, such as comedian Al Franken stealing the Minnesota Senatorial election from Norm Coleman in 2008.

Trump’s critics accuse him of lying and he and his supporters do not provide enough specifics to counter their spurious claims.   I can usually demolish any of their claims in less than 5 minutes for each one so I know it’s easily possible.  I’ll cite just one example, President Trump’s inaugural swearing in crowd-size disagreement: the Obama photo of his inauguration crowd size and the Trump photo were obviously taken from different vantage points, Obama’s from a low height looking out over the podium, Trump’s from the high top of the Washington monument, looking from the back of the crowd.  In addition, the photos were taken at different times of day: the Obama photo at noon when he was sworn in, the Trump photo at about 11 am, about an hour prior to Trump’s swearing in when the crowd wasn’t all there yet.  I know this to be true because I watched the proceedings all inaugural morning.  However, I believe President Trump should have simply brushed it off by saying something, “no big deal, we had a lot of people and so did President Obama.”

All of the “cons” concern President Trump’s personal shortcomings, as well as things that he has said.   Now let’s look at the “pros,” those positive features of President Trump’s presidency. He has done more in his time as President than any other President in American history that I know of.   The Sunday morning political shows are pitiful in explaining this, only looking at legislative accomplishments.  His tax cuts and jobs act, has stimulated the economy to unbelievable highs and unemployment to new lows.

President Trump used Executive Actions, mostly Executive Orders, to get many things done, like temporary immigration bans from countries that have poor records of vetting citizens, of reversing duplicative regulations that kill jobs and hamper job creation, of enforcing immigration laws, etc., etc., etc.  In addition, President Trump has persuaded many large corporations to pledge billions for new plants and jobs in America.  Moreover, due to his Reagan-like economic plan and pledges from many business leaders, the stock market has increased in value by over $8 trillion since the day Donald J. Trump was elected president, November 8, 2016.  Moreover, both African-American and Hispanic-American employment is highest in history and female employment is the highest since the 1950’s.  President Trump has earned the reputation of sleeping only a few hours/night…of being an unbelievably hard-worker.  Were it not for fake news on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, New York Times and the Washington Post, I believe the President’s approval would be about 65%.  Instead, it’s 53% today.

Whether you agree or disagree with what President Trump is doing, he has already fulfilled many of his campaign promises and has pledged to fulfill them all, including building the southern wall, cutting everyone’s taxes, bringing back corporations to the U.S., making unemployment in the U.S. under 4%, etc.


Whatever President Trump has promised during the presidential campaign, but does not accomplish, blame Senate Majority Leader, Republican Mitch McConnell from Kentucky.  Although he is very experienced and knowledgable, having served as a senator since 1985 and having been the Senate Majority leader since 2015, the 76-year-old senator may prove deadly for Trump and the Republicans keeping the House and Senate in November 2018.

It’s no surprise that Democrat senators oppose everything the President is trying to do.  However, Senator McConnell has the authority, but refuses to use it, to facilitate passage of the President’s legislative agenda, because he can foster changes in the Senate’s archaic rules by abolishing the filibuster rule which require 60 senators to pass most legislation in the Senate.  He can foster a change to be a 51-senator requirement to pass legislation and abolish the Senate’s legislative filibuster rule.  So why would he not do this?  He says that Republicans will eventually be in the minority again and does not want set the precedent to the Democrats for this Senate rule.  Does McConnell have a good point?  That’s what this article will consider.

“Strike while the iron is hot” is one of my beliefs!  The current situation with a Republican President, House and Senate may never occur again so the opportunity it provides needs to be used right now.  Democrat leadership would not hesitate for a second to do it.  So many wonderful things for the U.S. could be done now if the Senate vote threshold were only 51 votes instead of the current 60 votes needed to pass most legislation.  All major legislation has been voted down by the Democrats in the Senate.  Even when an independent-minded Democrat senator is voted in, Democrat leadership threatens him/her with not funding their upcoming races and also with running strong candidates against them in their primary elections.  Thus, they toe the Democrat line.

Let’s hope Senator McConnell sees the light and changes the Senate filibuster rule.  If he doesn’t, he really should be blamed for the huge backlog in the Senate, as well as its inability to pass significant legislation, including legislation for the much-needed wall on our southern border.



