For the past 75 years the Democrat Party has promoted itself as helping the poor, African-Americans, women, and the “little guy.”  Today’s modern Democrat Party says that it is the self-avowed champion of illegal immigrants.  I contend that it has never been true, and is actually hurting illegal immigrants, the poor, women, and African-Americans and is no friend to these groups.  This is how it is doing this:

  1. Because illegal immigrants will work for lower wages, they push down the wages that employers pay to their other workers, many of whom are legal immigrants, unskilled workers and the poor.
  2. Democrat propaganda says that African-Americans are continually discriminated against so many believe that they are victims and buy into the victimhood mentality and adopt defeatist attitudes and therefore don’t even attempt to excel and achieve the “American dream” because they have been brainwashed to believe it’s useless.
  3. Many female migrants traveling north to cross the U.S.’ southern border have been sexually assaulted along their journey, so encouraging illegal immigration hurts many women.
  4. Mexican cartels use illegal immigrants crossing he U.S. border to lure Border Patrol agents to other parts of the border so that they can smuggle illegal drugs, and illegal “got-aways”  that are criminals in their countries, into the U.S. much easier, so open borders is very harmful to Americans. Democrat policy is to support open border which enables the cartels.
  5. Human trafficking is rampant through the southern border and is made possible by the cartels who charge large fees to the immigrants or have them work for them in the illegal drug trade or prostitution.  Democrat policy is support open borders which enables human trafficking.
  6. When its advocacy of a $15/hour minimum wage is made mandatory, like in Seattle, many “starter” and “beginning-wage” jobs are eliminated, thus removing the first step of career ladders that unskilled workers need to join the workforce.
  7. The Democrat policy to outlaw guns denies law-abiding women, poor, and minorities the capability to defend themselves from criminals with guns, which is especially important to them because crime is usually high in their neighborhoods.
  8. Democrat advocacy and funding of Planned Parenthood, whose clinics are mostly located in Black neighborhoods, support abortions in line with the Eugenics movement promulgated by its founder, Margaret Sanger.
  9. The Democrat Party encourages and advocates dependency on government as one of its major methods of recruiting and retaining its voter base.
  10. The Democrat Party believes that “the ends justify the means” and its Democrat Presidents consequently have done many illegal acts such as using the IRS, Justice Department and the FBI to combat its enemies (see Mark Levin’s 2021 book, American Marxism; Stephen Moore’s 2022 book, Govzilla).  This often results in their political enemies being impoverished (which was their intention), like general Michael Flynn.
  11. Democrat leadership in all cities where they govern have inner cities, mostly of minorities, that are crime-ridden, dilapidated, and impoverished.  This is a direct result of Democrat policies of Open Borders, Sanctuary Cities, easy-on-crime, banning guns, no-cash bail, high taxes, not supporting local police, rent control, etc., etc., etc..


The Democrat Party has targeted minorities, illegal immigrants, women, and the poor but their policies have actually significantly hurt them.  Once these targeted groups realize this, there should be a backlash. The mainstream media, a Democrat support group, however keeps this lie alive.



For more information…

In the old days, political candidates would tell voters what they stood for and voters would vote for those politicians whom they agreed with the most.  With the advent of polling and the use of focus groups, politicians now know in advance what voters want and most then tailor their speeches and “promises” to tell voters what they want to hear.

Politicians usually refer to this as “spin.”  Up to a point, it is spin.  But many politicians simply lie about their real intentions before they are voted into office…and go far beyond “spin.”  This is deceit and unethical but many people are easily deceived, partly because they want to believe whatever “their” politician and political party is advocating.

How does one find out which politicians are telling the truth and which ones are conning voters?  Start with being skeptical of all politicians.  Look at their record because what they’ve done in the past is the very best predictor of what they’ll do in the future.  Finally,  don’t be fooled by great and inspiring speeches.  We live in a sophisticated and complicated age where not much in politics is what it seems.  


