White privilege means that whites have an advantage in life and society over blacks and other people of color. White supremacy means that whites are superior and should be dominant over the other races.

For the sake of argument, let’s assume that “white privilege”  and “white supremacy” are real current phenomena.  Obviously, they were real in the past.  What can and does society and individuals do about it, if anything?  First, I believe, it’s necessary to acknowledge that it’s unfair.  Then, of course, it’s important to determine if there’s anything that can be done to correct the situation.  Here’s my analysis of the “white privilege”  and “white supremacy” issues:

Life is not fair: some people are tall (an advantage), some people are fat (a disadvantage).  some ugly (a disadvantage), some good-looking (an advantage), etc., etc.  Since skin color cannot be easily changed,  minorities must overcome any disadvantages and everyone needs to be aware of any bias they might have against others.   I know from personal experience that my physical appearance kept me from achieving my full potential and that my great parents and Ivy League education helped prepare me to mostly overcome my half-paralyzed face, closed left eye and very poor equilibrium that my first brain tumor left me with.  In addition, I  had to learn that I must work hard in order to overcome the stereotype that my particular physical handicaps portrayed of me.

On the other hand, though much less common, being black is sometimes an advantage.  President Obama was elected President after serving only two years as a U.S. senator with no managerial, business, or military experience.  This was previously unheard of!  Why?  White guilt! (see Shelby Steele’s book, White Guilt, published two years before Obama was elected President).  Moreover, Affirmative Action helps anyone of color, even members of wealthy African-American families. Is that fair to the very poor of any race or nationality?  Therefore, shouldn’t Affirmative Action be revised to only help the poor of any race?

I believe that government can only do so much to correct the unfairness of life and that in attempting to do so, it often makes things far worse for the people it is trying to help, through unintended consequences.  Good intentions count for nothing, except in politics where it’s used for propaganda.  Only results really matter!

Just one example should prove my point: prior to the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act  (ADA), about 29% of the disabled were employed.  When last I checked a few years ago, about 21% were employed.  Why?  Due to the ADA, it’s nearly impossible to fire someone who is disabled, so employers try not to hire them in order to avoid not being able to fire them if they don’t work out.

There is some solace to the unfairness of white privilege and white supremacy, as well as other unfair things that life throws in our paths: success is that much sweeter when we overcome and prevail despite obstacles!


The killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis and Ahmaud Arbery in coastal Georgia were pages in the book of race relations in America that were corrupted by politics.  Other  pages that turned political include Mike Brown in Ferguson, Eric Garner in New York, etc., etc.   The Brown incident was due to a policeman protecting himself from being killed; the Garner incident was due to the police being overzealous and inappropriate in its use of force.  Years later the U.S. is still agitated by those incidents and others, including where two New York City police officers, Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu, were ambushed and killed for revenge while sitting in their police car. Why is this happening?

I believe that many Americans are obsessed with race.   Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said that his dream was that one day his four little children would live in a nation where they would be judged, not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.  In other words, a “color-blind” society was his dream.  The opposite has and is taking place even though race relations in the U.S. for most people are okay.   Democrat politicians and their minions call anyone a racist who disagrees with them, whether or not it has anything to do with race.   Moreover, the government encourages discrimination in many, many ways including something so minor as requiring race and ethnic information in order to get medical care (I refuse to provide it calling it “racist” on the form).

My perspective on race relations today versus throughout the past is that, with the exception of the past 15 years, relations have improved significantly in the past 60 years.  But if my perspective is accurate, why is racism such a major concern today? Is it really Democrat politics as I stated earlier?  Author of the book, The Big Black Lie, Kevin Jackson, blames the Democrat Party in its attempt to convince voters that Republicans are racists.  In his book, Wrong on Race, Bruce Bartlett enumerates the Democrat Party’s history of racism.  Most recently, author of the book, Mugged, Ann Coulter, gives a very detailed account of racial demagoguery by the Democrat Party from the seventies to Obama.  My own experience and observations validate what I read and make me angry.  The pain and suffering by all parties has been perpetuated solely for political gain.  I also agree with Dinesh D’Souza’s book, The End of Racism, that the American obsession with race is fueled by civil rights and political establishments that have a vested interest in perpetuating black dependency.