President Obama meant well.  He sounded sincere and touted “fairness” as his primary concern in his governance of the nation.  However, it’s true that “the road to hell is paved with people with good intentions.”  In plain English, it almost doesn’t matter if the President was sincere  and meant well if the results of his policies were to cause great  harm to hundreds of millions of people.  Until the Obama Presidency the percentage of Americans with full-time jobs (“Civilian Labor-force Participation Rate”) had not been as low as then (62% of civilian labor force) since the late seventies and if unemployment statistics were calculated the way they were in the year 2000, unemployment would be about 10%.  If they were calculated the way they were during the Great Depression, unemployment would be over 20%.  Below is my analysis of those major policies of President Obama that destroyed the American dream for many Americans and which President Trump, who came after President Obama, and the Congress had to reform:

A. OBAMACARE/AFFORDABLE CARE ACT: This  law was a wet blanket on the economy. While everyone is for good healthcare, and for insuring people with pre-existing conditions, as well as kids up to the age of 26 years-of-age on their parents insurance, Obamacare is a bureaucratic nightmare with much more expensive premiums for most people, and unbelievably-high deductibles and co-pays.  This turns most Obamacare policies into catastrophic care only because most people will never meet their deductibles and will therefore be paying out-of-pocket for most of their healthcare.  This turkey needed to go and hopefully replaced with something much better.

B. IMPEDING ENERGY PRODUCTION:  A decision on the Keystone pipeline was made for political reasons.  Oil production on government land was significantly down, however, basically because the environmental lobby was against all fossil fuels.  Meanwhile, America has more gas, oil, coal, and shale oil than all of the countries in the Middle East combined but government regulations prevented most of it from being developed.  The wealth created by all of this energy could pay off the National debt, the trillions in unfunded liabilities, and produce an economic boom the likes of which no country has ever seen.  And as thoroughly, scientifically, and irrefutably proven in David Archibald’s, Twilight of Abundance, the warming trend of the earth over the last century and up until recently,  is due mostly to Sun Spots and Solar Flares, not to the burning of fossil fuels.  

C. DEFICITS/NATIONAL DEBT: President Obama doubled the National Debt (from $9 trillion to $20).  The Federal government is still borrowing billions/month from the Federal Reserve so the annual budget deficits grew to over 1/2 trillion dollars/year.  Each year the Annual Budget Deficit is added to the total National debt and when Obama left office was about $20 trillion.  This amount of deficit spending and National Debt is unsustainable. The Federal Reserve  has the authority to print money and by doing so has been able to get away with this huge deficit spending,  but doing so without the backing of gold and/or legitimate loans from other countries, simply inflates our currency.  The U.S. dollar is currently the world’s “reserve currency,”  but our borrowing and spending may eventually change that.  When it occurs, the dollar will immediately decrease in value by about 30%, our credit rating dramatically reduced and interest rates on our borrowing dramatically increased, and our ability to borrow severely curtailed.

D. REGULATIONS:  Regulations are necessary in our society but government needs to be very careful in not over-regulating since this can and does add significant costs to the economy, negatively impacts business creation, and reduces freedoms.  The regulations written pursuant to Dodd-Frank, the Endangered Species Act (ESA), and the Affordable Care Act  (“Obamacare”), among many others, are excessively burdensome to people and the economy.  ESA, for example, had caused the destruction of many crops in California’s Central Valley due to the Delta Smelt, a small fish on the Endangered Species list. Dodd-Frank is a financial nightmare that does nothing to prevent future bank problems.  Obamacare has and is destroying jobs.

E.  HIGH TAXES:  Money taken from the economy in taxes should be limited because it hurts the economy.  Tax money should be used only for legitimate purposes.  Higher taxes is a drag and drain on the economy so  government needs to be careful to spend it wisely.  Lowering tax rates on everyone who pays taxes in order to stimulate the economy is the preferred way of increasing tax revenues and growing the economy to pay for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment benefits, etc.

F. CORPORATE TAXES:  A significant Obama policy  that had unintentionally done  harm to many people was the retention of the 35% corporate tax (reduced under Trump to 21%), which was higher than any other country in the world except for Japan.  This has led to the flight  of many U.S. corporations and businesses to other countries, and with this flight, the jobs and taxes that go with them.

G. PROLONGED UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS:  Extension of the duration of unemployment benefits for more than  12 months is very harmful to the unemployed as evidenced by studies showing  the unemployed usually do not even look for jobs until a few weeks prior to their unemployment benefits expiring.  At one point, Obama, in conjunction with a Democrat Congress, extended unemployment benefits to 24 months. “Compassion” was the stated reason, but “buying votes” I believe was the real reason.

H., I., J.,K., L., M., N., etc.

In closing, most Americans were proud that the U.S. elected an African-American President 151 years after the Emancipation Proclamation freed  American slaves, even if they personally did not vote for Barack Obama.  The United States inherited slavery from England when it took over the country in 1776 but had to temporarily retain slavery  in order to form the Union to include Southern States (the “Great Compromise”).  At the first opportunity, the U.S. rid itself of slavery (in 1863).

The first African-American President unfortunately had no experience in managing anything or in guiding an economy and therefore the U.S. consequently  hurt  badly economically.  While I believe President Obama meant well, he also still believed that failed liberal/”progressive” economic policies (“Keynesian economics”) were the way to stimulate the economy and therefore turned a blind eye to workable economic policies.

