For the past 75 years the Democrat Party has promoted itself as helping the poor, African-Americans, women, and the “little guy.”  Today’s modern Democrat Party says that it is the self-avowed champion of illegal immigrants.  I contend that it has never been true, and is actually hurting illegal immigrants, the poor, women, and African-Americans and is no friend to these groups.  This is how it is doing this:

  1. Because illegal immigrants will work for lower wages, they push down the wages that employers pay to their other workers, many of whom are legal immigrants, unskilled workers and the poor.
  2. Democrat propaganda says that African-Americans are continually discriminated against so many believe that they are victims and buy into the victimhood mentality and adopt defeatist attitudes and therefore don’t even attempt to excel and achieve the “American dream” because they have been brainwashed to believe it’s useless.
  3. Many female migrants traveling north to cross the U.S.’ southern border have been sexually assaulted along their journey, so encouraging illegal immigration hurts many women.
  4. Mexican cartels use illegal immigrants crossing he U.S. border to lure Border Patrol agents to other parts of the border so that they can smuggle illegal drugs, and illegal “got-aways”  that are criminals in their countries, into the U.S. much easier, so open borders is very harmful to Americans. Democrat policy is to support open border which enables the cartels.
  5. Human trafficking is rampant through the southern border and is made possible by the cartels who charge large fees to the immigrants or have them work for them in the illegal drug trade or prostitution.  Democrat policy is support open borders which enables human trafficking.
  6. When its advocacy of a $15/hour minimum wage is made mandatory, like in Seattle, many “starter” and “beginning-wage” jobs are eliminated, thus removing the first step of career ladders that unskilled workers need to join the workforce.
  7. The Democrat policy to outlaw guns denies law-abiding women, poor, and minorities the capability to defend themselves from criminals with guns, which is especially important to them because crime is usually high in their neighborhoods.
  8. Democrat advocacy and funding of Planned Parenthood, whose clinics are mostly located in Black neighborhoods, support abortions in line with the Eugenics movement promulgated by its founder, Margaret Sanger.
  9. The Democrat Party encourages and advocates dependency on government as one of its major methods of recruiting and retaining its voter base.
  10. The Democrat Party believes that “the ends justify the means” and its Democrat Presidents consequently have done many illegal acts such as using the IRS, Justice Department and the FBI to combat its enemies (see Mark Levin’s 2021 book, American Marxism; Stephen Moore’s 2022 book, Govzilla).  This often results in their political enemies being impoverished (which was their intention), like general Michael Flynn.
  11. Democrat leadership in all cities where they govern have inner cities, mostly of minorities, that are crime-ridden, dilapidated, and impoverished.  This is a direct result of Democrat policies of Open Borders, Sanctuary Cities, easy-on-crime, banning guns, no-cash bail, high taxes, not supporting local police, rent control, etc., etc., etc..


The Democrat Party has targeted minorities, illegal immigrants, women, and the poor but their policies have actually significantly hurt them.  Once these targeted groups realize this, there should be a backlash. The mainstream media, a Democrat support group, however keeps this lie alive.


A very small percentage of the population say they prefer being the opposite sex.  If an adult wants this and is able to pay the costs for doing it, so be it.  However, there are some children who think they really should be the opposite sex and their parents and/or teachers agree and want to support the child in this endeavor.  I believe that this is a very bad idea simply because, up until puberty (about 13-years old), children are almost gender-neutral.  They become a man or woman when their sex hormones rev up at puberty.  Up until then, plus a few more years for mental maturity (18-21 years old), children do not have the experience to know what they want. I worked with a total of about 500 boys as a Scout leader for 7 years and then as a camp counselor five years and therefore I know something about children.

Most of those who undergo transgender surgery eventually return to their biological gender, often with missing parts of their anatomy and lifelong regret. So what’s behind today’s push to Transgenderism?  Specifically, why do some politicians, school administrators, and children’s hospitals, as well as many others actually encourage it?  So who are the culprits behind knowingly destroying children’s lives through pre-maturely advocating sex-change surgeries?

Absent hard evidence, which of course there will never be in this matter, all I can do is speculate.  My conjecture, however, is seasoned with over 60 years of following politics, reading, watching, listening, voting for both major political parties as well as listening to subject-matter experts: children’s hospitals, some surgeons, physicians and pharmaceutical companies have a vested financial interest in Transgender hormone treatments and surgeries.  Childhood sex-change is currently a multi-billion dollar industry and projected to grow rapidly.  Please note, however, that many public school administrators, counselors and teachers are true believers in this insanity.