Will this obsession with race ever end?  Only when the deception behind it (like the media using Trayvon Martin’s photo when he was an innocent-looking 12-year-old instead of his then-current 18-year-looking self) is fully exposed and widely acknowledged.  Unfortunately, that day may never come.  What would Dr. King say?  Nothing…I believe he would be  in tears!

Let’s go back in time to when African-Americans were freed from slavery and see what Booker T. Washington, born a slave, who established the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama to educate and train African-Americans and was the most prominent African-American in his day (1856-1915), said in his book, “Up from Slavery”:  “…the policy to be pursued with reference to the races was, by every honorable means, to bring together and to encourage the cultivation of friendly relations, instead of doing that which would embitter.”  What is happening today is the opposite of what Mr. Washington advocated and is being done mostly in order to keep 90% of African-Americans voting for the Democrat Party.

Obviously, the violent protests by the racist groups were reprehensible and the violent protests against them were also wrong.  The violence was wrong.  President Trump condemned the violence on three occasions on TV as well as in a few tweets yet he was still criticized.  This indicates how political “race” has become in America.  It needs to stop.  The first amendment to the U.S. Constitution gives all Americans the right to protest but no one has the right to protest violently and hurt others.  Police need to do their job and immediately arrest anyone being violent; however, police need to be supported by their political leaders.  Fat chance!

My credentials for stating the above: while working for the Federal government for over 40 years,  I volunteered to perform three “collateral-duty” jobs that took up to 15% of my official work time, each for a minimum of five years.  Two of the three involved fighting racial, ethnic, and gender discrimination.  In one of my collateral-duty jobs, I was instrumental in increasing Latino employment by my Federal Bureau from under 1 % to 6% of the workforce (as the Hispanic Employment Program Manager); in the other collateral-duty job, I counseled about a dozen minorities and women in seeking remedies for alleged discrimination (as an EEO Counselor).  Each of these positions required extensive training which I was happy to take and I performed well, to the extent that I received EEO awards from my bureau and the Department of Interior.   These experiences, plus working at my father’s butcher shop (with a 99% African-American clientele) while growing up, working as a counselor at a camp with 50% African-American “campers,” and attending a Junior High School with 50% African-American students, gives me a far-better perspective than most Caucasians in understanding race relations.

Let’s end the obsession; we’re all children of God and we all bleed red.


Doesn’t it make you angry when someone treats you unfairly just because you’re black, brown, white, a woman, a man, homosexual, transgender, older, younger, disabled, bald, long-haired, short, fat, poor, wealthy, national origin, Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, etc. ?  Doesn’t it make you angry?  What would Dr. Martin Luther King say?

In 1790, George Washington said “The government of the United States …gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution, no assistance….”  In fact, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, and a few other pieces of civil rights legislation such as the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, outlaw discrimination based on: 1) race, 2) color, 3) sex, 4) religion, 5) national origin, 6) age, and 7) handicap.  However, there are many other bases for discrimination which are not illegal and are not obvious and therefore are much more difficult to deal with than those which are illegal.  Because I’ve had a lot of experience in this area I thought I’d share my views on how discrimination works and how best to deal with it.

My understanding of discrimination began in 1975 when I became a collateral-duty (side-job) Hispanic Employment Program Manager for my Federal bureau, which took about 20% of my official work time.  For the other 80% of my work-time, I was a Environmental Planner.   With help from our Field Office employees, we were able to increase Hispanic-American employment in my small bureau from one person to 32 Hispanic-Americans so that my 500-employee bureau was 6% Hispanic-American when I left it.  I received awards for my work from the Director of my bureau as well as from the Secretary of the U.S. Department of the Interior.

When I went to work for another bureau in the U.S. Department of the Interior as a Program Analyst, I also took a collateral-duty (side-job) as my bureau’s Collateral-Duty EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity) Counselor, counseling about a dozen Equal Employment Opportunity complaintants, and received my bureau’s first “Outstanding Counselor” award in 1985.  Finally and importantly, at age 25 years, prior to both of those experiences, I had a large brain tumor removed which resulted in 1/2 of my face being paralyzed and numb. Suddenly I looked physically challenged and was easily-identifiable.  This situation gave me the unique experience of being able to compare how I was treated when I looked like most other people versus how I was treated when I looked differently and was easily identifiable as being physically challenged.


