A very small percentage of the population say they prefer being the opposite sex.  If an adult wants this and is able to pay the costs for doing it, so be it.  However, there are some children who think they really should be the opposite sex and their parents and/or teachers agree and want to support the child in this endeavor.  I believe that this is a very bad idea simply because, up until puberty (about 13-years old), children are almost gender-neutral.  They become a man or woman when their sex hormones rev up at puberty.  Up until then, plus a few more years for mental maturity (18-21 years old), children do not have the experience to know what they want. I worked with a total of about 500 boys as a Scout leader for 7 years and then as a camp counselor five years and therefore I know something about children.

Most of those who undergo transgender surgery eventually return to their biological gender, often with missing parts of their anatomy and lifelong regret. So what’s behind today’s push to Transgenderism?  Specifically, why do some politicians, school administrators, and children’s hospitals, as well as many others actually encourage it?  So who are the culprits behind knowingly destroying children’s lives through pre-maturely advocating sex-change surgeries?

Absent hard evidence, which of course there will never be in this matter, all I can do is speculate.  My conjecture, however, is seasoned with over 60 years of following politics, reading, watching, listening, voting for both major political parties as well as listening to subject-matter experts: children’s hospitals, some surgeons, physicians and pharmaceutical companies have a vested financial interest in Transgender hormone treatments and surgeries.  Childhood sex-change is currently a multi-billion dollar industry and projected to grow rapidly.  Please note, however, that many public school administrators, counselors and teachers are true believers in this insanity.

Finally, it is my firm belief is that the political Left has helped create another niche group and is cultivating it in order to have it vote for its political candidates.  The Democrat Party of the past would not do such a thing knowing some of its negative consequences.  However, today’s Democrat Party is controlled by the woke far-left, which has very different values than classic liberals that believed in free speech, civil rights for all,  was anti-war, etc.

Legislation is needed to prohibit childhood sex-change surgery.


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