Finally, it is my firm belief is that the political Left has helped create another niche group and is cultivating it in order to have it vote for its political candidates.  The Democrat Party of the past would not do such a thing knowing some of its negative consequences.  However, today’s Democrat Party is controlled by the woke far-left, which has very different values than classic liberals that believed in free speech, civil rights for all,  was anti-war, etc.

Legislation is needed to prohibit childhood sex-change surgery.



Wherever you stand on the abortion issue, partial-birth abortion is probably abhorrent to you, because after 6 months in the womb, there is no question that a fetus looks like and is a baby.  A baby not yet born does not have the protection of the law, however, this is only a technicality…it’s a baby!  If you don’t think so, look at a Sonogram of a baby in the womb and watch the little one move around with his/her heart beating, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy!

My knowledge concerning partial-birth abortion began with Robert Bork’s book, Slouching Towards Gomorrah.  One of the chapters in Bork’s book discusses partial-birth abortion and includes a gruesome description of the procedure.  This sounds like a straightforward issue so why the controversy and the politicization and why is it still legal in many States to abort a baby during the third trimester of pregnancy, especially since there are many couples waiting to adopt infants?  At the very least, partial-birth abortion is infanticide.

Over 61 million babies have been aborted in the U.S. since Roe vs. Wade was decided by the Supreme Court in 1973; over 1.5 billion babies were aborted worldwide since 1980…some of these were partial-birth abortions.  When Judge Bret Kavanaugh was confirmed by the Senate to sit on the Supreme Court, taking Justice Anthony Kennedy’s seat, the political left attempted to make the case that Justice Kavanaugh would try to overturn the Supreme Court’s abortion decision of 1973, Roe vs. Wade, although Kavanaugh referred to that decision as “settled law.”  However, once the Court became comfortably conservative, Roe vs. Wade was overturned via the “Dobbs” decision, which simply left the issue with each State.  Therefore, a ban on late-term or partial-birth abortions is still needed in many States.

The Democrat Party successfully attracts women to be part of its base using the abortion issue, which accounts for the gender gap between male and single female voters.  However, I believe that partial-birth abortion is detested by majorities of both genders and by majorities in both major political parties although it’s being used politically, but only if there are exceptions for rape, incest, and the life-of-the-mother.  The first four to six months of a pregnancy should be enough time for anyone to decide whether or not to abort a pregnancy, thereby rendering partial-birth abortions unnecessary. It’s time to end this horrific practice and forbid abortions after 16-20 weeks or so of pregnancy. Although it’s not everything that everyone wants, for now “half-a-loaf is better than nothing.”


NY City Tammany Hall leader “Boss” Tweed, 1860’s-70’s

Although I’m slightly more conservative than liberal, I try to be even-handed in my writing.  However, the Left has become so radical, and even criminal at times, I think an article that is not even-handed is in order and appropriate. The following is a brief summary of what I believe has and is happening to adversely affect U.S. politics:

1. President Biden used to be a moderate Democrat for most of his political career, but he has governed  as a far-left radical after becoming President of the United States.  His policies are difficult to understand and appear to all be geared to hurting Americans and the U.S.  Examples of this include his dismantling of the myriad of immigration and border policies that kept the number of illegal immigrants entering the U.S. very low; putting America in huge debt by wasting trillions of dollars in allegedly helping Americans get over the pandemic; dividing America along racial lines by supporting and funding Critical Race Theory; weakening our military by not providing it with enough funds to even keep up with inflation; by removing economic sanctions from our adversaries such as Iran, China, and Russia.

2. Mainstream Media has become so dishonest that absolutely nothing it says about former President Trump can be believed .  It is guilty of “bias by omission” since it reports next to nothing that makes former President Trump look good or President Biden look bad.

3. Democrat Party leaders refuse to debate issues, but instead make “ad hominem” (personal) attacks against Republicans.  The reason for this is that their policies are absurd to the extent that they cannot be successfully defended from arguments against them.

4. Former President Trump is attacking Governor DeSantis, often unfairly. Trump can be mean at times and consequently will probably  lose the Republican nomination if he continues, because many do not like it.  He really needs to be more careful with his speech and never mimic the Far-Left’s tactics.

5. Far-left Democrats should commend President Obama because he did their bidding by trying his very best to drastically weaken our military, economic system, and Healthcare in order to further his Socialist agenda and that of the Democrat Party (by furthering policies that would create a large permanent poverty class dependent on the government for basic subsidence).  His political party is allowing large numbers of illegal aliens into the U.S. since most will eventually vote Democrat, and Obama doubled the National debt (from $10 trillion to $20 trillion), coming close to bankrupting the country (and President Biden is finishing the job).

6. The Democrat Party, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden destroyed healthcare insurance for millions of Americans; only those receiving free medical insurance did well under Obamacare.