In the past, discrimination has led to lynchings because of race, national origin, religion, and other differences;  it has led to the torture and slaughter of six million innocent Jews by the Nazis and the murder of 3000 innocent Americans by Al Qaeda; and to many other atrocities through the ages, including right up to the present with “Flash-mob” attacks and the “Knockout Game.”  Today, however, allegations of racism have become politicized and  therefore many, though unfortunate, are false, like Mike Brown and Trayvon Martin.  A quick and easy way to determine most bogus allegations of racism is to first check if the accuser is a politician or a political adviser or pundit or works in the “accusations of racism shakedown” industry…and if she/he does, then you can assume the allegation is false.  Racism and discrimination do still exist today but it’s a tiny fraction of what it was back in the 1950’s and before, though many people, especially politicians, exploit racial differences in an attempt to gain votes and with it the power and money that can accompany political positions.


I believe that discrimination evolves because of three phenomena: 1) quick and easy identification of the group being discriminated against; 2) mind set; and 3) selective perception.

Easy identification is the reason why African-Americans, as well as women and other minorities, still are the recipients of discrimination, though nothing like the situation was even 50-years ago.  The same is true of the fat, bald, unattractive, elderly, disabled, and political minorities.

“Mind-set” I believe is the second phenomenon that enables discrimination to occur.  It develops when one’s mind, because of stereotyping or some other reason, thinks along certain lines or is “set” to the extent that, even when new contradictory information is brought to light, it is discounted or simply not considered or even not perceived.  Another name for mind-set is “paradigms”.

Once a mind-set exists, selectively perceiving phenomena within the area of the “set” is called “selective perception”.  With discrimination, one would selectively perceive only those phenomena that reinforced the mind-set.


What should you do if you experience discrimination?  Getting angry at the injustice is a common reaction.  Some may even think that they now have the right to retaliate.  I can recall a number of massacres motivated by feelings of persecution and self-righteousness in seeking revenge.  However, when the retaliation avenue is pursued,  all parties become victims, especially those exacting the revenge.  To cite just one example, if you discriminate against me, and I become angry and/or vengeful, you would actually now be controlling my behavior by changing my attitude, becoming a criminal and probably hurting someone who turns out to be innocent.,  A much healthier approach is to say to yourself, “People make the most absurd assumptions based on very superficial and erroneous analyses.  They aren’t thinking intelligently.”  Also, “people can think anything they want about me but if they act on their beliefs, then I’ll take appropriate action, from simply shrugging it off to considering the entire range of legal actions and implementing whatever is appropriate for the situation”.


I have seen firsthand how easy identifiability, mind-set, and selective perception work. For me they are not simply theories you might read about.  Up to age 25, when I looked like most others, I was treated one way.  After 25, when I looked obviously disabled, I was treated  differently, except from my family and friends.  And even though most people were not even aware of what they were doing, their being unaware of what they were doing didn’t help much.


Dr. Martin Luther King has told us to “judge people on the content of their character”.  To prevent doing otherwise, we should remember how discrimination works so that we can prevent ourselves from unwittingly engaging in it.  Anyone who looks or talks differently is at risk of being the victim of some discrimination.  The healthiest way to deal with discrimination is to try to understand and forgive those who wrong you.  This will make you a bigger person as well as add years to your lifespan.  To quote Mahatma Gandhi, “Hatred can be overcome only by love”.

UNDERSTANDING AFRICAN-AMERICAN POLITICS (audio interview w. author Kevin Jackson)

I decided to interview Mr. Jackson, author of the books, The Big Black Lie, How I Learned the Truth about the Democrat Party; Race Pimping; and Sexy Brilliance; (25-minute audio of interview…click on the blue play icon below) because he is rare indeed…an unabashed African-American conservative.  Moreover, one won’t hear his views from traditional black leaders or the mainstream media but his views are worth listening to.

Mr. Jackson has degrees in Electrical Engineering and Mathematics, was a management consultant for some of the world’s largest companies, ran his own sales organization, and has his own Blog and talk radio show.  He is a dynamic and elegant speaker who is in high demand for his clarity of thought and expression.

