One Good Friday and Easter Saturday I became inspired to say a few words about the Creator and tell how I know, not simply believe, that there is a God.  This question, plus the question concerning the existence of Heaven and Hell, becomes increasingly more important as we get older.  Since I’m old enough to be dead, and at 81 already have one foot in the grave, I thought I would pay my respects to the Big Guy/Gal/Spirit (God).

However, since my Blog emphasizes ”Independent Thought, I decided to make the case for God with no references to any of the World’s Religions or their Holy books.   Here goes…

I have many religious beliefs, some of which may not fit into any one religion, but they are beliefs, not certainties. But I do know one thing for sure, that there is a God.  He or she may be called by many different names but so what, it’s trivial, though I acknowledge that some religions make it a a big deal.

How do I know there’s a God?  The unbelievable vastness, complexity and orderliness of the universe alone convinces me, but you may need more proof than that.  I’ll explain how I personally know that God exists.  The following are my additional reasons, each one of which by itself doesn’t make the case alone so one needs to consider them collectively:

1. In the late 80’s, 90’s, and until about 2005 I lived on top of a 9000′ high mountain in the Colorado Rockies with my wife and cat.  I received a letter in the mail one Saturday requesting a donation of $500 to help the community pave the dirt road I lived on.  I wanted to do my part, especially since my property values would increase a lot if the road were paved, but I couldn’t afford it.   Therefore, I continued opening up my other mail, one of which contained a check for $520 from some investment I had made.  The amount and the timing were perfect but, of course, probably just a coincidence.

2.  Ten years later, I made a monumental blunder with my checking account, and somehow found my checkbook $1,900 short.  Two days later, in Monday’s mail, there was a check for a little over $1900 from some investment, another perfect amount as well as perfect timing.  Twice bailed out? Probably just another really lucky coincidence.

3. I took care of stray/homeless and even feral cats…with food, water, and medical care as part of the nationwide “Trap, Neuter, Return” program.  One Saturday a homeless pitch-black and friendly “Bombay” cat, with a little stub of a tail (later I named him “Bobby-Tail” because of his bobbed tail) came by my yard with a bad foot, trying to walk but limping very badly.  I brought him in and took him to my veterinarian, who found a cut on his foot and treated him.  The cost was $91, which I paid but couldn’t really afford right then.  Two days later I received a check in the mail for just over $91 for some refund from something.  The amount and timing was perfect!  A third coincidence?

On these three occasions, plus many more, the amounts and timing were perfect.  All times the money I needed was not for my personal use and was totally unexpected.  I was amazed…and after some thought I became convinced that they weren’t coincidences at all.  However, a really frightening incident that was the “slam-dunk” for me concerning the existence of God, happened back in 1968 and 69.  I even wrote a “first-person” article about it for Reader’s Digest but it was not published.  The weird but true tale follows:

4. I’ll skip the preliminaries; the “Amazing Kreskin” said that Quija boards only worked as a result of the unconscious mind that was actually moving the Ouija board pointer that spells out words as it goes from letter to letter and pauses between words.  Easy enough to test…I had the two board users face aside so they couldn’t see the board.   As I asked it questions, the pointer continued to move and answer them until my girlfriend, Maria, became so frightened by Quija’s answers, she refused to work the board anymore.  Here’s some of my exchanges with the Quija board:

“Quija, are you a man or a woman?”  Quija:”SPIRIT”

“Quija, are you a good spirit or a bad spirit?  Quija: “GOOD”

“Ouija, where do you get your power from?”  Quija: “SATAN”

“Ouija, everyone knows that Satan is evil, therefore how can you be good?  Quija: “GOODBYE”

“Ouija, when were you born?”  Quija: “I AM”

“Ouija, why do you talk to people?”  Quija: “PEOPLE NEED ME”

“Ouija, why do people need you?”  Quija: “TO MAKE THEM SUFFER”

“Ouija, I feel very sorry for you, how can I help you?” Quija:  “GIVE ME YOUR SOUL AND I WILL GIVE YOU THE ETERNAL POWERS OF EVIL”

I placed a set of Rosary beads onto the Quija board and asked: “Ouija, do you like me?”  Quija: “YOU ARE THE ENEMY OF THE SPIRIT WHO CAN CAUSE  SUFFERING BEYOND REALIZATION”

About a year after this encounter with the Quija board, I had a large brain tumor removed and was fighting for my life.  Half of my face became paralyzed and numb as a result of the surgical removal of a very large tumor, and my equilibrium and emotional state became really bad to the extent that my first wife, Maria, in a fit of rage at something stupid I had said/done, pushed me out of our apartment 5 weeks after my brain tumor surgery, and subsequently divorced me.  Since then I’ve had another few dozen more surgeries.  I would say that I experienced “suffering beyond realization.”  With only 1/2 of my face working normally, deaf in my left ear, and unable to walk straight, I no longer fool around with Quija boards. The point of my story on Quija is that,  if  in fact evil really does exist, then it follows that a good spirit (God) also exists.  You be the judge… (but I would not use a Ouija Board since many cases of alleged possession begin with using Ouija boards).