President Reagan demonstrated how to get an economy working and the proof is the fact that the Gross Domestic Product (which measures the size of the economy) of the United States almost doubled 1n the 10 years following Reagan’s implementation of his large reduction in tax rates (1983-1993) and curtailing Federal regulations.  President Kennedy also stimulated the economy during a recession in the 60’s by cutting tax rates.



FERGUSON: Did Michael Brown Receive Justice?

On August 9, 2014, 18-year old Michael Brown, was shot to death by Ferguson, Missouri policeman Darren Wilson. Brown and his friend, Dorian Johnson, were walking in the middle of the street when officer Wilson, in a police car, asked the young men to walk on the sidewalk.  Officer Wilson drove on but the young men stayed in the middle of the street.  Wilson’s police radio told about a recent robbery at a nearby convenience store and mentioned that the perpetrator wore a red cap and white shirt, which is what Mr. Brown was wearing.

After hearing the description of Michael Brown on his police-car radio, officer Wilson backed up his vehicle until it was in front of Mike and Dorian, blocking their path as well as traffic coming from both sides of the street.  Before Wilson was able to get out of his car, Mike punched Wilson in the face through an open car window and tried to get officer Wilson’s gun.  Wilson was able to shoot twice, once hitting Brown in the thumb.  Mike and Dorian then ran away with Wilson running after them telling them to stop. Mike stopped running when he reached a light pole.  Then he turned, and charged Wilson.  Wilson started shooting but stopped shooting when Mike stopped running. Mike began charging Wilson again and was only stopped by the final bullet which hit him on the top of his head (which is because Brown bent forward as if to tackle Wilson).  Mike’s mom, Lesley McSpadden said that her son would have followed the policeman’s orders.  Mike was so high on Marijuana, however, that he couldn’t have been thinking straight.  According to the Toxicology Report, Mike’s blood level of Delta-9-THC was 12 nannograms/ML, which is twice the legal limit that the State of Washington (where pot is legal) allows for determining that someone is impaired.

These are the facts.  The first account of what happened was by Mike’s friend, Dorian Johnson, who was arrested in 2011 and lied to the police about his name, address, and everything else he told the police.  However, he was believed by everyone in the community until the very thorough Grand Jury’s report was released on November 24 which provided forensic and physical evidence proving Johnson was wrong .  If any one individual is responsible for all of the agitation and violence, it’s Dorian Johnson, whom I believe should have been indicted for lying to the Grand Jury (as well as to the police, the community and to the world which consequently led to the violence where many people were hurt).

Rather than calming the situation in Ferguson, agitators whipped up the crowd into a frenzy and looted and burned down 25 businesses in the area the night that Robert McCulloch, prosecutor for St. Louis County, explained what the Grand Jury did and how they reached their conclusion that there was no “probable cause” for indicting Officer Darren Wilson.  Missouri Governor Jay Nixon had mobilized the National Guard and explained that their job was to protect the businesses, but he did not deploy the guard to do their job and many businesses were consequently burned downed after Michael Brown’s stepfather, Louis Head, shouted to the crowd, “burn this mother f—er down,” and “burn this bitch down.”

Mainstream Media, instead of keeping everyone informed and critically analyzing the event, made the situation worse with its usual incompetent and sloppy reporting and analysis.  I’ll just give one piece of proof for my allegation of their incompetence: look at the recent photo of Michael Brown at the top of this page.  Have you seen anything other than Brown’s 13-years-old “sweet-child” photos from mainstream Media (Michael Brown was 18)?  The Trayvon Martin case all over again, where the media showed only his photos when he was 12-years-old rather than the 18-year-old that he actually was.  However, beating out all other media outlets for malfeasance and irresponsibility once again is the New York Times which listed Darren Wilson address in one of its November 24, 2014 articles (Doxing).

Some politicians used Ferguson for nefarious purposes.  Attorney General Eric Holder, racist, did so.  Al Sharpton, another racist, as well.  President Obama, on the other hand, appeared to be helpful, trying to defuse the situation.  Who am I to say someone is racist or not?  I worked for many years getting fair play for minorities and women and received awards for this work. I believe I can know.

After looking at the facts that I presented here as accurately as I can, do you believe Mike Brown received justice?

Although most murders of African-Americans are committed by other African-Americans, situations like Ferguson will continue to happen unless everyone does three things: 1) do not assault police officers, 2) do what police officers ask you to do…you can always get a remedy later if you were treated unfairly, 3) if you use illicit drugs, do so at home where it is relatively safe (except for Fentanyl which will kill you quickly) and you do not have to be level-headed and reason your way out of tricky situations that can get you hurt or killed.