The interview with Mr. Jackson focuses on African-American politics and explores why Mr. Jackson holds the views that he does. He has been on MSNBC, O’Reilly, and Cavuto,  among many others, and has a clear and studied loud message for African-Americans, as well as anyone else interested in the welfare of that community.

In the interview, Mr. Jackson tells us about:

  1. How blacks were sold out by the Democrat party
  2. How to criticize former President Obama without being considered a racist
  3. How the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was far more supported by Republican Congressmen than Democrat Congressmen
  4. Why the Democrat Congress failed to revise welfare law even after Democrat Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan reported on how its “no man in the house rule” was destroying black families
  5. The origins of the financial meltdown, and much more.

To listen to my interview with Mr. Jackson’s, please click on the blue play icon below and then the hyperlink under them.

Kevin Jackson-African Americans Audio

Interview by Mike Russo.

MUGGED: racial demagoguery

I read Ann Coulter’s book, Mugged, and learned a lot of new information from this lawyer and best-selling author.  None of the information surprised me but it was insightful reading Ms. Coulter’s relentless array of facts.

Basically, Coulter contends that very few of the racial incidents in the last 50 years have been racist (civil rights battles were mostly won before the seventies); instead, they were racial hoaxes, perpetrated by demagogues for various reasons and motives.

One of the most important facts that Ann Coulter shows in her book, Mugged,  is that all segregationists were Democrats and that the Democrat Party fought against Civil Rights legislation for 100 years going way back to Abraham Lincoln’s time when Lincoln and his Republican Party ran on an anti-slavery platform.  This is not news to us who know American history but it is big news to millions of Americans that have been brainwashed and now believe the racist propaganda politicians spout off.

Another very important and horrific fact brought to light in Ms. Coulter’s book is the fact that a major consequence of every racial hoax is the slaughter of whites by young black hoodlums seeking revenge for what they hear and believe to be true about the (phony) racial incidents (Google: “Blackout Game,” “Polar Bear Hunting,” “Flash Mobs”).

Why do I believe the aforementioned to be true?  First, because I trust Ann Coulter in accurately portraying the facts.  Second, because I not only worked for many years assisting minorities in combating discrimination as a Federal collateral-duty EEO Counselor and then as a Federal collateral-duty Hispanic Employment Program Coordinator, but also have closely followed many racial incidents, including Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown.

“Mugged” gives the details of many racial incidents, such as the Tawana Brawley rape hoax with Al Sharpton’s involvement.  I believe that some racism still exists, but there are many politicians and race hustlers exploiting race simply to get your vote, and use the very toxic “Critical Race Theory” (which contends that all whites are oppressors and all blacks are victims) and the”1619 Project” (which contends that America was really founded to further slavery, contrary to what the Declaration of Independence says).


Ann Coulter’s book, Mugged, ends with Barack Obama.  The United States has made fantastic progress since it left British rule in 1776, which back then had slavery.  Eighty-seven years later President Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation which freed the slaves (in 1863).  One hundred and thirty-seven years after the slaves were freed, the U.S. elected its first African-American President (Barack Obama in 2008).  In the 1960’s, significant Civil Rights laws were passed to help combat discrimination.  Today, many politicians are unethically using race to create racial strife to further their political agendas.  It’s no coincidence that 90% of African-Americans vote Democrat, though Democrat Socialist policies are preventing them from achieving their dreams.



The beating of Tyre Nichols in January 2023 in Memphis Tennessee demonstrated severe police brutality.  We saw the video of Tyre Nichols being beaten so we know that it was true.  In Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, Chicago, Atlanta, etc., police were charged with racism and brutality.  Are the police brutality charges for the other cites true?  Many businesses were burned down around the Nation. In Portland, there was over 60 nights of attempts to burn down its Federal Courthouse.  Many policemen were seriously injured and three were even blinded. Some cities reacted insanely to Mr. Floyd’s murder by defunding their police departments.  Some thankfully outlawed chokeholds by police.