These are some current examples of “unethical politics?” First define “unethical”.   We’ll just jump in with specific examples and you, the reader, decide whether some behavior is unethical or not.  You should be able to verify every example I cite on the Internet using the search engine DuckDuckGo.  Let’s go:

The Republican Party or GOP (Grand Old Party) is also known as “The Stupid Party.”  The Democratic Party is also known as “The Treason Party.”  Here’s why…when it comes to political strategy, for whatever reason, the Republican Party is naive, and possibly stupid.  When it comes to issues related to national defense, security, terrorism, and the economy, the Democrat Party has demonstrated that it is not only very weak, but its policies actually make things much worse.  But these are superficial labels and characterizations, so let’s go deeper and more substantive so, for the sake of time and brevity, I’ll simply cite just a few examples that I consider unethical:

-Former Vice-President Joe Biden, now President,  for numerous corrupt and illegal activities (a “Quid Pro Quo”) with Ukrainian government officials to assist his son, Hunter, to obtain millions of dollars (see Peter Schweizer’s book, Profiles in Corruption).

-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, for  political reasons, not providing for the rescue of U.S. Ambassador Chis Stevens and other Americans in Ben Ghazi on September 11, 2012. 

-Secretary Clinton for deleting 33,000 emails from her server after receiving a subpoena to provide all of her emails to a Congressional Committee.

-President Obama, for political reasons, not pushing for a “status of forces” agreement with Iraq and consequently not leaving a small contingent of American troops to protect the victory that we won there (and ISIS consequently taking over much of Iraq and Syria).

-The Democrat Party for encouraging and funding violent demonstrators at Trump rallies.

-The Democrat Party for fabricating the phony “war on women.” (read Katie Pavlich’s book, “Assault and Flattery”)

-The Democrat Party for blaming climate change on carbon emissions rather than addressing the real upcoming global cooling which is due mostly to solar flares and sunspots, specifically weak Solar Cycles 24 and 25 (read John Casey’s book, “Cold Sun,” David Archibald’s book, “Twilight of Abundance,” John Casey’s book, “Dark Winter,” and my article “Is Climate Change due mostly to the Sun and Solar Flare or is it mostly Man-Made.”).

-The Democrat Party for advocating banning guns, thus endangering the lives of millions, especially women  (see John Lott’s book, “More Guns, Less Crime,” and Dana Loesch’s book, “Hands off my Gun”).

-The Democrat Party for: 1) stealing millions of votes (see Troy E. Nehl’s 2022 book, The Big Fraud, Andrew Gumbel’s book, “Steal This Vote,” and John Fund’s book, “Who’s Counting, How Fraudsters and Bureaucrats Put Your Vote at Risk”), and for 2) its phony “voter suppression” charges as a pretext to be against Voter ID efforts and legislation that prevent voter fraud (see Ann Counter’s book, “Mugged”).

-The Democrat Party for constantly falsely claiming that the rich don’t pay their “fair share” of Federal taxes when the fact is that the top 10% of the wealthiest pay 70% of Federal income taxes.

-The Democrat Party for trying to suppress free speech (see Kirsten Powers book, “The Silencing”)

-T he Democrat Party for turning into a political-unethical organization intent on seizing and retaining power at any cost (see David Horowitz’ book, “The Shadow Party,”  Dick Morris’ book, “Power Grab,” and Mark Levin’s book, American Socialism).

-The Democrat Party for its racist history: being pro-slavery, pro Jim Crow laws, pro Klu Klux Klan for over 150 years (see Ann Coulter’s book, Mugged).

-The Democrat Party for opposing border security, and advocating extended-family chain migration, and the VISA diversity lottery, due solely on its desire for more undocumented workers who, when they become citizens, will vote almost exclusively for Democrats.

-The Democrat Party and the Hillary Clinton campaign for jointly paying $12 million to pay former British agent Christopher Stihl for having Russians create a fake dozzier on candidate Trump and then pass it on to the FBI, who used it to convince the FISA court (and keep it secret that it was funded by the DNC and the Clinton campaign) and issue a warrant to listen in on Trump campaign volunteer Carter Page and ultimately to instigate a special counsel to investigate President Trump for non-existent collusion with the Russians.

-ad infinitum.


It’s possible that any politician can become corrupted and lie through his/her teeth to the electorate.  America needs two major honest political parties.  Democrats need to do whatever needs to be done to return their Party to the honesty of one its former Democrat presidents, John F. Kennedy.  The health of the United States and all of its citizens depend on it.  It’s ultimately the responsibility of voters to keep their politicians honest by voting them out of office when they lie and deceive.  The corrupt media, however, has made it very difficult for most Americans to learn the truth about what their politicians are doing because it has taken sides, is no longer objective, and even goes so far as lying about the politicians and political Party it disagrees with.