For additional information…

Only 40% of Americans today believe that our  elections are honest.  Why?  It’s because, in our history, there has never been as much election fraud as today.  Although the corrupt Mainstream Media does its best to cover up this fraud, enough of it has leaked through to many Americans so as to inform them on today’s reality.  Republicans believe that the 2020 Presidential Election was stolen.  Democrats believe that the 2016 Presidential Election was stolen.  Election fraud is undermining America…it’s far past time to clean up this mess.  So what should we do?  That’s what this post is all about.


Recently I watched Mike Lindell’s “Moment of Truth Summit” which addressed election fraud, focusing on how electronic voting machines are used to steal elections. Dozens of Cyber security, election, forensic analysts, and testing experts presented their findings from studies and examinations of recent elections.  Every one of the experts said that voting machines were easily hackable, remotely, without being connected to the Internet. I seen evidence, and recorded it, showing that this is exactly what happened in the 2020 Presidential election with millions of Trump votes being switched to Biden by China remotely programming electronic voting machines in the U.S….machines which were originally created for Venezuela’s President, Hugo Chavez, to stay in power.   Almost all of the countries in Europe use paper ballots and have same-day voting. The winners of elections are usually known by midnight on election day. Consequently, I believe in banning electronic voting machines from counting votes in elections and that this should be considered by every State legislature since they are designated by the U.S. Constitution for elections and their integrity.  Vote-counting machines should be replaced by paper ballots  .


Same-day voting is important to curb election fraud because it denies vote-cheaters the time they need to see the votes coming in and then determine how many more votes they need to steal the election for their candidate.  Some States now even allow the acceptance and counting of votes long after election day.  This gives the fraudsters all of the time they need to produce the fraudulent votes to “win” the election.  Moreover, since mail-in ballots are the least secure and easiest way to cheat, stringent signature verification and other safeguards need to be used.


Photo identification (ID) is important for voting to prove that you are who you say you are  and are eligible to vote.  Photo ID’s are important to purchase alcoholic beverages and to rent vehicles to name just a few things where they are required, and of course, voting is much more important.  Almost everyone in the U.S. legally has a photo I.D. or can easily obtain if in the U.S. legally.


The 2020 presidential election had more fraud than any previous election.  It’s far past the time to clean it up.  I personally have no faith in election results and unless things change, I never will.  I believe that paper ballots, same-day voting, and photo ID.s would largely make our elections much more honest.  Of course there are some other measures, such as updating voter registration rolls and prohibiting the canvassing of ballots, that would also help.

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