George Floyd’s murder initiated anew protests against police brutality which then morphed into riots.  Mr. Floyd’s murder was used by the Far Left  to weaken police departments.  Since police brutality has been alleged in the past, I thought it was the appropriate time to examine it, determine how pervasive it is, and see what could and should be done about it, if anything.  But first, a reminder of how important this issue is, I’ll cite a quote from David Clarke’s book, Cop Under Fire, “Police officers have the overwhelming support of their communities.  Changing us into something we’re not will get cops and civilians killed.”  In fact, crime has skyrocketed when cities weakened their police forces.

I believe that the first most important and relevant fact to consider is how pervasive is police brutality.  The second is, “what is the best remedy for police brutality” if it, in fact,  is commonplace.  Thus far, the “defunding the police” remedy, being done by many municipalities, was worse than crazy, it’s goofy.  More training for police would be the best remedy.  In George Floyd’s case, however, the policeman  who killed him had previously been charged with many instances of brutality; therefore, he should have been fired or at least disciplined long ago.  Training, however, should be given on: when fellow policemen should step in and stop criminal police behavior.  Training is expensive and requires more money for police departments, not less.  More training is always a good idea, though I did not find police brutality to be pervasive.  I think national standards are in order.

Despite their pronouncements to the contrary and months of riots, looting and burning down of businesses indicate that Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA are not interested in the welfare of the African-American community or  of the United States; therefore anything that they support or advocate should be taken with a universe of salt, including their claims of police brutality and advocacy for defunding the police.

FERGUSON: Did Michael Brown Receive Justice?

On August 9, 2014, 18-year old Michael Brown, was shot to death by Ferguson, Missouri policeman Darren Wilson. Brown and his friend, Dorian Johnson, were walking in the middle of the street when officer Wilson, in a police car, asked the young men to walk on the sidewalk.  Officer Wilson drove on but the young men stayed in the middle of the street.  Wilson’s police radio told about a recent robbery at a nearby convenience store and mentioned that the perpetrator wore a red cap and white shirt, which is what Mr. Brown was wearing.

After hearing the description of Michael Brown on his police-car radio, officer Wilson backed up his vehicle until it was in front of Mike and Dorian, blocking their path as well as traffic coming from both sides of the street.  Before Wilson was able to get out of his car, Mike punched Wilson in the face through an open car window and tried to get officer Wilson’s gun.  Wilson was able to shoot twice, once hitting Brown in the thumb.  Mike and Dorian then ran away with Wilson running after them telling them to stop. Mike stopped running when he reached a light pole.  Then he turned, and charged Wilson.  Wilson started shooting but stopped shooting when Mike stopped running. Mike began charging Wilson again and was only stopped by the final bullet which hit him on the top of his head (which is because Brown bent forward as if to tackle Wilson).  Mike’s mom, Lesley McSpadden said that her son would have followed the policeman’s orders.  Mike was so high on Marijuana, however, that he couldn’t have been thinking straight.  According to the Toxicology Report, Mike’s blood level of Delta-9-THC was 12 nannograms/ML, which is twice the legal limit that the State of Washington (where pot is legal) allows for determining that someone is impaired.

These are the facts.  The first account of what happened was by Mike’s friend, Dorian Johnson, who was arrested in 2011 and lied to the police about his name, address, and everything else he told the police.  However, he was believed by everyone in the community until the very thorough Grand Jury’s report was released on November 24 which provided forensic and physical evidence proving Johnson was wrong .  If any one individual is responsible for all of the agitation and violence, it’s Dorian Johnson, whom I believe should have been indicted for lying to the Grand Jury (as well as to the police, the community and to the world which consequently led to the violence where many people were hurt).

Rather than calming the situation in Ferguson, agitators whipped up the crowd into a frenzy and looted and burned down 25 businesses in the area the night that Robert McCulloch, prosecutor for St. Louis County, explained what the Grand Jury did and how they reached their conclusion that there was no “probable cause” for indicting Officer Darren Wilson.  Missouri Governor Jay Nixon had mobilized the National Guard and explained that their job was to protect the businesses, but he did not deploy the guard to do their job and many businesses were consequently burned downed after Michael Brown’s stepfather, Louis Head, shouted to the crowd, “burn this mother f—er down,” and “burn this bitch down.”