I know in God, based on my experiences as well as the vastness of the universe and the amazing capability and complexity of the human body.    I do have many more religious beliefs based on the world’s religions’ Holy Books.  However, many of my beliefs I consider details; the main thing is that, for me, there is no question that God does indeed exist.



For further reading…

I agree with three of the four alternatives mentioned in the title to this article: Creationism, Evolution, and Intelligent Design.   For the religious, if God is capable of doing anything, then why could he not simply create the world through natural means…through evolution?  For the secular, how do you know that God is not behind the creation of the universe and all life in it, using natural methods such as evolution (“Intelligent Design”)?  I see no contradiction between evolution and special creation.

I believe that Christians and Orthodox Jews  might say that Moses explains in the Book of Genesis in the Old Testament of the Bible that God created Adam and Eve on the sixth “day”.  However, biblical scholars do not interpret the length of the period of time which is simply called “day” as a 24-hour day.  So a “day” could be two-billion years and seven of those “days” could be 14 billion years, which is about the age of the universe.  Moreover, when Moses wrote Genesis, no one back then would have understood or believed anything as complicated as evolution.

For believers in evolution, how can you know that there is no God?   I have a Trilobite fossil that’s from the Ordovician Geologic period which was about 400 million-years-ago.  Moreover, dinosaur bones have been dated, using radioactive “half-lives,” as being about 60-million-years-old.  There’s simply too much fossil evidence that supports some form of evolution.  However, the universe is unimaginably vast and the human body alone so unbelievably complex…could these things evolved without an “intelligent design” by (you name it) God, Allah, a Supreme Being, etc.?  I think it is more likely that there is God and that some interpretation of the Biblical story of creation, if you specify that God used natural means, is probably true.  There is no contradiction.  Incidentally, it’s now known that birds evolved from dinosaurs, which I think shows that God has a sense of humor.

Aside from the objective reality of whether God exists or not, the idea of God is positive and uplifting and helps people get through the inevitable crises in their lives.  The Bible got me through a huge brain tumor that almost killed me and was also able to survive the consequent devastating destruction of my first marriage.  God and religion are the foundation upon which ethics and morals stand.  Even for those that do not believe in God, the foundation of whatever ethics and morals they have, ultimately came from a religious ancestor.  Finally, it appears to me that Creationism and science are compatible: you can believe in both.

Anyone interested in exploring religion to discover one that is right for him or her should enjoy reading M. Scott Peck, M.D.’s books on The Road Less Traveled.

Dominion or Animal Abuse?

The Bible says in Genesis 1:26 that God said, “…and let them (mankind) have dominion over (animals)…”  Mahatma Gandhi said, “the greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”

According to Daniel Goleman’s bestseller, Emotional Intelligence, animals with a well-developed limbic system in their brain, have emotions.  All mammals, which includes most farm animals, have limbic systems and therefore have feelings and fear, are joyful and love.  Animals also have varying degrees of intelligence, but most importantly, they feel pain and suffer.  As such, what right do people have to support their being tormented, suffering, and dying gruesome deaths?

Former “Beatle,” Paul McCartney, said “If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegetarian.”  In plain English, if people could see the horrific slaughter of animals, many would find it difficult to eat anything with a face.  I’m the son of a butcher who went with his father most mornings to a few slaughterhouses to purchase the meat we sold at his butcher shop. While there, I saw animals slaughtered, some humanely, some cruelly.  I therefore have firsthand knowledge of what happens in slaughterhouses.

You may think that farm animals are just dumb animals.  However, if that were true, how do you explain Priscilla the 3-month old pig, who in 1995 was inducted into the Texas Veterinary Medical Association’s Pet Hall of Fame for saving 11-year-old Anthony Melton from drowning by swimming to him, oinking to him to grab her harness, and then swimming with Anthony hanging on, to shore.  This story was reported in the book, Animal Miracles, and it is not unusual; it happens frequently.

In addition to slaughtering animals for food, we hunt them for sport, experiment on them causing needless suffering and pain, train them to fight each other for our amusement, do not neuter our pets to the extent that there are an estimated 100,000,000 homeless stray and feral cats alone in the U.S., most of which will eventually starve, freeze or thirst to death.  I had my own  cat shelter for ten years in Denver and “trapped, neutered, and returned” (TNR) about 100 feral and stray cats and therefore know of what I speak.

Aside from the ethical considerations in dealling with animals, too much red meat (beef, veal, lamb, pork) is bad for your health, except that meat is high in quality protein.  Chicken (loaded with antibiotics) and fish (containing PCBs and mercury) are not good routine food choices either, although both are healthier than red meat.   So what should one eat for optimal health, nutrition, and ethics?   Joel Fuhrman, M.D., author of The End of Diabetes,  says basically “beans and greens,” and all other vegetables as well and that meat should be used only for seasoning.

Many animal rights advocates are considered fanatics.  However, Abraham Lincoln, definitely not a fanatic, said “I’m in favor of animal rights as well as human rights.  That is the way of the whole human being.”

Finally, getting back to Mahatma Gandhi, if his assertion is correct that “a nation’s greatness is judged by the way its animals are treated,” is the U.S., or any nation on Earth, great?  It appears that many people in most nations have abused their dominion over animals.