7. The far-left shouts down conservative speakers on college campuses, as well as destroys property in its demonstrations, thus demonstrating it does not believe in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution on freedom of speech and also cannot debate anyone that disagrees with them.

8.  Many Democrat leaders, such as Democrat Congresswoman, Maxine Waters, and House of Representatives  Democrat “Squad,” have advocated violence while the Main-Stream Media falsely accuse President Trump of instigating violence (I taped Trump’s January 6 speech…to “peacefully protest”).

9. Some Republican leaders are timid and cannot competently argue conservative policy positions though those positions are usually far better than liberal positions.  Were it not for Fox News and Newsmax cable TV stations, talk radio, President Trump, Governor DeSantis, Ted Cruz, Tim Scott, Rand Paul, Jim Jorden, etc., the Republican Party would be in terrible shape.  In other words, as ridiculous as most liberal positions are, the timidity of some Republican leaders, like Mitch McConnell, really hurts the adoption of conservative policy positions.

10. I believe that the far-left wing of the Democrat Party is shaping and mentally preparing its followers to hate Republicans and take over the Federal government.  We need to expose this criminality whenever we find evidence that it is happening, but cautiously, because the FBI has been weaponized and is looking for any excuse to lock us up.

11, 12, 13, etc.

In conclusion, if and when Democrat Party loyalists see what has happened to their Party and punish it by not supporting it (voting for it) until it changes, the Party should then clean itself up and consequently become more competitive and win many more elections.  If that never happens, God help the United States, because we will no longer be a Constitutional Republic but a third-world style dictatorship.  Let everything be peaceful as we go through this political turmoil.


With the Democrat Party moving very far left to the extent that it can now be accurately called the socialist party, why are half of voters still Democrats?  That’s what we’ll examine here.

The Democrat Party’s history goes way back to Andrew Jackson.  President Jackson was a populist and championed the working class, though he did force the Seminole Indians in Florida to move to Oklahoma, far from their Tribal lands, with many dying along the way, thus the name, “Trail of Tears.”  After its Confederacy lost the Civil War,  the Democrat Party supported the Klu Klux Klan and then the “Jim Crow” laws that kept African-Americans subjugated.

Aside from its checkered past, the Party successfully fought to have itself branded as being a champion for the poor, minorities, and the working class.  If this were ever true in the past, it’s certainly no longer true today.  Today’s Democrat Party is not your father’s Democrat Party.  Therefore, I ask the question, “why do about half of Americans still vote Democrat?”  Here’s why…

-President John F. Kennedy was the most prominent Democrat in the past and many voters still think of the Democrat Party as being the Party of JFK (though it has moved far to the left from where JFK stood on issues).

-The mainstream media (New York Times, Washington Post, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, etc.) are propagandists for the Democrat Party.  Over 90% of their reporting on President Trump was negative and much of it was actually fabricated, reporting on the insignificant “palace intrigue” rather than on Trump’s substantive accomplishments with the economy, jobs, minority employment, etc.  Stories that made liberals look bad were usually not reported.

-Most of Hollywood is a major propagandist for the Democrat Party, using its fame with the public to sway voters.

-Most Universities and colleges are propagandists for the Democrat Party.  Professors deliberately mis-state  the Conservative side of issues and also attribute nefarious motives to Republicans and Conservatives.

-Silicon Valley uses its vast power to suppress conservative ideas on the Internet but airs liberal and far-left ideas.

-Most Republican politicians, with the exception of former President Trump, governor Ron DeSantis, and a few others, generally do not fight back against the constant onslaught of criticism and phony allegations from their Democrat opponents and the mainstream Media.  Therefore, voters hear mostly just one side criticizing the other and never even hear both sides of issues.

-There is a significant amount of voter fraud, as documented by various credible sources such as the Pew Research Center.  Almost all of the fraud is for Democrat political candidates and explains why Democrat National Committee policy is against any form of photo ID being required to vote, using the pretext that it’s voter suppression.  Voter ID makes voter fraud much more difficult.

-Many voters do not closely follow national issues.  They repeat what they hear on the Left’s propaganda mainstream media (MSM) machine, but they don’t know both sides of the issues.  Therefore, followers of MSM are usually Democrats, thus the war by the Left against Fox News, which is not part of the MSM.  Even simply hearing the conservative or Republican side would change the minds of many voters.

-Most Democrat issues are phony issues, created to persuade voters to vote Democrat.  These include the non-existent “War on Women”, the Left’s attempt to take protective guns away from law-abiding citizens through its “War on Guns”,  blaming climate change mostly on people rather than mostly on the sun and solar flares, calling everyone a racist who does not agree with their position on issues, the Left’s war on the police, the military, and ICE, etc., etc., etc.