Mainstream Media, instead of keeping everyone informed and critically analyzing the event, made the situation worse with its usual incompetent and sloppy reporting and analysis.  I’ll just give one piece of proof for my allegation of their incompetence: look at the recent photo of Michael Brown at the top of this page.  Have you seen anything other than Brown’s 13-years-old “sweet-child” photos from mainstream Media (Michael Brown was 18)?  The Trayvon Martin case all over again, where the media showed only his photos when he was 12-years-old rather than the 18-year-old that he actually was.  However, beating out all other media outlets for malfeasance and irresponsibility once again is the New York Times which listed Darren Wilson address in one of its November 24, 2014 articles (Doxing).

Some politicians used Ferguson for nefarious purposes.  Attorney General Eric Holder, racist, did so.  Al Sharpton, another racist, as well.  President Obama, on the other hand, appeared to be helpful, trying to defuse the situation.  Who am I to say someone is racist or not?  I worked for many years getting fair play for minorities and women and received awards for this work. I believe I can know.

After looking at the facts that I presented here as accurately as I can, do you believe Mike Brown received justice?

Although most murders of African-Americans are committed by other African-Americans, situations like Ferguson will continue to happen unless everyone does three things: 1) do not assault police officers, 2) do what police officers ask you to do…you can always get a remedy later if you were treated unfairly, 3) if you use illicit drugs, do so at home where it is relatively safe (except for Fentanyl which will kill you quickly) and you do not have to be level-headed and reason your way out of tricky situations that can get you hurt or killed.


The Prosecution’s case against George Zimmerman  showed that Zimmerman acted in self-defense to prevent his own life from being taken by Trayvon Martin,  who attacked and tried to beat George to death.  The police had it right from the very beginning…letting Zimmerman go after checking his wounds and other forensics against his account of what happened…there simply was no “probable cause” to think otherwise.   This was so obvious that Zimmerman’s Defense team decided not to even put him on the stand to testify.  The racist charge was debunked when the FBI’s report stated that there was no racial-bias intent.

I feel very sorry for Trayvon’s mother and family but have nothing but contempt for the race-baiting incompetent media. Even Fox News showed 17-year old Trayvon’s before and after photos when he was 12 and 14 rather than portray him accurately as a 6-foot plus 17-year-old young man.  Of course, NBC edited Zimmerman’s dialog with the police dispatcher to make it appear that this Black Hispanic (1/2 Hispanic and 1/8 Black) is racist, but then again we  already knew that NBC is an unreliable source for accurate news.

The Media and the Prosecution tried to have George Zimmerman put in prison for 25 years for defending himself against being murdered.  I will never, ever trust the Media again, ever!!!  It was the real loser in the trial.

Now it’s Al Sharpton’s turn to have a crack at Zimmerman, with the support of many Black-Americans, liberals, the President, Attorney General Eric Holder, and the Justice Department, this time alleging that Zimmerman’s motivation was racism even though the FBI interviewed almost 40 people a year ago  and concluded that racism was not an issue.  Already some black youths have targeted Hispanics and assaulted them.  Where and when will it end?  Stay tuned. Sharpton already has blood on his hands from inciting people to riot in the Tawana Brawley incident in 1987…we’ll see how many will be injured and killed this time over the “not guilty” verdict for George Zimmerman.


INJUSTICE (audio interview)

Below is a link to click on a 25-minute audio interview from September 2010 with J. Christian Adams on the racial discrimination by the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Justice Department in not prosecuting  the New Black Panther party for its voter intimidation in the 2008 presidential election at a Philadelphia voting place.

Mr. Adams has published his book on the incident and its mishandling by DOJ.  However, this audio interview of Mr. Adams contains the fundamentals of the case.

Mr. Adams served in the Voting Section at the Department of Justice from 2005 to 2010.  He litigated a variety of cases in U.S. District Courts around the country including redistricting, voter intimidation and election process litigation.  Prior to that he served as General Counsel to the South Carolina Secretary of State.  In private practice in Virginia he has litigated a wide variety of matters.  He has a J.D. from the University of South Carolina School of Law and a B.A. in English from West Virginia University and is a member of both the West Virginia and the South Carolina Bar.

J Christian Adams Audio – Injustice

The  interview was conducted by Mike Russo on his former radio program, Mike Russo Expose’.