Dominion or Animal Abuse?

The Bible says in Genesis 1:26 that God said, “…and let them (mankind) have dominion over (animals)…”  Mahatma Gandhi said, “the greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”

According to Daniel Goleman’s bestseller, Emotional Intelligence, animals with a well-developed limbic system in their brain, have emotions.  All mammals, which includes most farm animals, have limbic systems and therefore have feelings and fear, are joyful and love.  Animals also have varying degrees of intelligence, but most importantly, they feel pain and suffer.  As such, what right do people have to support their being tormented, suffering, and dying gruesome deaths?

Former “Beatle,” Paul McCartney, said “If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegetarian.”  In plain English, if people could see the horrific slaughter of animals, many would find it difficult to eat anything with a face.  I’m the son of a butcher who went with his father most mornings to a few slaughterhouses to purchase the meat we sold at his butcher shop. While there, I saw animals slaughtered, some humanely, some cruelly.  I therefore have firsthand knowledge of what happens in slaughterhouses.

You may think that farm animals are just dumb animals.  However, if that were true, how do you explain Priscilla the 3-month old pig, who in 1995 was inducted into the Texas Veterinary Medical Association’s Pet Hall of Fame for saving 11-year-old Anthony Melton from drowning by swimming to him, oinking to him to grab her harness, and then swimming with Anthony hanging on, to shore.  This story was reported in the book, Animal Miracles, and it is not unusual; it happens frequently.

In addition to slaughtering animals for food, we hunt them for sport, experiment on them causing needless suffering and pain, train them to fight each other for our amusement, do not neuter our pets to the extent that there are an estimated 100,000,000 homeless stray and feral cats alone in the U.S., most of which will eventually starve, freeze or thirst to death.  I had my own  cat shelter for ten years in Denver and “trapped, neutered, and returned” (TNR) about 100 feral and stray cats and therefore know of what I speak.

Aside from the ethical considerations in dealling with animals, too much red meat (beef, veal, lamb, pork) is bad for your health, except that meat is high in quality protein.  Chicken (loaded with antibiotics) and fish (containing PCBs and mercury) are not good routine food choices either, although both are healthier than red meat.   So what should one eat for optimal health, nutrition, and ethics?   Joel Fuhrman, M.D., author of The End of Diabetes,  says basically “beans and greens,” and all other vegetables as well and that meat should be used only for seasoning.

Many animal rights advocates are considered fanatics.  However, Abraham Lincoln, definitely not a fanatic, said “I’m in favor of animal rights as well as human rights.  That is the way of the whole human being.”

Finally, getting back to Mahatma Gandhi, if his assertion is correct that “a nation’s greatness is judged by the way its animals are treated,” is the U.S., or any nation on Earth, great?  It appears that many people in most nations have abused their dominion over animals.



for further reading…

All of his adult life Donald Trump followed important issues and donated to both Democrats and Republicans (see Trump’s book, “The America we Deserve”).  He was not ideological or partisan.  He was a super-patriot and eventually thought he could use his business acumen to turn America around, which he believed had become very weak, militarily, economically, and culturally.  After thoroughly checking with  political experts, he decided to run for the Republican presidential nominee.  Not being a polished politician, his blunt talk won over many Americans who were tired of slick-talking, do-nothing politicians.  His goal as President really was to “Make America Great Again”!  Donald Trump is “old school”.

With Republican majorities in both the House and Senate for his first two years as president, he was able to pass significant tax cuts which led to the economy doing extremely well for all of its sectors.  Many of Trump’s accomplishments resulted from his abolishing numerous counterproductive Obama regulations that had put a “wet blanket” over the economy (former GE CEO Jack Welsh’s description).  In addition, President Trump used his  negotiating skills to deal with the huge trade imbalances the U.S. had with China, Japan, Mexico, etc.  Moreover, because of his blunt talk, unpredictability, and decisiveness, adversary countries took his threats seriously and were much more accommodating to him than to previous U.S. presidents.

Everything in this article up to this point has been positive, so why did so many people have an intense hatred of President Trump?  My belief is that it’s mostly because President Trump hits back very hard when attacked.  His opponents, the Democrat Party, the Mainstream Media, Hollywood, and Academia are not used to any Republican fighting back when attacked.  Republican leadership is infamous for being timid.  Another major reason why so many hated President Trump is due to the incessant criticism Main Stream Media spouted off every hour of every day, almost all of it phony.  Finally, although President Trump really had made America great again through his numerous accomplishments, he had a few annoying personal mannerisms that turned off many people, including me (though I still admire him for how he helped the U.S.).

For additional information…

I would characterize these annoying personal mannerisms as shortcomings in emotional intelligence (see Daniel Goleman’s book, “Emotional Intelligence”).  Here’s some examples of what I mean: 1) “punching down” like calling Jeff Sessions “stupid” and Stormy Daniels “horseface”; 2) having his “child” hooked (see Thomas Harris’ book, “I’m OK, You’re OK”)  by Joe Biden during their first debate and consequently reacting emotionally instead of intelligently to other debate questions, like “Do you denounce white supremist groups…?” The best answer would have been a simple, “Yes, of course I denounce them,” instead of his confusing reply); 3) focusing his campaigning on Biden’s shortcomings, instead of what he would do if he were re-elected (including reducing annual budget deficits and total national debt); and 4) the disrespectful manner in which he criticized Joe Biden personally.  These shortcomings (as well as unprecedented massive election fraud by the Democrat Party) helped cause President Trump to lose re-election despite all of his outstanding accomplishments for America.

President Trump had turned around so many failing national endeavors and every single day made even more progress for America.  If he had been re-elected and continued at his “Trump Speed,” I believe he would have become our greatest president.  If he runs and wins in the 2024 Presidential election, I believe he will become our greatest President.