I’ve been following politics since the 1960 TV debates between John Kennedy and Richard Nixon.  Back then, both political parties were relatively honest in advocating their views.  It’s much different today.  Other than being against every policy that the Republican Party supports, what policies do President Biden and the Democrat Party stand for?   From his Presidential Executive Orders and Actions, Biden is for abolishing ICE, not finishing constructing the border wall, giving all illegal aliens amnesty, a weak military, free college, Obamacare, and Sanctuary cities among other things.  The Democrat Party-controlled Congress has passed a $1.9 trillion covid-19 relief package that contains only 9% covid relief, proposed a $2.2 trillion infrastructure package with less than 25% of it to be spent on infrastructure, and is has proposed a voting “reform” bill that is so corrupt it would ensure that there could never be another Republican president.  It does this be removing all safeguards to election integrity. Good-bye to the Republic, hello to George Orwell’s “1984.”  God help us!



Everyone knows that the Democrat Party is the liberal (or Progressive) party and the Republican Party is the conservative party.  But is this true?  I don’t think so.  Here’s why:  the Democrat and Republican parties stake out positions on many issues, most of which are neither liberal nor conservative.  It is much more accurate to characterize their positions as being either Democrat or Republican positions rather than liberal or conservative.


For example,  is the $29 trillion U.S. National Debt liberal or conservative? Of course, it’s neither!  How about Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid?  Once again, a safety net for the elderly and the poor is neither liberal nor conservative.  I could continue on but I believe I made my point.  However, I can successfully argue that a strong military is favored by the Republican Party and a weak military is favored by the Democrat Party.  In addition, non-enforcement of our immigration laws is a tenet of the Democrat Party and strict enforcement is a tenet of the Republican Party.  Once again, these are not liberal or conservative positions but are simply political party preferences.  Another example, Sanctuary Cities are favored by the Democrat Party but are not favored by the Republican Party.  Another, man-made climate change is a Democrat idea, whereas Sun-caused (Solar-Flares, Sun Spots, Weak Solar Cycles 25, 26) climate change is a Republican idea.  Abortion is supported by Democrats, anti-abortion by Republicans.  None of these positions have anything to do with liberalism or conservatism so why muddy the waters?  Call them what there are: positions taken by either the Democrat Party or the Republican Party.


I think the language that is thrown around against both liberals and conservatives is sloppy, irresponsible and misleading and it needs to stop because it confuses voters.  Voters need to know what each political party stands for with much more precision and clarity so that they know exactly what policies they are supporting.  Calling voters names is what some people do when they can’t make intelligent, logical, and cogent arguments to support their positions.  I can’t find much to suggest that the Democrat Party is Liberal or Progressive, and that the Republican Party is Conservative so let’s call political party positions Democrat positions or Republican positions and drop the liberal and conservative labels. They are misleading.



Who can be against a livable wage and why would they possibly be against it?  That’s what this post is about.

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) previously reported that if the minimum wage were to be increased to $10.10 nationwide, or a 40% increase, about 500,000 to 1,000,000 million minimum-wage employees, from a pool of 16,500,000 minimum wage employees, would lose their jobs because employers could not pay it and remain in small business.  However, if the new proposed minimum wage jumped to $15/hour, the effects of such a raise is estimated as being the loss of about one and a half million jobs.

So why do it?  The main argument is that it’s not a “living wage,” that no one can live on and raise a family on that wage.  Sounds like a reasonable justification but, of course, we need to look at other sides of the argument before reaching sound conclusions.  I already cited one of the primary reasons why government should not mandate raising the minimum wage too high…the loss of about 1,500,000 minimum-wage jobs; however, another significant reason is that it would almost shut down the first step on career ladders for unskilled workers…to the extent that they couldn’t even get that first job, get their foot in the door…because their work would not be worth $15/hour.  Many small businesses, like restaurants, are very sensitive to the minimum wage and when government mandates that wage to be increased substantially, restaurant prices increase substantially, which hurts the business and makes it fail (so the end result may also be the elimination of jobs).  Finally, it’s far more accurate to call the “minimum wage” the “starting wage,” because that’s exactly what it is for most people.

It appears that labor union leadership and consequently the Democrat Party is the only beneficiary of government mandating dramatic minimum wage increases with everyone else being harmed; therefore, gradual increases in the minimum wage may be able to satisfy genuine concerns of the minimum wage argument.

The best way to raise everyone’s wages the most is to create a booming economy like they did in North Dakota, for example,  where $15/hour was the starting wage in fast food restaurants because of the huge competition for employees that North Dakota’s great economy had fostered.  Former President Trump did precisely that with the U.S. economy, which resulted of a 3.4% increase in workers’ wages.  The government did not have to mandate minimum wages…they occurred naturally.